
  • 网络taiwan hakka;Hakka Taiwan
  1. 摘要台湾客家三脚采茶戏重要特色之一是「棚头」,且「棚头」在三脚采茶戏演出中,其存在与价值无庸置疑。

    The Taiwan Hakka three-character tea-picking drama one of important characteristics are " the awning head ", also " the awning head " picks the tea-picking in three-character to perform , its existence and the value need doubt .

  2. 本文试图简要分析客家文化对台湾客家人政治行为的影响。

    This paper tries to conduct a brief analysis on the influence of the Hakka culture in Taiwan on the major political behavior .

  3. 1999年,政府决定在南台湾客家人居住区兴建大型水库。

    In 1999 in Southern Taiwan , the government planned to build a huge dam in an area inhabited mainly by the Hakka population .

  4. 闽西与台湾客家民间信仰的传承及变异主要分布在粤东、赣南、闽西南、台湾地区及国外华裔客家人中间。

    Inheritance and Variation of Folk Religions in Hakka Areas of West Fujian and Taiwan It is popular in eastern Guangdong , southern Jiangxi , southwest Fujian , Taiwan and among overseas Chinese .

  5. 丘逢甲&台湾近代客家文学之祖

    Qiu Fengjia : The Originator of Modern Taiwan Hakka Literature

  6. 弘扬本土文化恢复客家尊严&谈台湾的客家文学

    On Taiwan 's Hakka Literature

  7. 移民来台湾之后,客家人依靠种茶辛苦度日。

    After immigrating to Taiwan , Hakka people eked out a living by cultivating tea .

  8. 闽西上杭客家族谱馆将赴台湾巡展上杭客家族谱馆收藏的族谱以本县为主,涉及闽粤赣三省及海内外客家地区。

    The clan genealogies collected by Shanghang Hakka Genealogy Museum are mainly those from the local county , involving the three provinces of Fujian , Guangdong and Jiangxi as well as the Hakka regions both in China and abroad .