
shuāng zǐ gōng
  • Gemini;uterus duplex
双子宫[shuāng zǐ gōng]
  1. 19例双子宫、双宫颈,1例为完全中隔子宫。

    19 cases had uterus duplex , cervix duplex .

  2. 先天性双子宫、双阴道、右侧阴道闭锁并右肾缺如1例

    Congenital double-wombs , double-vaginas , right-side-vagina-atresia and right-kidney-lack : case report

  3. 莫西沙星治疗沙眼衣原体宫颈炎的疗效分析双子宫天文学上的黄道第三宫

    Clinical Observation on Moxifloxacin for the Treatment of Chlamydia Trachomatis Cervicitis

  4. 双子宫的金星会加强你的魅力和吸引力。

    Venus in Gemini will enhance your charm and magnetism .

  5. 胎儿单侧肾缺如合并双子宫1例

    One side aplasia of kidney with duplex uterus of fetus : case report

  6. 一位17岁女孩患有双子宫,并伴有左侧子宫颈不完全阻塞及左侧肾脏不发育。

    A17-year-old girl with double uteri and unilateral cervical obstruction on the left side is reported .

  7. 这是因为落在双子宫的火星向落在双鱼宫的天王星发出刺眼的闪光。

    That 's when Mars in Gemini will send a harsh glance to Uranus in Pisces .

  8. 早期发现罹患双子宫并单侧姐塞及同侧肾脏异常的年轻女性是非常罕见,而且困难。

    Early detection of unilateral occlusion of duplicated uterus with ipsilateral renal anomaly is very rare and difficult .

  9. 双子宫天文学上的黄道第三宫欣母沛加宫腔填塞纱条预防双胎剖宫产宫缩乏力12例分析

    The third sign of the zodiac in astrology . Investigation of hemabate and packing with ribbon gauze to prevent hemorrhage caused by uterine inertia during twins C-section

  10. 现在,科学家自夏威夷的凯克天文台和双子宫天文台,使用异常强大的望远镜,首次直接观测到太阳系以外的行星。

    Now , however , scientists have directly observed planets outside our solar system for the first time , using incredibly powerful telescopes at the Keck and Gemini Observatories in Hawaii .

  11. 把旧的事情从你的时间表里清出去会是件不错的事,因为一旦火星进入了双子宫,新的机会将要到来,这回事非常诱人的让你接受的。

    It would be good to clear your schedule of old obligations , because once Mars moves into Gemini , new opportunities will come up , ones that might be very tempting to accept !

  12. 结果:共发现子宫畸形20例,其中双子宫10例,双角子宫4例,鞍形子宫3例,纵隔子宫2例,单角子宫1例。

    Results Twenty patients had uterine anomalies . Of them , 10 had double uterus , 4 had bicornuate uterus , 3 arcuate uterus , 2 septate uterus , and the other 1 unicornuate uterus .

  13. 结果单纯双子宫畸形2例,双子宫畸形伴阴道纵隔1例,双角子宫伴左侧卵巢囊肿1例,完全纵隔子宫2例,完全纵隔子宫伴阴道纵隔2例。

    Results There were 2 cases of simple uterus didelphys , 1 case of uterus didelphys accompaniment longitudinal vaginal septum , 1 case of uterus bicornis accompaniment cyst in left ovary , 2 cases of complete uterus septus and 2 cases of complete uterus septus accompaniment longitudinal vaginal septum .

  14. 双角子宫2例均为原发性不孕症患者;

    Both of the two bicornuate uterus patients were primary sterility . angle .

  15. 子宫阔韧带肌瘤超声误诊为双角子宫病例报告

    Leiomyoma in Uteri Broad Ligament was False Diagnosed to be Uterus Bicornis by USG

  16. 其西医妇科检查均诊断大小双为子宫颈纳氏囊肿。

    The diagnosis of both by western medicine gynecologic examination were cervix Naboth cyst .

  17. 枸橼酸氯米芬与溴隐亭致双角子宫双胎妊娠

    Twin gestation induced by clomiphene citrate and bromocriptine in both horns of a bicornuate uterus

  18. 结果6例诊断为完全纵隔子宫,19例诊断为不完全纵隔子宫,10例诊断为双角子宫。

    Results Six cases were diagnosed as complete septate uterus , 19 cases as subseptate uterus and 10 cases as bicornuate .

  19. 结论利用双腔子宫通水管行输卵管内精液灌注人工授精能减少置管出血的发生,增加了输卵管内卵细胞周围的精子数量,有效地提高了妊娠成功率。

    Conclusions Semen infusion to fallopian tubes by uterine catheter can increase semen amount around oocyte in fallopian tube , increase the pregnancy rate and lessen hemorrhage in artificial fertilization .

  20. 结果确诊双角子宫8例,单宫颈纵隔子宫10例,双宫颈单宫体纵隔子宫2例,青春期残角子宫4例。

    Results Definitive diagnosis indicated 8 cases of uterus bicornis , 10 cases of uterus septus with single uterine neck , 2 cases of uterus septus with double uterine neck and single uterine body , and 4 cases of puberal rudimentary horn of uterus .

  21. 方法回顾分析了68例宫腔内良性病变宫腔镜联合腹腔镜手术的临床资料,其中子宫粘膜下肌瘤37例,子宫纵隔18例,子宫粘连12例,双角子宫1例。

    Methods Retrospectively analysed the 68 patients with uterine cavitary benign lesion underwent hysteroscopic and laparoscopic surgery , including 37 patients with submucous myoma , 18 patients with uterus septum , 12 patients with adhesions of uterus , and 1 patient with bicornuate uterus .

  22. 数字减影乳胶双腔管子宫输卵管造影在不孕症诊疗中的应用

    Diagnosis & Treatment of Infertility with Digital Subtraction Combined Latex Foley Catheter Hysterosalpingography

  23. 在人类,二卵双生子在子宫中交换造血干细胞,而导致血型嵌合体;

    In humans , blood group chimeras result from exchange of hematopoietic stem cells by dizygotic twins in utero ;

  24. 甘氨双唑钠对子宫颈鳞癌放射增敏的临床研究

    Clinical study of radiosensitivity on cervix squamous cell carcinoma by CMNa

  25. 正常单胎及双胎妊娠妇女子宫动脉血流变化的比较

    Comparative Changes in Uterine Artery Blood Flow Waveforms in Singleton and Twin Pregnancies

  26. 目的评价腔内后装放疗加全子宫双附件切除治疗子宫内膜癌的疗效,观察腔内后装放疗的效果,并分析影响疗效的因素。

    Objective To evaluate the combined therapy efficacy of afterloading techniques and surgery in endometrial carcinoma ; and find the prognostic factors of endometrial carcinoma .