
  • 网络Gucheng Street;venerable city street
  1. 城市文化与建筑形态&昆明古城街道形态探析

    Urban Culture and Architectural Pattern

  2. 本文通过运用空间句法理论对泉州古城的街道空间进行量化研究,从而揭示其内在的组织规律。

    By using space-syntax theory , we analyzed the block space of Quanzhou in scientific quantification and reviewed its inner organization patterns .

  3. 布鲁日是一个古城,街道狭窄,铺满鹅卵石,货车很难进入市内,并将啤酒运送到郊区的灌装基地。

    Being an older place with small , cobblestone streets , it 's hard for tankers to get into Bruges to pick up beer and deliver it to the bottling plant .

  4. 在比利时的中世纪古城布鲁日的街道下面,一条长达2英里的管道正在建设中--专用于输送啤酒。

    Under the streets of the medieval Belgian city of Bruges , a full two-mile pipeline is being built -- exclusively for beer .

  5. 古城的建筑和街道布局经过规划,以方便城民进出街坊,并区隔出公、区域。

    The city 's architecture and street layout were organized to facilitate access to the different neighborhoods and to segregate the public and private areas .

  6. 通过学习传统城市、建筑和空间形态的布局特点,为今后历史文化遗产保护研究、古城空间形态分析、古城水系街道自然结合等方面的研究提供一定的参考价值。

    By learning the layout characteristics of the traditional urban , architectural and spatial form , historical and cultural heritage for future protection studies , the morphological analysis of the ancient city of space , natural combination of the ancient city of River Street to provide a certain reference value .