
  • 网络Two-hybrid system
  1. 利用酵母双杂交体系筛选拟南芥ABA信号新元件

    Screening of the new ABA signaling components in Arabidopsis using yeast two-hybrid system

  2. 运用双向的酵母双杂交体系证实了FMRP与NM23H2的相互作用。

    We confirmed their interaction using bi-directional yeast two-hybrid system .

  3. 乙型肝炎病毒e抗原基因作为酵母双杂交体系结合域载体的构建及表达

    Construction and expression of DNA-binding domain plasmid with hepatitis B virus e antigen in yeast double hybrid system

  4. 应用酵母双杂交体系,可以非常有效地从人cDNA基因库中确定与饵蛋白相互作用的蛋白基因。

    Proteins from human cDNA library that interact with the ' bait ' protein could be identified effectively .

  5. 丙型肝炎病毒E2蛋白作为酵母双杂交体系饵载体的构建及表达

    Construction and expression of bait plasmid with hepatitis C virus E2 protein in yeast two hybrid system

  6. 应用酵母双杂交体系对FMRP的相互作用区域进行定位。

    Proteins interacting with FMRP were screened by yeast two - hybrid system .

  7. 酵母单杂交体系是借鉴酵母双杂交体系的基本原理,通过观察酵母细胞内报告基因的表达状况,研究DNA-蛋白质之间的相互作用。

    Yeast one hybrid system based on the principle of yeast two hybrid system , is applied for isolating novel genes encoding proteins that bind to a target , is acting regulatory element .

  8. 银杏内酯B和前胡丙素对动脉粥样硬化的防护机制及酵母双杂交实验体系筛选清道夫受体胞浆域结合蛋白

    Protective Role of Ginkgolide B and Praeruptorin on Atherogenesis and Screening Scavenger Receptor Cytoplasmic Domain Binding Protein Using Yeast Two Hybrid System