
kě xínɡ xìnɡ yán jiū
  • feasibility study
  1. 中国与蒙古官员周四在乌兰巴托宣布,两国将于下月就自由贸易区问题正式发起一项可行性研究。

    Chinese and Mongolian officials announced in Ulan Bator on Thursday that the two countries have agreed to officially launch a joint feasibility study on a free trade area ( FTA ) next month .

  2. 第五十二条建设项目可行性研究论证时,土地行政主管部门可以根据土地利用总体规划、土地利用年度计划和建设用地标准,对建设用地有关事项进行审查,并提出意见。

    Article 52 In the process of the feasibility study for construction projects , land administrative departments may examine the related matters concerning the land for construction purposes and put forward their proposals according to the general plans for the utilization of land , the annual plan for the use of land and standards for land used for construction purposes .

  3. 慢速CT扫描用于肺肿瘤三维适形放疗的可行性研究

    A feasibility study of slow CT scan technique using in three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy for lung tumor

  4. 矿井通风系统BP网络评价法的可行性研究

    Feasibility of mine ventilation system BP network evaluation method

  5. 对CCD获得的液滴图像进行图像处理获得液滴轮廓来识别液体的方法进行了可行性研究。

    A study on the feasibility to distinguishing the liquids on the image processing has been carried .

  6. 二维MT快速曲线对比反演方法的可行性研究

    A feasibility study of rapid two-dimensional MT curve comparison inversion

  7. 大学低年级开设ESP课程的可行性研究

    The Feasibility and Measures on the Implementing of ESP Course in the Lower Grades in Colleges

  8. 混沌序列用于DS-CDMA可行性研究

    Feasibility Study of the DS - CDMA System Using Chaotic Sequence

  9. 倒闸操作全面安全管理(TSC)可行性研究

    The Study on the Total Safety Control Feasibility of Switching Operation

  10. 宝来A4轿车座椅项目可行性研究

    The Feasibility Study for Bora A4 Seat Project

  11. 纳米钙钛矿型Ca(1-x)BixMnO(3-δ)的合成及其作为可充碱性电池阴极材料的可行性研究

    Preparation of Nanophase Perovskite-type Ca_ ( 1-x ) Bi_xMnO_ ( 3 - δ) and Its Feasibility as a Cathode Material in Alkaline Secondary Batteries

  12. 目的:应用模拟定位X线机及数字减影工作站(DSA)行冠状动脉造影的可行性研究,提高冠心病诊断水平,为冠状动脉搭桥及经皮冠状动脉成形术提供可靠的依据。

    Objective : To study the feasibility and diagnostic value of coronary angiography by analog X ray localizer and digital subtraction angiography .

  13. 男排后排进攻的新打法&中国男排W型立体战术进攻体系的可行性研究

    A New Manoeuvre of Backline Offence for Men Volleyball Team-Study of the Feasibility of the System of W Formation 3D Offensive Tactics for Chinese Men Volleyball Team

  14. 用DEXA技术测量体成分及可行性研究

    The Study of Body Component Measurement with DEXA Technique and Its Feasibility

  15. 本文用弹性预测法,解决了在公路建设项目可行性研究中,如何确定社会经济发展同公路运输需求的关系问题,并编制了BASIC程序,使计算机工作简便、顺捷。

    This paper shows how to apply the elastic forecast method to solve the problem of relationship between social economic growth and highway transportation demand in highway project feasibility study , and compiles a program in BASIC language in order to calculate easily .

  16. 1000m跑成绩预测哈佛指数的可行性研究

    Research on the Feasibility of Predicting Harvard Index according to the Result of 1000 m Running

  17. 用双层PRB技术处理垃圾填埋场地下水污染的可行性研究

    The feasibility study of using double layer PRB technology in remediation of groundwater pollution in landfill site

  18. 以福建省南安至官桥公路工程可行性研究报告中国民经济评价数据为例,探讨了Excel链接工作簿功能和函数计算功能在国民经济评价中的应用。

    Taking national economy appraisal data of Nan'an ~ GuanQiao road project in feasibility research report as example , the books connection and calculation function of Excel in national economy appraisal are discussed .

  19. 目的:睾丸酮(T)/乳酸-乙醇酸共聚物(PLGA)微球60Co辐照灭菌可行性研究。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate the possibility to sterilize testosterone ( T ) / poly ( DL-lactide-co-glycolide )( PLGA ) microspheres with 60 Co irradiation .

  20. 作为抗肿瘤药物靶向载体LDE的可行性研究

    Potential uses of LDE as a targeted delivery carrier of anti-tumor drugs

  21. 高寒地区110kV城网中提高导线允许温度的可行性研究

    Feasibility study of 110 kV urban network on increasing conductor allowable temperature in alpine-cold region

  22. 水运工程可行性研究评审专家系统FRES

    The FRES System of Expert for Examining and Approving the Feasibility Study of Maritime Engineering

  23. 200MW机组锅炉制粉系统掺混热炉烟技术改造可行性研究

    Feasibility study on the hot flue gas mixture in coal pulverizing system of 200 MW boiler

  24. 间接判定运动员滥用人生长激素的指标的可行性研究.Ⅱ.优秀运动员安静时血清GH、IGF-Ⅰ水平的分析

    Washout Study for Selection of Indirect and Potential Markers in Detection of Exogenous Growth Hormone Abuse in Athletes ⅱ : A Study on the Serum Levels of hGH and IGF - ⅰ in the Elite Athletes

  25. WCF-62钢制造矿用自卸车车架的焊接可行性研究

    Research on welding feasibility of frame made of WCF-62 steels in the mining auto-unload vehicle

  26. 成都垃圾焚烧发电项目是成都市政府近期拟上马的公共基础设施项目,前期已做了一些可行性研究工作,准备采用国际上通用的BOT建设方式。

    Chengdu refuse incinerating power generation project is an infrastructure to be constructed by the municipal government in the very near future . Some feasibility studies have been conducted in earlier stages , and the internationally common mode of BOT is to be adopted .

  27. 根据系统要求对硬件设计方案及通信协议进行了可行性研究。功能上具有点对点的话音通信,还增加了GPRS分组数据通信功能,同时具有语音组呼、语音群呼、多优先级抢占功能;

    According to the requirements of the system design and communications hardware agreement carried out a feasibility study , functional point of the voice communications , it has added a GPRS data communications functions , while a voice group calls , voice Group Call , multi-level priority control functions ;

  28. BCES系统由投标资格评判、投标可行性研究、多个项目的投标选择、工程成本估算、投标报价与策略、系统的维护共6个子系统组成。

    BCES system consists of six subsystems : bid qualification judgement , bid feasibility study , bid project selecting , engineering cost estimation , bid price quotation and tactics and the system maintenance .

  29. 当事人中心疗法本土化之可行性研究

    Feasible Studies of the Transplantation of the Client-centered Therapy to China

  30. 全国大学生排球联赛的可行性研究

    A Research on the Feasibility of China University Volleyball League Match