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  1. 2004年加拿大卡尔顿大学(CarletonUniversity)斯普洛特商学院(SprottSchoolofBusiness)与上海东华大学(DonghuaUniversity)联合开设了EMBA项目。

    Canada-based Carleton University 's Sprott School of Business set up a joint-venture E.M.B.A.program in2004 with Shanghai 's Donghua University .

  2. 几年前,他和加拿大卡尔顿大学心理学家MarinaMilyavskaya一起进行了研究。他们监测了加拿大麦吉尔大学的159名学生,为期一周。

    A few years ago , he and Carleton University psychologist Marina Milyavskaya monitored 159 students at McGill University in Canada for a week .

  3. 帕梅拉毕业于明尼苏达州的卡尔顿大学。现与丈夫约翰惠廷及两只小狗居住于明尼阿波利斯。

    Pamela graduated from Carleton College in Northfield , Minnesota and currently lives in Minneapolis with her husband , John Whiting , and two little dogs .

  4. “从进化角度看,迷信似乎并不适应(进化理论),”最近发表于《动物行为》的研究论文撰稿人之一、渥太华卡尔顿大学的生物学家凯文阿伯特说道。

    " From an evolutionary perspective , superstitions seem maladaptive ," said Kevin Abbott , biologist at Carleton University in Ottawa and co-author of a recent study published in Animal Behavior .

  5. 本文介绍并分析了加拿大卡尔顿大学图书馆的丢书调查服务,针对性地提出了服务补救工作的具体措施。

    Based on introducing and analyzing of trace service for ' lost books ' from the library in Carleton University in Canada , the paper puts forward some concrete measures on service recovery work in our library .

  6. 对话中女士问每年有多少人进入大学,男士指出恩德比高中不错,卡尔顿修道院更好,大学的升学率是70%。

    M : Well , Enderby High is very good - andCarlton Abbey even better , 70 % of their pupils go on to university .