
biàn huàn
  • Change;fluctuate;change irregularly;metamorphose
变幻 [biàn huàn]
  • [change irregularly;fluctuate] 常常发生没有规律地改变

  • 阿尔卑斯山上阳光的变幻状态

变幻[biàn huàn]
  1. 底座实木框架的处理,使整个空间的层次富于变幻,并给视觉带来延伸。

    Solid wood was used to the foundation frame finishing let all the spatial administrative levels could be fluctuate , to stretch the vision .

  2. 她的情绪总是变幻不定——时而欢喜,时而忧伤。

    Her moods kept changing ─ now happy , now sad .

  3. 带妆彩排的时候,演员们变幻出一幅活生生的锦绣画卷。

    The actors were metamorphosed into a living tapestry of color at the dress rehearsal

  4. 阳光在结霜的屋顶上闪烁变幻。

    The sun played on the frosty roofs .

  5. 他的表情在一本正经和茫然惶惑之间变幻不定。

    His expressions varied from poker-faced to blank

  6. 服务员像变幻术似地从厨房里端出一份热气腾腾的午餐。

    The waiter appeared like magic from the kitchen with a steaming hot lunch .

  7. 夕阳将大片天空染成色彩变幻的火红色

    The sunset was making great splashes of fiery opalescence across the sky .

  8. 只要生命延续,这种令人惊叹的细胞就会继续繁衍、交织变幻

    This astounding cell will continue multiplying , reticulating as long as life perseveres .

  9. 从卢浦大桥飘来的LED发光球变幻着红、黄、橙三色,顺流而下,绵延不绝。

    Lupu Bridge blown from the LED light changes red ball , yellow , and orange , down the river , and rolling .

  10. 这将支撑美元,尽管其走势可能因美联储(fed)的行动(尤其是在定量宽松政策方面)而变幻不定。

    That would support the dollar , although trading could be choppy depending on actions by the Fed , particularly regarding quantitative easing .

  11. 在破产后重组的新通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors),别克车继续上演着灰姑娘的故事。而且,在这篇童话中,要变幻出“玻璃舞鞋”,远不只增加新车型那么简单。

    The Cinderella story at the new General Motors continues to be Buick & and this fairy tale has more glass slippers than simply a supply of new models .

  12. 关于变幻文件格式的明细问题,在ClearCase手册中会有所解释。

    The details about the magic file format are explained in the ClearCase manuals .

  13. 好的感谢BryanBernahoft和《X音素》的评委们明天请准时收看下集《每当潮汐变幻时》

    Ok , thank you Bryan Berhoft and the cast of X Factor.Tune in tomorrow for more As The Tide Turns

  14. 古典乐曲舒缓地奏起,LED灯光与不断变幻的暮色交相辉映。我躺在地板上,看着蝙蝠猛冲出来,然后又看到天上出现了两颗星星――在北京来说可谓奇迹。

    As classical music softly plays and LED lights complement the shifting colors of the waning day , I lie on the floor and watch swooping bats and then miraculously for Beijing two stars appear in the sky .

  15. 他在《盗梦空间》(Inception)里变幻出一座座城市,只不过是要把它们翻转过来,或让它们一瞬间消失。

    He conjured up whole cities in ' Inception , ' only to turn them inside out , or make them vanish in a flash .

  16. 运用Veriloghdl语言设计封装的IP核加快了播放数据的分析、处理速度,使LED草坪灯能够变幻256种不同的色彩,能够实现静止和渐变的不同效果。

    Using Verilog HDL language to design and encapsulate the IP core accelerated the speed of analysis and processing broadcast data , make the LED lawn lamp present 256 different colors , can realize the different effects of motionless and gradual .

  17. 随着时间的推移,这些记号愈发变得密密麻麻。在东京的十几餐,多姿多彩的美食、流畅变幻的质感与风味,无不体现着岛国料理之精髓,那简单的三个字:isonoaji——“浪之味”。

    The dozen or so meals I 'd had in Tokyo had been a marvel of consistent variation , ringing fluid changes of texture and flavor on those three little words that define the cuisine of this island nation at its heart : iso no aji , or " tastes like ocean spray . "

  18. 近代中国,时局变幻,民族危亡。

    There are great political and national crises in modern China .

  19. 由近义形容词的辨析看形容词的不同功用非营利组织及其近义名词:语词变幻的背后

    Nonprofit Organization and its Synonymous Nouns : behind Change of Words

  20. 旅行、变幻、趣味——世界就在你的面前!

    Travel , change , interest-the world in front of you !

  21. 整个舞台都被变幻的灯光所照耀着。

    The whole stage is swathed in ever ? changing light .

  22. 水池里注满了阳光变幻的水,

    And the pool was filled with water out of sunlight ,

  23. 之后它好像又变幻为一种蓝色的光

    And it would change to kind of a blue light

  24. 小多拥有神奇的力量,能变幻成不同的模样;

    Dudy has magic power , and can change to different looks .

  25. 旅行、变幻、趣味&世界就在你的面前!

    Travel , change , interest-the world in front of you ! '

  26. 它在我身上移动着,满是变幻的色彩。

    It moved over me , full of changing colours .

  27. 唉,我们只是不停变幻的世界中的游戏者。

    Alas , we are all but players in an ever-changing world .

  28. 在变幻不定的市场,总会有各种压力和戏剧性事件。

    There will always be pressures and drama in an ever-changing marketplace .

  29. 许多人都在追求自由的爱情。不断变幻。

    Many people in the pursuit of free love .

  30. 无论艺术思潮如何变幻写实油画都拥有它最为永久的生命力。

    Regardless of how changeable realistic painting art has its most lasting vitality .