
tái lì
  • desk calendar;deks calendar
台历 [tái lì]
  • [desk calendar] 放在桌几上的日历

台历[tái lì]
  1. 应用于空调设备、暖气设备、电子体温计、液位传感、汽车电子、电子台历。基于相位检测的SAW传感器变送电路设计

    It is used to air condition , central heating , clinical thermometer , auto-electron , electronic calender . A surface acoustic wave sensor measurement system based on phase detection

  2. 本设计是一款基于STC单片机与CPLD控制的多功能电子台历。

    This paper introduces a multi-functional E-calendar based on the STC MCU and the CPLD control .

  3. 由SharadHaksar设计的台历,看起来就像真的相机镜头。

    Desktop calendar by Sharad Haksar looks like a real camera lens .

  4. 当然,有一点所有的台历都是一样的。

    Of course , in one way all calendars are the same .

  5. 是一本台历,上面列出了所有的社区活动。

    It 's a calendar with all the community events on it .

  6. 他对上帝、真爱以及人生意义的思考时常出现在贺卡和台历上。

    His musings on God , love and the meaning of life grace our greeting cards and day-timers .

  7. 和台历类似,上面也记满了各种重要的信息,和一些个人物品。

    Similar to the calendar , it holds important pieces of information , as well as a few personal items .

  8. 经营范围包括纸箱、彩盒、画册、说明书、海报、挂历、台历、礼品盒等。

    Business scope includes carton , box , pictures , brochures , posters , calendars , desk calendar , gift boxes .

  9. 台历上注满了各种重要的日期,包括考试,作业的截止,以及生活中的重要日子。

    The calendar is full of important dates-tests , deadlines , and of course , the rare days off from school .

  10. 大凡坐办公室的人,都喜欢在办公桌上放置一个台历,我就是这样的人当中的一个。

    Almost all people who take office , have liked to place a desk calendar , I was one among such people .

  11. 除非你的台历想拿出坐直升机的钱不然你就得等道路开放

    So unless your network wants to stump up the money for the helicopter , we 'll have to wait till they clear the passes .

  12. 同时开发专版挂历、台历、笔记本、贺卡四项产品作为各大国内企业及外资企业的年末宣传展示。

    It also develops four products of exclusive calendar , desk calendar , notebook and greeting card for the year-end promotion of large companies at home and abroad .

  13. 日历可提供工作组事件(包括会议、社会活动和全天事件)的与台历或挂历类似的可视视图。

    A calendar provides visual views , similar to a desk or wall calendar , of your team events , including meetings , social events , and all-day events .

  14. 桌面上理的很整齐,放着笔盒,台历,和分好类的各种教科书。每件东西,包括书桌在内,都摆得整整齐齐。

    The desktop is fairly organized , consisting of a pencil holder , desk calendar , and assorted textbooks . Everything was in apple pie order , including the desk .

  15. 多用组合式笔墨台,由主盒体及与其相连的墨盒、笔架、台历架等构成。

    The utility model discloses a multipurpose combined type pen and ink stand , comprising a main box body , an ink box , a brush rack , and a desk calendar rack ;

  16. 月历挂历台历记事本是各企业、奇迹单元推广本身扩展着名度、建立自体态象的最好要领之一,也是送礼佳品的一个好选择。

    Calendar Calendar Calendar Notepad is that enterprises and institutions to promote their expanded awareness , the best way to establish their own image , is one gift to share a good choice .

  17. 扑克牌、请柬、商标、台历、名片、图书封面及各种纸制品裁切圆角之用,因此可供各类印刷厂使用。

    This machine applies to ; cards , invitation cards , trademarks , calendar , business cards , book covers and all kinds of paper products used fillet cut , so for the use of various types of printing .

  18. 这可能是来自供应商的一个台历,也可能是你写字的免费水笔,你喝咖啡用的杯子,一个有着企业标识的日记本,甚或是你在自己的电脑上使用的U盘。

    Perhaps it 's a desk calendar from a supplier . It might be the freebie pen you 're writing with , the mug you 're drinking coffee from , a logo-embossed diary or even the USB memory stick you use on your computer .