
  • 网络slow;slow down;lag;decelerate
  1. 但我们都必须承认,随着年龄的增长,我们的反应会变慢,这往往会导致人们避免在任何有潜在危险的环境下驾驶,还会对自己的驾驶技能失去信心。

    But we all have to accept that as we get older our reactions slow down and this often results in people avoiding any potentially challenging driving conditions and losing confidence in their driving skills .

  2. 当我们的大脑处理大量信息时,时间似乎变慢了。

    Our minds process a lot of information and time seems to slow down .

  3. 积累的速度随着时间变慢。

    The rate of accumulation decreases with time .

  4. 此外,老年病在新陈代谢变慢时到来“绝非偶然”。

    And it " cannot be a coincidence " diseases of old age kicked in as the metabolism fell .

  5. 新陈代谢在1岁时达到顶峰,20岁到60岁期间保持稳定水平,60岁后开始不可阻挡地变慢。

    It peaks at the age of one , is stable from 20 to 60 and then inexorably declines .

  6. 训练回来妈妈开车带着我,我们聊着天,一直聊得挺好,节奏突然变慢了,她笑着说:“顺便说一下,今天是我生日。没人想起来,所以我想应该提一下。”

    My mom was driving me back from practice . We were talking . All was well . The conversation slowly tones down . And she says smiling , " By the way , today 's my birthday . No one reminded me so I thought I should just say so . "

  7. Windows变慢原因的分析和解决方法

    Analysis of Windows Tardiness the Reason and Solve An Technique

  8. 但是与web服务进程的分离,使得仅工作在一个内存上下文的应用程序本质上变慢。

    But just working in a memory context distinct from the Web server process makes the application intrinsically slower .

  9. 例如,如果一个特定的Web页面的动作导致变慢,那就打开这个网页。

    For example , if an action on a particular Web page is slow , navigate to that page .

  10. Windows系列操作系统运行速度变慢的原因及解决方法

    The Causes for the Slowing Down of Operating Speed of Series Windows Operating Systems and the Solutions

  11. 有时,网络连接变慢是因为浏览器和Flash编程过时。

    Sometimes , Internet connections slow down due to outdated browsers or Flash programming .

  12. 这解释了生物氢交换体系中的一种常见的在低pH值条件下氢交换变慢的现象。

    This explains why at lower pH hydrogen exchange is slow , a common phenomenon observed in biological hydrogen exchange systems .

  13. 深度嵌套的元素增加了渲染复杂度,让CSS查找变慢。

    Deeply nested elements increases the render complexity making CSS lookups slow .

  14. 在新Build的自动化测试明显变慢时,找到源代码内部发生了什么是至关重要的。

    When test automation noticeably slows down with a new build , it is crucial to find out what is happening internally in the source code .

  15. 当内存达到CPU的最大限制时,浏览器开始变慢。

    When the memory approaches the maximum limit of the CPUs , the browser begins to slow down .

  16. 但反过来,正如所看到的,rope的迭代变慢了。

    On the flip side , as you have seen , rope iteration can be slower as a result .

  17. 去神经的SOL的收缩变慢,而不活动的SOL却变快。

    In contrast to the slowing contraction due to denervation , the inactivated SOL gets faster .

  18. 熟料中P2O5含量超过一定范围时,水泥凝结变慢,早期强度显著下降。

    When P_2O_5 in the clinker exceeds a certain limit , the setting time of cement becomes longer and the early strength is reduced significantly .

  19. 但这种成熟的CRT投影技术的未来发展将会变慢并发生演化。

    Further progress in this mature CRT projector technology will be slow and evolutionary .

  20. pH对沉积物中重金属再释放的影响中,四种重金属均在酸性环境中释放快,随着pH升高,释放速率逐渐变慢直至趋于平衡。

    Four kinds of heavy metals in acidic environment were releasing faster , as pH rising , release rate increased slowly gradually until the equilibrium trends .

  21. 要找出引起事务响应时间变慢的因素,我们可以使用TransactionTracking代理来帮助我们分离问题。

    In order to find what part causes this transaction response time degradation , we can use the Transaction Tracking agent to help us to isolate this problem .

  22. 高温部分结晶速率常数变慢与取向PET纤维的完全无定形部分重量减少有关。

    The decrease of rate constant of crystallization in the higher temperatures is related to the less amount of the amorphous portion in the oriented PET fibers .

  23. 肝硬化肝功能A~C级各组食管体部下段蠕动压力幅值依次降低,蠕动波起始点速度变慢,蠕动性收缩减少,异常收缩增加。

    From Child grade A to C , peristaltic wave amplitude reduced in lower esophageal body , and velocity of onset peristaltic wave velocity became slower , peristaltic contraction reduced , and abnormal contraction increased .

  24. 而且草莓糖酸比提高,可溶性固形物、Vc含量和SOD活力增加,贮存过程中营养成分下降变慢。

    And the candy / acid , Vc contents and SOD activities could be increased . The nourishment component descends through the storage could be alleviated .

  25. 针对支持向量机(SVM)在处理大规模训练集时,训练速度和分类速度变慢的缺点,提出了一种基于卫向量的简化SVM模型。

    A simplification SVM model based on guard vectors is proposed for overcoming the slow speed of training and classification for large scale training set .

  26. 最重要的是如果让人们无限制的访问Internet势必造成以下问题:数据传输速度变慢;使急需访问Internet的用户得不到有效保障;由此产生的费用大量增加。

    The most important is if people are asked to unlimited access Internet would cause the following problems : data transmission speed ; Internet users need access without effective safeguard ; The resulting cost increase a lot .

  27. 有明确病因、起病年龄<3个月、起病前发育落后、EEG背景活动变慢或有局灶性棘慢波发放,可能提示婴儿痉挛预后不良。

    The prognosis depended on the etiology , age of onset < 3 month , development delay before onset and focal or multifocal discharges on interictal EEG .

  28. 用户将不会有问题的系统速度变慢使用的AVG。

    Users will not have problem of system slows down using AVG.

  29. 如前所述,Beta版本的性能不是最优的,并且它们包含大量使服务器变慢的调试代码。

    As mentioned earlier , Beta builds are not optimized for performance , and they include a lot of debugging code that slows down the server .

  30. Throttling特性使服务器不会由于数据库备份这样的资源密集型活动而变慢。

    Throttling has the intelligence not to bring down the server due to the inherent resource-hungry activities such as backing up databases .