
  • 网络cass;kass;kas;Lucas;Cast
  1. 只有3所学校是首次登上定制课程排行榜,包括排名第60位的伦敦卡斯商学院(CassBusinessSchool)。

    Only three schools enter the custom ranking for the first time , including London 's Cass Business School in 60th place .

  2. 在当过一段时间的金融顾问后,德夫林参加卡斯商学院的全日制mba课程。

    After a spell as a financial adviser , Mr Devlin undertook a full-time MBA at CASS .

  3. 对于一个令人难以置信的赛季来说这实在是锦上添花。要知道我是从皇家马德里C队开始,而在卡斯蒂亚结束。

    It was the icing on an incredible season which I started with Real Madrid C and ended with Castilla .

  4. 当时,苹果(Apple)股价下跌,而卡斯正在做多苹果股票。

    Apple 's ( AAPL ) share price was down and Kass was long the stock .

  5. (参阅道格•卡斯在Twitter上的一天。)

    ( see a day in the twitter life of Doug Kass . )

  6. 齐达内从2014年起担任皇马B队(卡斯蒂亚队)的教练,在西班牙足球乙二联赛征战。

    Since 2014 , Zidane has coached Real Madrid Castilla , the club 's B team , which plays in the third tier of Spanish football .

  7. 玛丽亚•格拉卡斯•福斯特(MariadasGraçasFoster)并非等闲的巴西企业高管。

    Maria das Gra ç as Foster is no average Brazilian executive .

  8. 1971年,在土耳其完成高中学业后,他赴赫尔大学(universityofhull)攻读经济学,然后在伦敦卡斯商学院(cassbusinessschool)读mba。

    After finishing high school in Turkey in 1971 , he studied economics at the University of hull and for an MBA at Cass Business School in London .

  9. 伦敦城市大学(cityuniversity,london)的卡斯商学院(cassbusinessschool)已经成立了一个《博洛尼亚协定》特别工作组,以帮助该学院了解协定的全面影响,提出应对战略。

    At Cass Business School at City University , London , a Bologna task force has been established to help the school understand the full impact of the accord and develop strategies for its response .

  10. 我从伦敦城市大学约翰卡斯爵士商学院(SirJohnCassBusinessSchool)获得博士学位后,来自产业、银行业甚至学术界的朋友们连番向我抛出了这个选择问题。

    Has been the overwhelming question of choice from friends in industry , banking and even academia since I was awarded my PhD from City University of London Sir John Cass Business School .

  11. 曾出任IMF副总裁的卡斯滕斯呼吁,新总裁的遴选应该是一个以择优为基础的公平、公开的过程。

    Mr Carstens , a former IMF deputy managing director , called for the new managing director to be chosen in a fair and open process based on merit .

  12. 在最近伦敦卡斯商学院(cassbusinessschool)专业服务公司中心(cpsf)的成立仪式上,我花了一个晚上来讨论第二种选择。

    I spent an evening discussing the second option at the recent launch of the centre for professional service firms at the Cass Business School in London .

  13. 卡斯商学院(cassbusinessschool)的研究员路易丝阿什利(louiseashley)在专业服务机构工作,她经常与大律师事务所的初级年轻律师交谈。

    Louise Ashley , a research fellow at Cass Business School who works with professional services firms , speaks regularly with young lawyers at entry level with the largest law firms .

  14. 卡斯商学院(CassBusinessSchool)社交网络的客座教授朱莉娅•郝博斯鲍姆(JuliaHobsbawm)表示,运动更像是“一个保护层”,干扰人们建立有意义的关系。

    Julia Hobsbawm , visiting professor of networking at Cass Business School , says sport is too often " a protective layer " that distracts people from building meaningful relationships .

  15. 比如,伦敦的卡斯商学院(cassbusinessschool)近来展开了一次大规模的探讨,由教授、行政人员、学员和外部顾问组成的委员会思考如何在整个课程中传授伦理观。

    For example , Cass Business School in London recently undertook a large-scale review conducted by a committee comprised of professors , administrators , students and external advisers , to look at how ethics is taught across the curriculum .

  16. 卡斯商学院(CassBusinessSchool)访问学者克里斯•罗巴克(ChrisRoebuck)表示,过劳的年轻人日益成为伦敦金融城的一个问题。他在数家银行担任过高级人力资源管理职务。

    Chris Roebuck , a visiting professor of leadership at Cass Business School who has held senior HR roles in banks , said that overworking juniors was an increasing problem in the City .

  17. 那些给CDO的评级高得如此荒谬的信誉评级机构,尽管不在阿巴卡斯诉案里同列为被告,也应当坐立不安了。

    The rating agencies that gave CDOs such absurdly high ratings , though not named in the ABACUS case , should also worry .

