
  • 网络Possible;may occur;may happen;in the wind
  1. 警方及时采取防范措施,避免了可能发生的骚乱。

    The police were able to take preventive action and avoid a possible riot .

  2. 我们必须考虑一切可能发生的事。

    We must consider all possible contingencies .

  3. 要欣赏这部电影就得暂且相信那甚至不可能发生的事。

    To enjoy the movie you have to suspend your disbelief .

  4. 对于可能发生的事她只有一个模糊的概念。

    She had only a vague notion of what might happen .

  5. 确有可能发生战争。

    There is a real threat of war .

  6. 这篇文章的依据是对未来可能发生什么事情的猜测。

    The article is based on guesses about what might happen in the future .

  7. 任何地方都可能发生事故。

    An accident can happen anywhere .

  8. 某些卡车的油箱在碰撞时可能发生爆裂并起火。

    Certain truck gasoline tanks can rupture and burn in a collision

  9. 暂时还看不出政治面貌有可能发生巨变。

    A major change of political climate is not in prospect .

  10. 这种情况很难预测,什么事都有可能发生。

    This is such an unforeseeable situation that anything could happen .

  11. 首都到处流传着可能发生游行示威的流言。

    The capital is buzzing with rumours of possible demonstrations .

  12. 我一想到可能发生的事就满心欢喜。

    I go all tingly when I think of what might happen .

  13. 核灾难在20世纪50年代似乎真的非常可能发生。

    A nuclear holocaust seemed a very real possibility in the ' 50s .

  14. 为防御可能发生的空袭,该城市正在建防空洞。

    The city 's bomb shelters were being prepared for possible air raids .

  15. 他清楚他在期盼一件不可能发生的事。

    He knows he 's wishing for the impossible

  16. 从汽油耗尽到用水紧缺,所有可能发生的事情都考虑到了。

    Every eventuality is covered , from running out of petrol to needing water .

  17. 那一刻,什么事都可能发生。

    At that point , anything could happen

  18. 众所周知,那不仅可能发生,而且是很可能发生。

    That , as we all know , is not only a possibility but a likelihood .

  19. 我想:“这不可能发生,肯定是谁在开玩笑。”

    I thought : ' This cannot be happening , somebody must be playing a joke ' .

  20. 最近的事件应该会让每个人在预测某处不可能发生什么事时变得谨慎起来,不论是好事还是坏事。

    Recent events should make everyone modest about saying what cannot happen there , for good or ill .

  21. 几乎什么事情都可能发生,我们要赶去那里进行现场抓拍。

    Just about anything could happen and we 'll be there to catch it on camera when it does .

  22. 作为国际汽车大奖赛的车手,随时都有可能发生事故。

    As a Grand Prix driver , you have the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head at every moment .

  23. 我隐约感到这事可能发生。

    I had a kind of feeling this might happen .

  24. 接下来的经济革命很有可能发生在医疗和教育方面。

    The next economic revolution is likely to come in healthcare and education .

  25. 如果两国的目标冲突,就可能发生战争。

    If the aims of two countries collide , there may be war .

  26. 它可能发生,另一方面也可能不发生。

    It might happen and again it might not .

  27. 虽然管理者不能预见未来,但是他们要做的很多决策需要他们考虑将来可能发生的情况。

    Although managers cannot predict the future , many of their decisions require that they consider possible future events .

  28. 虽然对碳排放造成损害的预测各有差异,而且的确也难以预测可能发生的灾难性气候事件造成的可能代价,但是大多数预测都显示出众多负面影响。

    While   alternative   estimates   of   the   damage   from   carbon   emissions differ ,   and   it 's   especially   hard   to   reckon   the   likely   costs   of   possible   catastrophic   climate   events ,   most   estimates   suggest   substantial   negative   effects .

  29. 它看起来像自然界中可能发生的事情吗?

    Does it look like something that might occur in nature ?

  30. 其他皮肤癌也越来越有可能发生。

    Other skin cancers are increasingly likely with long-term exposure .