
  • 网络Indian religions;Religion in India
  1. 欧洲人对印度宗教的兴趣,并不在于无法限制像通灵学派这样的运动。

    European interests in Indian religions were not by no means confined to the movements like Theosophy .

  2. 全球伦理视野中的印度宗教传统

    Indian Religious Tradition in the Perspective of " Global-Ethic "

  3. 湿婆派在印度宗教生活中的势力也在增长。

    The saivites were also a growing force in the religious life of india .

  4. 全球伦理与印度宗教传统

    " Global Ethics " and Indian Religious Legacies

  5. 苦&解脱:古代印度宗教思想模式

    The Delivering Mode in Ancient Hindu Religions

  6. 每个秋天,印度宗教仪式Diwail期间会举行大型的烟花展。

    A great Indian fireworks show takes place during the religious celebration of Diwali , every autumn .

  7. 他们嘲笑印度宗教的偶像和典礼是一个野蛮时期的崩溃。

    They ridiculed as relics of a barbarous age the images and rituals of the Hindu religion .

  8. 梵语主要作为印度宗教仪式的语言而使用,以诗歌和咒语的形式出现。

    Sanskrit is mostly used as a ceremonial language in Hindu religious rituals in the forms of hymns and mantras .

  9. 在这个被誉为印度宗教首都的城市,死者在河边被火葬,骨灰也被撒向恒河。

    In this religious capital of India , the dead are cremated on the river bank and their ashes thrown in the Ganges .

  10. 瑜伽是印度宗教活动的很多方式的首要焦点,某些程度是介乎于冥想,祷告和健康活动之间。

    Yoga is the primary focus in many ways of a Hindu 's religious activities , being somewhere between meditation , prayer and healthful exercise .

  11. 《荒原》中所叙述的不死鸟及生死轮回的传说则体现了东方的印度宗教文化。

    The legend of the immortal bird and the narration of nirvana and incarnation implied in The Waste Land has relation with the oriental religion culture .

  12. 通过分析印度宗教建筑的空间模式,阐述宗教信仰对于原始建筑艺术的影响。

    This thesis analyses the space figure of religious architecture in India , and expatiated that religion belief has great effects on the primeval architecture arts .

  13. 探讨这方面的问题对把握印度宗教哲学的主要内容、理解东方文化的基本精神有重要意义。

    Researching the problems in this respect has important significance for highlighting the main content of Indian religious philosophy and for understanding the main spirit of Oriental culture .

  14. 瑜伽不但是印度宗教自古以来通用的修行法门,它的用途也广泛地渗透到了印度人的日常生活之中。

    Yoga has not only been a way of religious practices in Indian religious life since ancient time but also gone deep into the daily life of the general Indian people .

  15. 小说的叙事空间所呈现的形式呼应了印度宗教哲学中的梵的形式与意义,而对空间连接模式的分析则具体展示了小说叙事空间的形成。

    The concentric spatial form presented in the novel corresponds with the form and meaning of Brahma in Hinduism . The spatial connection modes of the novel bear the essence of the magic and build the spatial form .

  16. 每年来此游览的各国游客络绎不绝。BaliHindutempleinthewoodenstatue-巴厘岛印度教神庙中的木刻雕像巴厘岛因历史上受印度文化宗教的影响,居民大都信奉印度教,是印尼唯一信仰印度教的地方。

    Bali because of the history of India , cultural and religious implications , the residents mostly Hindu , Indonesia is the only local Hindu beliefs .

  17. 古代印度的宗教哲学妨碍了历史学的建立

    Ancient Indian Religion and Philosophy : A Hamper to Historiography

  18. 印度古代宗教哲学中的伦理观念

    Ethics in the Ancient Indian Religious Philosophy

  19. 由于历史上教派主义的影响和印度本身宗教和教派的多样性,教派主义对印度政治产生了深刻的影响。

    Religions with diversities of sects have long had great influences upon politics in India .

  20. 印度近代宗教改革中的世俗化倾向

    Secular Trend In Religious Reforms Of India

  21. 印度的宗教信仰和文化发挥了影响力的作用的演变,它的美食。

    India 's religious beliefs and culture has played an influential role in the evolution of its cuisine .

  22. 一家耆那教的国际研究学校将提供短期交流课程以及耆那教研讨班。耆那教是一种来自印度的宗教。

    An International School of Jain Studies will offer short-term exchange programs and seminars on Jainism , a religion from India .

  23. 一条亚洲河流;发源于喜马拉雅山脉,向东流入孟加拉海湾;印度的宗教河流。

    An Asia river ; rises in the Himalayas and flows east into the Bay of Bengal ; a sacred river of Hindu India .

  24. 结合三部作品内容,全面展现奈保尔对印度的宗教信仰、种姓制度、社会生活、甘地主义、民众思想、民族意识等方面的具体描写。

    The contents are including the describe for Indian religion faith , caste system , social life , Gandhism , national consciousness and so on .

  25. 这是当它抵达中转站维杰亚瓦达时就出错了,由于它的方向转至北方,致其最终目的地成了印度的宗教圣地瓦拉纳西。

    It was when it arrived at an interchange at Vijayawada it went wrong , as it was due to swing north to its eventual destination of Varanasi , one of India 's holiest cities .

  26. 象头神节是印度重要的宗教节日之一。

    Genesha 's is one of important religion holiday in India .

  27. 佛教是佛陀创始于印度北部之宗教。

    Buddhism is the religion founded by Buddha in North India .

  28. 奥义书对印度古代不少宗教都有重要影响。

    Upanisads have the important influence upon many religions in ancient India .

  29. 印度古代的宗教伦理是东方文化中的重要组成部分。

    The religious ethics of ancient India is an important part in the oriental culture .

  30. 宗教与印度国家整合宗教与社会主义相适应理论探源

    Religions and Conformity of the Country