
  • 网络health service demand;demand of health service;health demand;health care demand
  1. 卫生服务需求呈现多样化、多层次性;

    The health services demand is variety and multi-layered ;

  2. 医疗保健制度对卫生服务需求行为影响的比较研究

    Comparing study on the behavior impact of health services demand in medical care reform

  3. 我国农业物流发展的对策建议运用多因素非条件logistic回归分析医疗卫生服务需求与利用的影响因素;

    Countermeasures for China 's Agricultural Logistic Development logistic regression ;

  4. 抽取了贵州省大方县经济状况中等的3个村应用PRA进行生育卫生服务需求评估调查。

    PRA was applied to identify the needs of reproductive health service in 3 villages .

  5. 社区居民的卫生服务需求依次是健康指导、疾病预防、定期体检、24h应诊等服务。

    The health care demand ranked as follows : health guide , disease prevention , timely physical examination and 24-hour answer .

  6. 方法:应用CHAID(Chi-squaredAutomaticInteractionDetector)方法分析浙江省海岛居民卫生服务需求与利用调查资料。

    Methods Using Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detector ( CHAID ) to analyze the individual data from the demand and utility of the health service in islands citizens in Zhejiang province survey .

  7. 经Logistic多元回归分析,年龄、文化程度、职业、经济收入、医疗保险、慢性病患病情况、生活自理能力均是合肥市社区空巢老人社区卫生服务需求的危险因素。

    Logistic multiple regression analysis showed that age , education level , career , income , medical insurance , prevalence rate of chronic diseases and self care ability are all influencing factors of community health service demand among empty nest elderly in Hefei city .

  8. 目的了解农村地区艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者卫生服务需求与利用现状,积极探讨适合农村地区HIV感染者卫生服务需求的有效供给模式。

    Objective The present study was conducted to investigate the situation of the requirement and utilization of health service for HIV - infected patients in rural areas and actively explore an effective supply mode fit for the requirement of health service for HIV - infected patients in rural areas .

  9. 本文通过对浙江省海岛居民两周患病率的分析,介绍CHAID方法在居民卫生服务需求研究中的应用。

    This article expounds the application of CHAID to the research of health service demand of residents via analyzing the two-week prevalence in islands citizens in Zhejiang province .

  10. 结果老年人主要健康问题为慢性非传染性疾病患病率高、ADL丧失率高,由于社会经济地位偏低导致的心理和社会健康损害以及在卫生服务需求上的高需要和低要求状况。

    Results The findings of our study demonstrated that a higher prevalence of chronic diseases , losing the ability of activities of daily living ( ADL ), mental barriers and social adaptation barriers caused by a lower socio-economical rank were the main problems to the old population .

  11. 预测卫生服务需求量的多元回归分析模型

    A Multiple Regression Model of Forecasting the Demand for Health Services

  12. 安徽省肥西农村地区卫生服务需求调查分析

    Analysis on health demand in the rural area of Feixi county

  13. 流动人群对社区卫生服务需求的调查与分析

    Survey and Analysis of Community Health Services Needed among Flowing Population

  14. 南京城郊居民卫生服务需求调查分析

    Health Care Demands of Community Inhabitants in the Suburb of Nanjing

  15. 产褥期妇女卫生服务需求调查

    Investigation on the needs for health services among puerperal women

  16. 定期健康检查和健康指导的卫生服务需求较多。

    Regular health examination and health guidance were in need .

  17. 对卫生服务需求表示不需要的占38.3%;

    38.3 % thought they did not need any community health services .

  18. 南京市居民卫生服务需求的现状调查

    Survey about residents ' requirement of health service in Nanjing

  19. 深圳市社区老年居民的卫生服务需求调查

    Investigation on Community Health Service Demands of the Elderly in Shenzhen City

  20. 717名城镇老年人社区卫生服务需求探讨

    To assess the demands of community-based health care service among 717 elderly

  21. 城市社区老年人自理能力状况与卫生服务需求研究

    Study on Self-care Ability of Aged Community Residents and Their Health Demands

  22. 广州市农村流动人口卫生服务需求与利用分析

    Demand and utilization for health service in floating population in Guangzhou city

  23. 中国农村生殖道感染妇女卫生服务需求情况调查

    Health Service Utilization of Women with Reproductive Tract Infections in Rural China

  24. 某基层部队健康状况及卫生服务需求调查分析

    Investigation on the health status and hygienic service requirement in the army

  25. 卫生服务需求量是一系列变量的函数。

    The demand for health services is a function of many variables .

  26. 结论卫生服务需求和卫生服务利用结合不够紧密。

    CONCLUSION Medical service needed can not harmonize with health care utilization .

  27. 徐州市社区居民健康状况和卫生服务需求分析以及对策研究

    Study on health status and health service demand and countermeasure in Xuzhou

  28. 重庆市社区人群卫生服务需求调查及分析

    Investigation and analysis of health service needs among community inhabitants in Chongqing

  29. 沈阳市居民社区卫生服务需求和利用分析

    Analysis of Demand and Utilization of Community Health Services in Shenyang Oty

  30. 从农民卫生服务需求看新农合制度的设计

    Design of New Rural Cooperative Medical System based on Health Service Demand