
xiè huò
  • unload;breaking bulk;discharge cargo;disburden
卸货 [xiè huò]
  • [unload;discharge cargo] 将货物从运输工具上卸下来

  • 渔船卸货的码头

卸货[xiè huò]
  1. 你把卸货所需的时间估计进去了吗?

    Did you reckon in the time needed for unloading the cargo ?

  2. 该船正在卸货。

    The ship is unloading .

  3. 卡车司机在等着卸货。

    The truck driver was waiting to unload .

  4. 有300个铁路货车车厢等着卸货。

    Three-hundred railway wagons were waiting to be unloaded

  5. 正在往驳船里卸货。

    The cargo is being discharged into lighters .

  6. 这些船明天卸货。

    The ships will unload ( their cargo ) tomorrow .

  7. 这艘船在上海卸货。

    The ship discharged at Shanghai dock .

  8. 吊车的巨臂日夜移动,装货卸货。

    Day and night the giant arms of the cranes move about , loading and unloading cargo .

  9. 我们愿意把卸货港由东京改为大阪。

    We 'd like to change the unloading port from Tokyo to Osaka .

  10. 咱们今天下午是不是谈谈卸货港的问题?

    Shall we have a talk on the port of discharge this afternoon ?

  11. 那辆货车遭到罢工者抵制而无法卸货。

    The lorry had been blacked by strikers and could not be unloaded .

  12. 他和史密斯先生就选择卸货港问题交换了意见。

    He exchanged views on the choice of the unloading port with Mr. Smith .

  13. 我们认为把伦敦作为中国茶叶的卸货港,很难让人接受。

    We don 't think it 's proper to unload the Chinese tea at London .

  14. 因为上海的船次多,我们把这里定为卸货港。

    There are more sailings at Shanghai , so we have chosen it as the unloading port .

  15. 本文的主要工作为进行LNG船的卸货模拟仿真。

    The main works of this paper are to carry out the virtual reality of LNG cargo discharging .

  16. 在从事了诸如卸货等一系列低薪工作后,他于1977年在其车库里创建了GP。

    After a succession of low-paying jobs such as unloading lorries , he set up GP in 1977 in his garage .

  17. 本软件经过一系列的调试和优化,可以独立、高效地完成LNG船的卸货仿真,满足对船员进行LNG船卸货培训的基本要求,其结果令人满意。

    The program through a series of debugging and optimization can independently and efficiently complete the unloading simulation , which meets the basic requirement for marine crew training .

  18. 检验:sgs或同等标准的检测单位,卖方承担卸货港的费用,买方承担接待费用。

    Inspection : sgs or equivalent at Seller cost at port of loading and buyer cost at disport .

  19. 上述第3.2.1条规定的合同设备价格为CIF(班轮)条件下的卸货港交付价格

    The price for Contract Equipment as specified in Article 3.2.1 is for delivery CIF ( liner term ) Port of Unloading

  20. SGS或检验检疫局在卸货港口所发出的质量和数量证书应为最终依据。

    The Certificate of Quality and the Certificate of Quantity issued by SGS OR CIQ at the Discharge Port shall be final .

  21. SGS或CIQ将分别在装货港口和卸货港口检验数量和质量,并签发数量与质量检验报告。

    SGS / CIQ will respectively inspect at loading port and unloading port for quality and quantity , and issue certificate .

  22. 近年来,随着浮式生产储存卸货装置(FPSO)逐渐成为世界海洋石油开发的主流方式,FPSO租赁业也随之兴盛起来。

    In recent years , the Floating Production Storage & Offloading ( FPSO ) has become one of the more dominant technologies in worldwide offshore oil exploitation , and FPSO charter operations have flourished accordingly .

  23. 多约束条件的有时间窗装卸货问题(PDPTW),由于它具有非确定型的多项式算法(NP)特性,求取精确解很难。

    It is very difficult to get the precise result of complex pickup and delivery problem with time window problem for the property of hard NP in the logistics management .

  24. 买方必须支付自按照a4规定交货之时起与货物有关的一切费用,包括为受领货物所需要的货物从船上卸下的卸货费。

    The buyer must pay all costs relating to the goods from the time they have been delivered in accordance with a4 , including the expenses of discharge operations necessary to take delivery of the goods from the vessel .

  25. land:登陆,卸货不,不,不关那事,嗯,Bart和我刚下飞机,propose:求婚还有他求婚了,我准备答应他。

    Lily : No , no , not about that . Um , Bart and I just landed at the airport back from our trip , and he proposed , and I 'm going to say yes .

  26. 集装箱到达新加坡港口后,集装箱就会被拖至通联设在Senoko的货仓以便卸货。

    Upon arrival at Singapore , the container will be towed to our warehouse at Senoko and be unloaded .

  27. 如果当事各方希望卖方负担卸货的风险和费用,则应使用DEQ术语。

    If the parties wish the seller to bear the costs and fish of discharging the goods , then the DEQ term should be used .

  28. 安全功能为:当液货罐液位过高(达到并超过液货罐总容积的98.7%)时,启动泵塔中两个卸货泵井底部的液货泵排出液货LNG。

    The Safety Function is that when the level in cargo tank is too high ( equal to or more than 98.7 % of the whole volume of the cargo tank ), start the two cargo pumps in the bottom of two discharging pump towers to discharge LNG .

  29. 如果相反的动力输出是可用的,史密斯泵是可逆的,因此TC-2泵用来装载或卸货不需要多功能装置。

    These Smith pumps are reversible , so that the TC-2 pump can be used for loading or unloading without a manifold , if a reversing power take-off is available .

  30. 埃及当局将负责船只的停靠,卸货,以及这些物资从埃及到加沙的运输,送往KeremAbuSalem检查点,货物在到达加沙之前将在这里接受以色列官员的检查。

    Egyptian authorities will facilitate its docking , unloading , and transshipment of those goods from Egypt to Gaza , fired the Kerem Abu Salem crossing , where the goods will be ed by Israeli officials before they get to Gazan .