
  • 网络Xiamen City;amoy
  1. 厦门市机动车排气污染现状与防治对策

    Status of Exhaust Polluting from Automobile and Preventing Countermeasure in Amoy

  2. 展望未来厦门市政府投资工程项目的管理体制。

    Prospect of the future management system of project invested from Amoy city planning .

  3. 厦门市1∶5000比例尺3D产品的生产

    Production of 1 ∶ 5 000 Scale 3D Products in Xiamen City

  4. 基于GIS的厦门市城市生态安全评价研究

    Urban Ecological Security Assessment of Xiamen City Based on GIS

  5. 厦门市降雨侵蚀力指标R值研究

    Studies on rainfall erosion agent index-R in Xiamen city

  6. GIS支持下的区域绿色蔬菜地适宜性及其质量评价&以厦门市同安区为例

    The Evaluation on Suitability and Quality to Green Vegetable Production Fields in Tongan District

  7. 文化资本与农村流动人口的城市融入&基于厦门市Z工厂的实证研究

    Cultural Capital and Rural Migrants ′ City Integration & Empirical Study on Z Factory

  8. 厦门市PM(10)浓度空间与时间差异分析

    Spatial and Temporal Variation of PM_ ( 10 ) Mass Concentrations in Xiamen

  9. 空间决策支持系统中模型库的生成及与GIS的紧密集成&以厦门市环境管理空间决策支持系统为例

    Research on Creation Mechanism of Model Base in SDSS and its Tight Integration with GIS : A Case Study in Xiamen City

  10. 厦门市不同功能区冬季PM(10)中多环芳烃的污染特征

    Characteristics of PAHs in PM_ ( 10 ) aerosols collected from different districts in Xiamen

  11. 应用3S技术研究厦门市森林生态网络布局

    Networking of Forest Ecological Studies in Xiamen city Using 3S Technologies

  12. 厦门市XX部队音乐文化调查与研究

    Culture Inquires into and Studies Xiamen City XX Armed Force Music

  13. 3S技术在厦门市土壤侵蚀监测和评价上的应用

    Application of 3S Technology for Monitoring and Evaluation of Regional Soil Erosion

  14. 内嵌CLIPS推理引擎的中文专家系统开发工具及其在厦门市深基坑支护结构选型专家系统中的应用

    Realization of a Chinese expert system developing tool with the clips reasoning engine embeded

  15. 利用GIS、RS和数量化理论,对厦门市水土流失进行快速调查。

    With the application of GIS , RS and quantification theory , fast survey of soil and water loss in Xiamen was accomplished .

  16. 以厦门市近20年来多时相遥感数据为数据源,采用RS和GIS技术提取湿地动态变化信息;

    Using nearly 20 years RS data as data resources , supported by RS and GIS , get the dynamic change information of wetland in Xiamen ;

  17. 流动人口子女偏差行为矫正的介入研究&基于厦门市J社区的青少年社会工作实践

    Intervention in the Deviate Behavior of Mobile Population ' Children & Based on Adolescent Social Work Practice in Community J of Xiamen

  18. 厦门市公共交通发展与BRT规划建设实证研究

    Public Transportation Development in Xiamen : An Implementary Study on Planning & Development of BRT Systems

  19. 文章介绍了VRS技术的系统构造、性能及优势,提出了建立厦门市GPS连续观测站网的初步构想。

    The paper introduces the system structure , properties and advantages of VRS and puts forward the initial concept for the building of XM-VRS .

  20. 在厦门市环境大气污染物中,PM10是其首要的大气污染物。

    PM_ ( 10 ) is the principal air pollutant in Xiamen .

  21. 厦门市高殿水厂三期工程是利用法国和日本政府贷款建成的日产水量30万m3规模的现代化水厂。

    His modern waterworks in Amoy , Fujian Province with designed capacity of 300 thousand cubic meters per day has been completed depending on the French and Japanese loan .

  22. 对厦门市四类中学(高中)入学考试分别进行Q型与R型因素分析,并计算因素得分。

    In this paper , the authors made Q - model and R - model analyses of the scores of the entrance examination of four sorts of middle schools in Xiamen , and calculated the factor scores as well .

  23. 然后,针对当前态势,着重通过对厦门市利用外商直接投资的外部环境及其所处的竞争格局与内部条件进行分析,绘制出相关的SWOT矩阵,并进行了组合分析。

    Then , in view of the present situation , the external general environment , the competitive rivalry and the internal resource capability are treated as the main subject to get SWOT analysis .

  24. 本研究采取个案研究方法,以福建省厦门市X学校的两位新手高中英语教师为研究对象,通过参与性培养、课堂观察、结构访谈、调查评价表、案例分析等方式搜集资料。

    This study uses case study to collect data by involving teacher educating , classroom teaching observation , structured interview , evaluation forms , case analysis based on the teacher development of two novice teachers from the same high school in Xiamen , Fujian .

  25. 以厦门市危房改造办公室台风跟踪预警系统的研制为例,详细地介绍应用地理信息系统(GIS)技术建立台风监测系统的过程。

    A tracking and forewarning system of typhoon was established by the office of remoulding dangerous building in Xiamen . Exemplifying by this system , the authors provide information in detail on the process of establishing a typhoon monitoring system by applying geographic information system .

  26. 厦门市高层建筑抗震设防管理与实践

    The Supervision on Seismic Design of High-rise Buildings in Xiamen City

  27. 新都市环境设计&厦门市江头街高层建筑创作体会

    Enviromental design for the new metropolis-The experiences of architectural creation from

  28. 厦门市3~6岁儿童患龋危险因素分析

    Analysis of cariogenic factors of 3-6 year-old children in Xiamen city

  29. 厦门市翔安原水跨海管道工程的设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Submarine Pipeline Project in Xiang'an , Xiamen

  30. 厦门市农村居民健康教育效果评价

    Effectiveness evaluation on health education among rural residents in Xiamen City