
  • 网络Ancient Calligraphy and Paintings
  1. 古书画损毁机理初探

    Preliminary study on the damage mechanism of ancient paintings

  2. 就象后来的美国人孜孜搜购古书画那样,这些先驱人物辛勤搜寻被忽视了的欧洲民间文学。

    As later Americans searched diligently for old paintings and manuscripts , these pioneers hunted the neglected folk-past of the Old World .

  3. 本文从故宫最新购藏的隋人《出师颂》入手,探讨了由其引发的对古书画鉴定诸问题。

    The author discusses questions of the authentication of ancient Chinese calligraphy and painting occasioned by the recent purchase by the Palace Museum of Chu Shi Song .

  4. 并探讨如何将书画保护的传统精神内涵与古书画装潢技艺中的优秀部分融合?

    The discussion of how to combine the connotations of traditional spirits in protection of ancient books and paintings with the excellent parts of modern crafts in mounting and restoring of ancient books and paintings .

  5. 只有通过实践,解决上述问题,使基本的修复原则和正确的修复观念广泛传播,才能使古书画修复技艺发挥其特殊的作用,保护人类共有的物质文化遗产&古代书画作品。

    Only by solving all these problems in practice and popularizing the basic principles and proper restoring concepts , will the special functions of ancient books and paintings restoring crafts be exerted and the human owned cultural heritages like ancient books and paintings be protected .