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  1. 《圣经》第一卷第一章就明确告诉我们,有时我们需要停下来反省片刻。

    In the very first chapter of the first book of the Bible we are told categorically that there is a right time to pause and to reflect .

  2. 文章主要根据《德意志意识形态》和《资本论》第一卷第一章《商品的拜物教性质及其秘密》一节着重阐释马克思的意识形态理论的形成和深化。

    The main body separately explicates how Marx formed and developed his theory of ideology in The German Ideology and in one section of Capital of the first volume Commodity Fetishism and Its Secret .

  3. 第3卷第7章《sira的记述与分类》;

    Volume 3 , Chapter 7 : Record and classification about Sira ;

  4. 第一卷有二十章。

    Twenty chapters comprise Book One .

  5. 她再走进这座房子,走进三个月前她借口系鞋带而枉费心机走进去的那间屋子(译注:见小说第一卷第十章),不由得勾起了回忆。

    She could not enter the house again , could not be in the same room to which she had with such vain artifice retreated three months ago , to lace up her boot , without recollecting .

  6. 杜思托也夫斯基《罪与罚》卷六、终章。

    Dostoyevsky , Crime and Punishment , Part VI , Epilogue .

  7. 其实也没有那么出乎意料——因为每一卷的每一章都是从不同角色的视角叙述的,而在整部小说中以提利昂作为叙事视角的章节最多。

    It 's not really that surprising - each chapter of a book in the series is told from the perspective of a different character , and Tyrion has the most chapters to his name across the whole saga .