
Beyond Life : the Spiritual World of V.Woolf Exposed in Mrs. Dalloway
Madness and Reticence & An analysis on Clarissa in Mrs. Dalloway
Virginia Woolf 's Social Satire on English Society in Mrs. Dalloway
In Mrs. Dalloway , Woolf provides solutions to problems above .
Dalloway , is the literature writing with obvious poetry inclination .
Puzzle · Awakening · Epiphany : Female subjectivity in Mrs. Dalloway
Space and time are important themes in Mrs. Dalloway .
Chapter three explores the reflections of her anxieties in one of her early novels-Mrs.
Compared the actuality of the structure of th Juxtaposition and Spatialization in Mrs. Dalloway
Death , Female Gender , and Narrative & On the Female Perspective of Mrs. Dalloway
Poetry Incline in " Mrs. Dalloway "
Systemic Functional Stylistic Analysis of Mrs. Dalloway
On Modern Narrative Art in Mrs. Dalloway
Mrs. Dalloway and To the Lighthouse are two novels written in the stream-of-consciousness technique by Virginia Woolf .
By reading her novel Mrs Dalloway , the authors briefly introduce how she creates the inner world of her characters by interlocking time and space .
In Mrs. Dalloway , by the manipulation of different spaces , Woolf criticizes the patriarchal ideology , capitalized society as well as the imperial policy .
The author of this paper uses the cultural geography and space power theories to prove that the relationship between human beings is also a construction of space .
Both Woolf herself and the characters in Mrs. Dalloway deeply feel the beauty and hardships of life . People are tortured by different dilemmas , fighting like trapped beasts .
Mental time interwoven with physical time , two parallel plots and changes of view , these are the major features of the narration in the novel , Mrs. Dalloway .
Throughout her life , she has created so many talented works , such as Mrs. Dalloway , To the Lighthouse , A Room of One s Own and The Waves .
The free indirect thought also preserves the emotive force of the original thoughts of characters , especially the high frequent occurrences of exclamations and some choices of words expressing strong feelings .
Zhang left many famous paintings , such as Paintings of Lady of Guoguo on a Spring Outing of the Tang Dynasty , Court Ladies Preparing Newly-Woven Silk and Lady of Wei .
In Mrs. Dalloway , the female protagonists not only struggle and fight in the domestic space but also go into public space . Yet they are frustrated in front of the public space dominated by militarism and violence .
The present study aims to adopt these linguistic principles to describe and analyze linguistic properties of Mrs. Dalloway , trying to find the connections between these properties and literary meanings , which are usually already suggested by traditional literary critics .