
  • 网络anaerobic;Anaerobics
  1. 中试规模厌氧型生物反应器填埋场的启动

    Start - up of pilot - scale anaerobic bioreactor landfill

  2. 针对2座中试规模反应柱,分别考察渗滤液回灌和不回灌的情况,研究传统厌氧型生物反应器填埋场渗滤液回灌对其最终处理的影响。

    Two pilot scale simulated columns , with and without leachate recirculation , were erected to study impacts of leachate recirculation of traditional anaerobic bioreactor landfill on leachate ultimate treatment methods .

  3. 厌氧型生物反应器产CH4期水解动力学模型研究

    Hydrolytic Kinetics Model of Anaerobic Bioreactor in Methane Fermentation Phase

  4. 针对厌氧型生物反应器填埋场运行后期渗滤液COD浓度衰减慢、氨氮浓度长期偏高的不足,首次提出通过改变运行方式来加速其稳定进程的理念,并在室内模拟实验中得以成功实施。

    In view of slowly-dropped COD concentration and the higher-kept ammonia-N concentration in the leachate in the late stabilization stage of the landfill , the idea to change its operation mode was brought forward and put successfully into practice in simulated experiment .

  5. J-208厌氧型螺纹锁固密封胶的研制

    Development of J-208 anaerobic adhesive for thread locking and sealing

  6. 厌氧型发酵生产丙二醇体系的操作区域分区与分析

    Analysis and operating zone segregation of anaerobic fermentation system

  7. 基于渗滤液回灌的厌氧型生物反应器填埋场快速稳定研究两相型生物反应器填埋场系统对渗滤液水质的稳定化作用研究

    The Technology for Acceleration the Stabilization Process of Anaerobic Bioreactor Landfill Based on Leachate Recirculation

  8. 厌氧型888-1石油专用胶的研究与应用

    Anaerobic Permafil 888 - 1 type for Special Purposes to petroleum of develop and use

  9. 为此,本研究将厌氧型生物反应器技术与准好氧矿化垃圾床工艺相结合,发展成联合型生物反应器。

    Therefore , the united bioreactor landfill , evolved from the semi-aerobic aged refuse biofilter combined with anaerobic bioreactor , is introduced in this paper .

  10. 国内外研究学者对厌氧型生物反应器填埋场的研究较多,但其不能解决渗滤液氨氮含量过高的问题,同时存在填埋场稳定化进程较慢的难题。

    Anaerobic Bioreactor Landfills were studying more in the domestic and international scholars , but the problem of high ammonia nitrogen content of leachate could not be solved while the stabilization process of landfill were slower .

  11. 近年发展起来的厌氧型生物反应器和矿化垃圾床技术为渗滤液的处理提出了新途径,但以上技术存在氮类污染物处理效果较差的缺点。

    In recent years , the development of anaerobic bioreactor and aged refuse biofilter technology proposed new approachs for leachate treatment , but these technologies has some deficiencies , such as a poor efficiency of nitrogen pollutants removal .

  12. 热应激和厌氧对猪链球菌2型的基因表达调控热应激与厌氧是两种很重要的环境信号,对病原菌的基因表达发挥重要的调控作用。

    Heat stress and oxygen restriction are important environmental signals to regulate gene expression of pathogenic bacteria .