  18. 卡斯商学院mba课程副主任韦罗妮卡霍普-黑利(veronicahopehailey)表示,尽管emba课程在该地区起步相对较晚,但市场发展得很快。

    Though EMBA programmes in the region are relatively new , the market is developing rapidly , says Veronica hope-hailey , associate dean of MBA programmes at CASS .

  19. 霍萨姆教授认为,在卡斯商学院,肯定如此。在这里,最新科技增强了该校高管工商管理硕士(EMBA)和模块式MBA课程学员的学习体验。

    Prof Holtham believes this is certainly the case at Cass , where the latest technology enhances the learning experience of both the school 's EMBA and modular MBA students .

  20. 例如,卡斯商学院已发现,对于不太可能到校上半小时课的在职学员而言,Adobe的另一个产品ConnectPro做视频辅导非常理想。

    Cass , for example , has found that another Adobe product , Connect Pro , is ideal for video tutorials for part-time students who may not have to come into school for a half-hour meeting .

  21. 你要像战士一样前往这座拥有126个崭新房间的卡斯凯什古堡酒店(PousadadeCascais)——这座16世纪的城堡经过翻修后将新建的房间与历史核心因素融为一体——包括建在原先兵营宿舍内的少数几间客房。

    Make like a soldier and head to the new 126-room Pousada de Cascais hotel , a converted 16th-century citadel that marries new-build rooms with a historic core -- including a handful of guest rooms within the original barracks quarters .

  22. 该校首席运营官亨利埃塔?罗伊尔(HenriettaRoyle)表示,卡斯商学院无法从中国赚钱。

    The school is unable to get money out of China , says Henrietta Royle , chief operating officer .

  23. 伦敦卡斯商学院(CassBusinessSchool)讲师埃琳娜•诺韦利(ElenaNovelli)的表态则更委婉一些,她说:当然,专利申请数是一个衡量标准,但它不是终极衡量标准。

    Elena Novelli , lecturer at Cass Business School in London , is more measured , saying : Certainly , the number of patents filed is a metric , but it is not the ultimate metric .

  24. 伦敦卡斯商学院(CassBusinessSchool)讲师埃琳娜•诺韦利(ElenaNovelli)的表态则更委婉一些,她说:“当然,专利申请数是一个衡量标准,但它不是终极衡量标准。”

    Elena Novelli , lecturer at Cass Business School in London , is more measured , saying : " Certainly , the number of patents filed is a metric , but it is not the ultimate metric . "

  25. 人力资源咨询公司Hudson银行和金融服务负责人詹姆斯•卡斯(JamesCarss)表示:几乎和我打过交道的所有银行都存在租赁面积的问题。

    James Carss , director of banking and financial services for Hudson , a human resources consultancy , says : Pretty much every bank I 've dealt with has space problems .

  26. 大白守护着一切生命,就连卡斯阿姨家的花猫Mochi也“不放过”。

    Baymax is a protector of all life forms and that includes Mochi , Aunt Cass ' Calico housecat .

  27. 就职于伦敦一家商业银行、26岁的特雷弗•卡斯(TrevorKass)说道:商务旅行中,唯一可以接受的风雅就是穿着西装戴太阳镜。

    About the only flair acceptable on a business trip is wearing sunglasses with your suit , says 26-year-old Trevor Kass , who works for a merchant bank in London .

  28. 伊朗民航组织(CivilAviationOrganization)发言人RezaJafarzadeh对伊朗官方媒体表示,隶属卡斯皮安航空公司(CaspianAirlines)的这架飞机从德黑兰霍梅尼机场起飞16分钟后,于当地时间上午11点45分在贾纳德阿巴德乡附近坠毁。

    Iran 's Civil Aviation Organization spokesman Reza Jafarzadeh told Iranian state media that the airplane , owned by Caspian Airlines , crashed near Janat-Abad village at 11:45 a.m. ( 3:15 a.m. Eastern ) , 16 minutes after taking off from Tehran 's Imam Khomeini airport .

  29. 范智廉周四在伦敦卡斯商学院(CassBusinessSchool)的一次演讲中称:“全球监管机构正考虑互联网公司提供银行业服务的范围以及是否应对它们严加监管或者它们是否只是为使用银行业服务提供途径。”

    Douglas Flint said in a speech at Cass Business School in London on Thursday : " Regulators all around the world are reflecting on the extent that internet companies are providing banking services and whether they should be regulated as such , or whether they are just providing access to banking services . "

  30. 他在Twitter上发布传闻称,苹果即将宣布分拆。受此消息影响,苹果股价出现上涨,而卡斯在盈利之后便抛售了所持股票。他随后又发布消息称传闻并无依据,随后遭到了大量指责。

    He tweeted a rumor that the company was about to announce a split , the stock went up , he sold his shares at a profit , tweeted that the rumor was baseless and then spent the rest of the day hurling insults at his critics .