
  • 网络Original architecture;primitive architecture
  1. 原始建筑可能性研究

    A Study of the Possibility of Primitive Architecture

  2. 论文是关于中国黄河流域中游原始建筑可能性的探索。

    This article discusses the possible of the primitive architecture in the middle reaches of Yellow River .

  3. 原始建筑的可能性是后世建筑可能性的起点,对不同可能性的选择进化出不同的建筑体系。

    Different decisions on the possibilities evolve into various construction systems .

  4. 原始建筑只有一小部分被保留下来,包括许多有蓬盖的大闸门。

    A few vestiges of the original structure remain today , including the canopied gates .

  5. 原始建筑呈现的是简单明了,更接近建筑本体的状态。

    Simple science The primitive construction present a clear status which is more related with the construction identity .

  6. 在研究中协调共时分析与历时分析,通过结构与发生的结合对原始建筑形式的生成演变进行解释。

    In our work , we explain the generation and evolution of the style of the primitive construction by combining the structure .

  7. 通过分析印度宗教建筑的空间模式,阐述宗教信仰对于原始建筑艺术的影响。

    This thesis analyses the space figure of religious architecture in India , and expatiated that religion belief has great effects on the primeval architecture arts .

  8. 两个世纪以后,英国人在欧洲大陆的巡回旅行中发现了原始的建筑风格,从而使之复兴。后来这种新的复古风格被灌输进了美洲殖民地的建筑体系中。

    Two centuries later , that reinvention was itself revived by Englishmen who saw the originals on the Grand Tour , and implanted this new-old form in the American colonies .

  9. 为了更好理解该类建筑形式,本文简单的对中国木结构古建筑的地基基础进行了阐述;并对高台基木结构古建筑最原始的建筑形式即高台古建筑进行了叙述。

    To understand this kind of architectural form better , the foundation of Chinese ancient timber buildings were described simply ; the most primitive form of the high pedestal ancient timber buildings that is the high platform ancient buildings were described .

  10. 推测这是大约距今四千年前,随着稻作技术一起从中国传入日本的我国原始农业祭祀建筑&社的延续,也是日本神社的祖型。

    It is speculated that that is the continuity of " She " - the original agriculture sacred architecture , introduced from China to Japan along with the technique of planting rice about 4000 years ago , also the rudiment of the Japanese Fane .

  11. 原始气象数据对建筑设计室外计算参数的影响

    Influences of raw meteorological data on outdoor air computation parameters in architectural design

  12. 历史建筑应当延续其历史用途,如果被用于新的目的,要最大程度地保持其原始特色材料、建筑特征、建筑空间、以及相关空间关系。

    A property will be used as it was historically , or be given a new use that maximizes the retention of distinctive materials , features , spaces , and spatial relationships .