
yàn shí zhènɡ
  • anorexia;anorexia nervosa
  1. 这是特别令人担忧的,她说,根据美国囯家精神健康研究院统计,厌食症导致的死亡人数比任何其他精神疾病更多。

    That 's especially worrying , she says , given that anorexia results in more deaths than does any other mental illness , according to the National Institute of Mental Health .

  2. 饮食失调慈善机构Beat表示,这是一项突破性的研究,重新思考厌食症的起源可以推动新疗法的研究。

    The eating disorder charity Beat said the findings were ground breaking and that rethinking the origins of anorexia could fuel research into new treatments .

  3. 她是厌食症患者。

    She 's anorexic .

  4. 克莱尔曾经遭受厌食症3年的折磨。

    Claire had been anorexic for three years .

  5. 我既有厌食症又有贪食症。

    I was anorexic and bulimic .

  6. 他们发现基因突变在厌食症患者中更为常见。

    They found mutations that were far more common in anorexia patients .

  7. 但人们怀疑,这个过程在有患厌食症风险的人群中出现了偏差,从而使他们有进食障碍。

    The suspicion is this process goes awry6 in people at risk of anorexia , making it easier for them to starve themselves .

  8. 厌食症是一种饮食失调症,导致人们通过少吃食物和过度运动来尽可能地减重。

    Anorexia2 is an eating disorder3 that leads people to lose as much weight as possible by eating little food and sometimes exercising excessively .

  9. 方法采用大鼠条件性厌食症(CTA)作为运动病模型和分组。

    Methods The motion sickness model of CTA was used .

  10. 研究小组在EatingDisorders国际杂志中指出,此研究为首次关注厌食症患者的性别差异。

    The study is the first to look at gender differences in anorexia patients , the study team points out in the International Journal of Eating Disorders .

  11. 探讨虚拟现实技术(virtualReality,VR)在心理医学中的应用治疗恐惧症、社交焦虑症、厌食症等心理疾病的治疗,并取得了良好效果。

    The approach VR is applied in psychic medicine ﹙ Virtual reality ﹚ to treat photophobia , social anxiety neurosis , anorexia and so on , and get good results .

  12. 加味益胃汤治疗阴虚厌食症的临床研究结果提示,加味益胃汤治疗阴虚厌食症总有效率93.3%,与阳性对照组比较无明显差异(P0.05)。

    The clinical study results suggest that the total curative effect of Jia Wei Yi Wei Tang treating Yin-Deficiency anorexia is 93.3 % , has no obvious difference .

  13. 小儿厌食症动物模型血浆八肽胆囊收缩素、β-内啡肽含量和红细胞C3b受体花环率及其相关研究

    Correlation of Concentration of cholecystokinin-8 and β - Endorphin in Plasma and the Rosette Rate of Red Cell C 3b Receptor in Juvenile Rat with Anorexia

  14. 法国全国模特经纪公司联盟(TheNationalUnionofModelingAgencies)发表声明称,该联盟遵照一项自愿性规定,不会雇佣存在厌食症问题的模特,该规定于2008年获得政府批准。

    The National Union of Modeling Agencies in France issued a statement saying it was complying with a voluntary charter that discourages the use of anorexic models and that was approved by the government in 2008 .

  15. 结果厌食症组患儿血清瘦素、甲状腺激素、锌、铁含量显著低于正常小儿组水平(P0.05和P0.01);

    Results The concentration of leptin , thyroid hormones , zinc and iron in apositia children were lower than those in healthy children ( P0.05 and P 0.01 ) .

  16. CNN特派员周艾琳:巴西名模安娜·卡罗琳娜·芮丝顿去年死于厌食症引起的并发症,当时她的体重只有88磅(39.9千克)。

    ALINA CHO , CNN CORRESPONDENT : When Brazilian model Anna Carolina Reston died last year of complications related to anorexia , she weighed just 88 pounds .

  17. 对于大多数女人来说,这是不可能的任务,于是她们跑去隆胸,或是患了暴食症、厌食症以及其他自psp电影下载我厌恶的精神性疾病。

    For most women , this is impossible task , then they ran breast augmentation , or had gluttony , anorexia and other self of mental illness .

  18. 目的探讨神经性厌食症(AnorexiaNervosa,AN)患者的心理防御机制及其与患者个性特征和父母养育方式的关系。

    Objective To study the defense mechanism and its relationship with personality and parental rearing in patients with anorexia nervosa ( AN ) .

  19. 结论:认为BN为持久性神经性厌食症的延续,社会文化因素在发病中起重要作用。

    Conclusion : The clinical manifestation of BN is the lasting of the permeate anorexia nervosa . The cultural and social factors play important role in the onset of BN .

  20. 在《不安之地》里,厌食症变成Nyasha对于无奈又强制的要求之逃避方式。

    In Nervous Conditions anorexia is an escape from competing and compelling demands on Nyasha .

  21. 2010年,法国模特兼演员伊莎贝尔·卡罗(IsabelleCaro)的去世进一步推动人们要求采取举措,解决厌食症问题。卡罗一度只有55磅重。

    The death in 2010 of a French model and actress , Isabelle Caro , who at one point weighed just 55 pounds , fueled further calls for steps to address anorexia .

  22. “为追求完美体形,而在厌食症的煎熬下的人对体形的理解是有失偏颇的,这就是为什么研究需要关注影响体形偏好的机制。”Tovée说。

    the authors say . " People suffering from conditions such as anorexia nervosa have a distorted perception of body size and body ideals , and it 's important that research focus on the mechanisms underlying and influencing the perception of body size , " says Tov é e.

  23. 厌食症患儿血清瘦素与甲状腺激素之间的关系

    Relationship between serum leptin and thyroid hormone in children with anorexia

  24. 小儿厌食症的中医病因病机及证候学研究

    Pathogenesis and Syndrome Study of Infantile Anorexia in Traditional Chinese Medcine

  25. 健脾剂治疗小儿厌食症50例临床观察

    Jianpi Prescription for children anorexia : an observation of 50 cases

  26. 而且此外,厌食症也是一个心理问题。

    And besides , anorexia is a psychological problem as well .

  27. 厌食症儿童发锌铜含量测定

    Determination of Hair Zinc and Copper in Children with Anorectic

  28. 中药消导饮颗粒治疗小儿厌食症的体会

    Treatment of Anorexia in Children by Traditional Chinese Medicine Xiao-Dao-Yin

  29. 大鼠运动病模型&条件性厌食症的建立

    Establishment of conditioned taste aversion as a motion sickness model in rats

  30. 情绪障碍性厌食症患儿健康教育方法及评价

    Health education method and assessment of children with emotion disturbance induced anorexia