
gǔ dū
  • ancient capital;old capital
古都 [gǔ dū]
  • [old capital] 古时的都城

  • 古都新貌

古都[gǔ dū]
  1. 古都西安城市游憩商业区(RBD)形成机制

    The Formative Mechanism of Urban Recreational Business District in Ancient Capital Xi ' an City

  2. 中国八大古都旅游业发展对比研究

    Study on Comparing Tourism Development of Eight Big Ancient Capital in China

  3. 西安,古称长安,是著名的古都,也是中华文明的发祥地。

    Xi'an , called Chang'an in ancient times , was an ancient capital and the birthplace of Chinese civilization .

  4. 洪水涌入岘港和顺化,该地区约有17万人被疏散。顺化是越南古都,也是联合国教科文组织(Unesco)确定的一处世界遗产。

    Around 170000 people were evacuated from the area as floodwaters began to flow into Danang and Hue city , the country 's old precolonial capital and a Unesco World Heritage Site .

  5. 作为一座古都与这个国家仅存的苏丹领地(sultanate),这里长久以来培养着这些演奏,对于爪哇人来说,它为官方典礼与日常生活中的固定仪式赋予了象征性的形式。

    As an ancient city and the last remaining sultanate in the country , it has long nurtured the presentations that , for Javanese , give symbolic form to everything from official ritual to the routines of daily life .

  6. 加强城市大绿地建设保护古都历史风貌

    Strengthen Construction of City Greenbelt and Protect Feature of Ancient Capital

  7. 西安是我国古都之一。

    Xi'an is one of the ancient capitals of our country .

  8. 北京的现代城市交通与古都风貌

    The urban transportations of Beijing and its historical styles and features

  9. 城建规划的文化内涵&七大古都比较研究之二

    Comparative Studies of Seven Ancient Capitals ( 2 ): Urban Planning

  10. 论中国古都文化的展示与利用

    On Display and Utilization of China 's Ancient - City Culture

  11. 中国古都文化的特点及旅游开发

    The Characteristics of Chinese Ancient Capi-tal Culture and its Tourism Development

  12. 关于中国古都学的若干理论问题

    Several Theoretical Issues Concerning the Science of Ancient Capitals in China

  13. 南京曾是中国的六朝古都。

    Nanjing was the capital of Six Dynasties in ancient china .

  14. 北京是世界文化名城和古都之一。

    Beijing is a world renowned city of history and culture .

  15. 名城古都开发述论

    A Discussion on the Development of Famous Ancient Cities of China

  16. 中国古代城市与水&以古都为例

    Chinese Ancient Cities and Water & Taking the Ancient Capitals for Example

  17. 中国古都建设与自然的变迁

    Chinese Ancient Capitals ' Construction and Changes of Natural Environment

  18. 千年古都,亚洲大都会,未来世界的中心。

    Asian Metropolis , the Center of the Future World .

  19. 关于位于古都的历史风土保存的特别措施法

    Special Methods for Preserving the Historic Culture in Ancient Cities

  20. 安阳是中国七大古都之一,甲骨文的故乡。

    The Anyang City is one of the seven Ancient Capital China .

  21. 妈妈和我于7月21日来到古都西安。

    My mom and I arrived in ancient capital Xian .

  22. 邺城,是我国历史上的著名古都。

    Yecheng , is famous in the history of the ancient capital .

  23. 保护古都风貌与城市现代化

    Protected the Style and Features for the Ancient Capital and Urban Modernization

  24. 西安古都文化产业化的理性思考

    Rational Thinking of Industrialization of Culture in Xi ' an

  25. 论南京自然地形与古都风貌保护规划

    Nanjing 's geographical condition and preservation of its ancient landscape

  26. 著名的古都国际化的城市&北京建设国际功能密集区的初步设想

    Tentative Ideas for Constructing International Functional Compact Districts in Beijing

  27. 20世纪的中国古都研究

    Review of Ancient Capitals Studies in China during 20th Century

  28. 中国古都与中华文化关系研究

    A View of the Relationship Between China 's Ancient Capitals and Chinese Culture

  29. 世界上其他的著名古都也一直面对着这个难题。

    Other ancient capitals in the world have been facing this problem too .

  30. 弘扬古典园林文化突出北京古都特色

    Promote classical garden culture , protrude Beijing 's features as an ancient capital