
  • 网络Alternative energy sources;renewable energy
  1. 她现在能成为沃尔顿家族最富有的人,要感谢丈夫约翰早年押宝的可替代能源公司FirstSolar。

    She is the richest of the Waltons thanks to John 's early bet on alternative energy firm First Solar .

  2. 买家是瑞典国家电动车公司(NationalElectricVehicleSweden),其所有者为总部设在香港的可替代能源集团国家现代能源控股公司(NationalModernEnergyHoldings)和日本投资公司SunInvestment。

    The buyer is National Electric Vehicle Sweden , owned by Hong Kong-based alternative energy group National Modern Energy and Japanese investment firm Sun Investment .

  3. 我们使用可替代能源。

    We use energy from alternative sources .

  4. 通用汽车(GM)计划在中国建立一个可替代能源汽车的研发中心。这一最新迹象表明,中国被视为新一代汽车的关键战场。

    General Motors is to build a research centre in China for alternative energy vehicles , the latest sign that China is seen as a vital battleground for a new generation of cars .

  5. 在试图抑制经济衰退和启动早该进行的美国经济再平衡方面,奥巴马(obama)政府采取了正确行动侧重基础设施、可替代能源技术和人力资本投资。

    By focusing on investments in infrastructure , alternative energy technologies and human capital , the Obama administration is correct in attempting to contain the recession and initiate a long overdue rebalancing of the US economy .

  6. 固体氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)具有高能量转化效率、零污染、零噪声等优点,因此是一种十分理想的可替代能源。

    SOFC have the advantages of high energy conversion , zero pollution and zero noise , and is a kind of perfect alternative energy .

  7. 生产低功率发光二极管(led)灯泡的普瑞光电,是近些年硅谷创建的一批专注于可替代能源、新型蓄能和节能以及电动车等“绿色”科技的企业之一。

    A manufacturer of light bulbs that use low-power light-emitting diodes , it is part of a wave of companies formed in Silicon Valley in recent years specialising in " green " technologies such as alternative energy , new forms of energy storage and conservation , and electric vehicles .

  8. 低价的可替代能源和巨大的前期成本(更不必说最近的福岛(Fukushima)核事故暴露出的对公众健康的危害),使得近年来核能的推广举步维艰。

    The low prices of alternative energy sources and significant upfront costs not to mention the public health hazards most recently illustrated by the Fukushima incident have made nuclear power a tough sell in recent years .

  9. 从可替代能源看天然气价格

    Research on Price of Natural Gas via Alternative Energy Sources

  10. 乙醇并不是最好的可替代能源的原材料。

    Ethanol is not a perfect source for alternative energy .

  11. 中国21世纪可替代能源和可再生能源

    Alternative and renewable energies of China in the 21st century

  12. 寻找新型可替代能源,已成为这些年来能源战略的重点。

    Search for new alternative energy is become the key of energy strategy .

  13. 西北干旱区可替代能源开发技术评述

    Comment on the Alternative Energy Development Technology in Northwest Arid Area of China

  14. 甲醇燃料&最具竞争力的可替代能源

    Methanol Fuel : the Most Competitive Alternative Energy

  15. 面对能源危机,我们需要寻找更多的可替代能源。

    Facing energy crisis , more new alternative energy is needed to search for .

  16. 世界各国都加快了开发可替代能源的步伐。

    All over the world has accelerated the pace of development of alternative energy sources .

  17. 因此,寻找一种安全的,绿色的可替代能源成为了一种必然。

    Thus , it is necessary to find an alternative energy to the fossil fuel .

  18. 世界范围的能源短缺带动了以太阳能为主的可再生可替代能源的发展。

    The energy shortage all over the world promotes development of the alternative energy source .

  19. 太阳能具有资源丰富、清洁等优点,是理想的可替代能源。

    As the cleanness natural resources in abundance , solar energy is a deal alternative .

  20. 这种城市范围的基础设施体系设计的目的是,推动循环利用和采用可替代能源解决方案。

    Such city-wide designs of infrastructure systems aim to enhance recycling and use of alternative energy solutions .

  21. 太阳能具有清洁、无污染的特点,是理想的的可替代能源。

    Solar energy is regarded as the best alternative energy because of inexhaustible , clean and non-polluting .

  22. 的确,可替代能源的开发额度逐年上涨,比如从加拿大含油沙中提炼石油。

    True , alternative sources , like oil from Canada 's tar sands , have continued to grow .

  23. 由于石化燃料原料储量有限,发展可替代能源成为当务之急。

    The development of alternative energy was the urgent affairs of humans due to the lack of fossil fuels .

  24. 这就迫使我们必须大力开发和应用新型可替代能源,保持能源的可持续发展。

    We should make efforts to develop new type of alternative energy resources to keep sustaining development of energy .

  25. 我们必须提高对所有可替代能源的支持方案,这包括了核能、清洁煤炭、风能、太阳能和潮汐能源。

    We must strengthen incentives for all energy alternatives & nuclear , clean coal , wind , solar and tide .

  26. 随着可替代能源开始迅猛发展,乐观主义者希望它们的兴起将变得势不可挡。

    As these alternatives start to roll out in earnest , their rise , optimists hope , will become inexorable .

  27. 资源匮乏的中国最近设定了一个目标,计划将可替代能源的利用率提高一倍。

    China , a resource-poor country , recently set a goal of doubling the use of alternative sources of energy .

  28. 环保主义者表示,政府必须投资兴建水库和更多的运河、开发可替代能源以及效率更高的灌溉系统。

    Environmentalists say governments must invest in reservoirs , better water canals , alternative energy sources and more efficient irrigation systems .

  29. 他说:我相信,中国企业能够成为可替代能源汽车业务领域的领先者,因为我们的电池质量好。

    I believe Chinese companies can become leaders in the alternative car business because we make good batteries , he says .

  30. 一些评论家或许会评论,用来生产可替代能源&乙醇的成本比储蓄的资金还要多。

    Some critics may argue , cost for producing corn-based ( alternative fuel ) ethanol is more than the savings incurred .