
  1. 它可同基于SNMP的代理接口,也可同Q3代理接口。

    It has the interfaces with SNMP based or Q3 based agents .

  2. 在性能上可同通常的Schottky二极管亚谐波混频器媲美,基于Tucker量子混频理论,对这种新型混频器进行了噪声和变频效率的分析研究。

    The performance of this mixer is as good as that using Schottky-barrier diodes . Based on Tucker 's quantum mixing theory , the noise and conversion efficiency of SIS mixer are analyzed .

  3. 通过实例说明了用二维速度滤波方法可以消除VSR资料上的这种干扰波,处理后的VSP解编记录完全可同正常井中采集的VSP资料媲美。

    From example given , it elucidates that such interference can be removed from VSP data by using 2-D Filtering method . The multiplexed record after being processed is as good as the VSP data normally collected from downhole .

  4. 给出了角变形区变形特点,和球壳结构与角变形限量间的数值关系,经实践证明可同JB1127-82规定对应使用。

    The numerical expression of quantity relations between the limit capacity of angle deformation and the structure of spherical shell have got , tests show that it may be used with JB1127-82 standard .

  5. 运行结果表明,该锅炉的各项技术指标可同进口锅炉媲美。

    Each technical index can match the one for imported boilers .

  6. 大家都知道查尔斯是个只可同安乐不能共患难的朋友。

    Everyone knows Charles is merely a fair - weather friend .

  7. 连接可同多于两个的进程相关吗?

    Can a link be associated with more than two processes ?

  8. 神经递质可同其它内源性活性物质相互作用。

    There is interactions of some neurotransmitters with other endogenous active substances .

  9. 没有足够的证据可同他们把官司打下去。

    There is not sufficient evidence to sustain a case against them .

  10. “人们可同之前所做的一样杀死它”

    " So man would put it to death as man has done before . "

  11. 鉴别中栀子、黄芩与定量测定可同用一种展开剂,简化了操作。

    To simplify the operation , the same solvent was used for both the identification and determination .

  12. 现在我可同我的邻居们平起平坐了。

    I am upside with my neighbours now . We were nevertheless at the same table then .

  13. 可同厂方长期合作承包工厂废品废料,物价咨询及办理海关核销业务。

    Long-term cooperation contract with the factory to factory waste scrap , price verification consulting and custom services .

  14. 该机可同气力输送系统配套,直接串入风路,节约资源;

    The aircraft can be pneumatic conveying system with matching string directly into the wind path , save resources ;

  15. 和国家如同和个人,我们充分计算的利益将不可同我们的道德责任分开,

    that with nations as with individuals our interests soundly calculated will ever be found inseparable from our moral duties ,

  16. 不可同一时间与所有敌军交战,可签订和平条约,但只有10年有效期。

    Peace treaties are permitted but only for a period of up to 10 years and not against all enemies at any one time .

  17. 本实用新型可同使用乳化油的设备安装在一起,做到随机制取、随机使用。

    The utility model can be assembled together with equipment which uses emulsified oil to reach the purposes of random manufacture and random use .

  18. 按设计,进步M&24号载重飞船可同轨道站在无人操纵的情况下进行自动对接。

    By design , the heavy-duty spaceship " Progress M-24 ", in unmanned operating mode , can perform automated docking with the orbital station .

  19. 功能包括即时的实际生产业绩报告,并可同过去的历史和预期的结果进行比较。

    The control domain includes the functionality of providing up-to-the-minute reporting of actual manufacturing operations results along with comparisons to past history and expected results .

  20. 因此,至关重要的是,确保所有人都能够使用网站,这样残疾人也可同其他人一样获取所需信息。

    Therefore it is vital that web sites can be used by all , so that persons with disabilities have the same access to information as everyone else .

  21. 提出陶瓷微热板应用于气体传感器时,气敏膜可同加热器做在同一面的方法。

    It is suggested that gas-sensing film can be prepared with the heater on the same side of the substrate when hotplate is used as a gas sensor .

  22. 神对巴兰说:“你不可同他们去,去也不看咒诅那民,因为那民是蒙福的。”

    But God said to Balaam , " do not go with them . You must not put a curse on those people , because they are blessed . "

  23. 在西南古代民族的宗教信仰中,认为击鼓可同神灵,因此,铜鼓成为祭祀中必用之物。

    In the religious belief of the ancient nationalities in southwest China , drumming was considered to be able to connect to gods and so bronze drum was a must in sacrificial ceremony .

  24. 神人说,我不可同你回去进你的家,也不可在这里同你吃饭喝水。

    But he said , I may not go back with you or go into your house ; and I will not take food or a drink of water with you in this place ;

  25. 试验中的光敏感元件需佩戴于头部,但研究人员希望有朝一日其大小可同按钮媲美。

    In the experiments the light sensors were linked up to a camera installed on the user 's head , but the researchers hope that one day it will be as small as a button .

  26. 并可同全铀组件堆芯比较中看出,分立型铀、钍组件混装堆芯每一循环(第10循环后)可少装200多kg235U,这样就为钍铀燃料循环展示了光明的前景。

    Compared with full uranium fuel assemblies , more than 200 kg 235 U could be saved for each cycle by using separaed U Th assemblies . It shows the prosperous future of Th U fuel cycle .

  27. 该终端可同目前部队装备的多种不同制式、不同型号的短波、超短波电台接口,具有很强的适应性和灵活性,既可用于通信值勤,也可用于报务训练。

    The terminal can interface with various different systems and different types of shortwave 、 ultrashortwave transmitter-receiver , having the very strong suitability and agility , can be used for the communication duty , also can be used for the telegraph training .

  28. 如果在读过本文后还想了解更多内容,可以下载Web服务文档包(可在同一页面上找到)。

    If you want to read more after this article , you can also download the Web services documentation pack ( available on the same page ) .

  29. 通过引入不同的虚拟CPU芯片,可在同一虚拟平台上实现不同类型的微型机硬件虚拟实验。

    Importing the different virtual CPU chip , can imitate different type experiment on the same virtual platform ;

  30. 结果表明,当体系中硼钛摩尔比B/Ti大于2时,钛与硼可在同一电位下实现电解共沉积并反应生成硼化钛。

    The results show that the electrolytic codeposition of titanium and boron with the formation of TiB_2 can be achieved at molar ratios B / Ti > 2 .