
nán bù fēi zhōu fā zhǎn ɡònɡ tónɡ tǐ
  • Southern African Development Community-SADC
  1. 在非洲大陆大大小小的区域组织中,南部非洲发展共同体(SADC)无疑是颇具潜力和活力的组织。

    Among regional organizations in Africa , the Southern African Development Community ( SADC ) undoubtedly is potential and dynamic .

  2. 南部非洲发展共同体官员说,他们希望增加决选观察员的数目。

    However , SADC has said it wants to increase the number of observers .

  3. 南部非洲发展共同体是当今非洲最大最成功的区域政府间合作组织之一。

    SADC is one of the largest and most successful regional inter-governmental organizations in Africa .

  4. 这次谈判的调解员是南部非洲发展共同体指派的南非总统姆贝基。

    The talks are being negotiated by SADC-appointed mediator President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa .

  5. 南部非洲发展共同体人员自由迁移议定书草案

    Protocol on the Free Movement of Persons in the Southern African Development Community , draft

  6. 这项决议还鼓励南部非洲发展共同体继续调解工作。

    The resolution also encourages the Southern Africa Development Community , SADC , to continue its mediation efforts .

  7. 星期天,民权领导人向来自南部非洲发展共同体的选举观察员作了简短汇报。

    On Sunday , civil rights leaders briefed a group of observers from the Southern African Development Community or SADC .

  8. 曼塔谢说,姆贝基作为被南部非洲发展共同体指派的调解人员必须要做到不偏不倚。

    Mantashe says as mediator appointed by the Southern African Development Community , Mr. Mbeki must be seen to be impartial .

  9. 去年,南部非洲发展共同体授权姆贝基充当“争取民主变革运动”和“非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线”之间的调停人。

    Mr. Mbeki was last year mandated by the Southern African Development Community to mediate talks between the MDC and ZANU-PF .

  10. 他要求终止津巴布韦在非洲联盟和南部非洲发展共同体的成员资格。

    He urged Zimbabwe 's suspension from the African Union and the regional grouping of southern African nations ( SADC ) .

  11. 津巴布韦的邻国博茨瓦纳认为,津巴布韦和穆加贝应该被开除出非洲联盟和南部非洲发展共同体。

    Zimbabwe 's neighbor Botswana argued that Zimbabwe and Mr. Mugabe should be barred from membership in the African Union and SADC .

  12. 不过,来自南部非洲发展共同体的外国观察员这次的申请获准。

    The accreditation for foreign observers from the Southern African Development Community , SADC , has been granted for the run off .

  13. 今年1月,津巴布韦修改了在南部非洲发展共同体斡旋下制定的选举法,穆加贝颁布一项政令,重新允许警察进入投票站。

    Since those SADC mediated laws were amended in January , Mr. Mugabe passed a decree allowing police back inside polling stations .

  14. 穆坦巴拉表示,他希望三方领导人都能出席这个周末在南非举行的南部非洲发展共同体的首脑会议。

    Mutambara said he hoped all three leaders would attend the summit of the Southern African Development community in South Africa this weekend .

  15. 南部非洲发展共同体主席、南非总统莫特兰蒂说,该组织安全机构星期四开会,讨论马达加斯加的事态。

    The Chairman of SADC , South Africa 's President Kgalema Motlanthe , said its security organ would meet Thursday to discuss the development .

  16. 南部非洲发展共同体的观察员不得不呆在酒店里,想去集会现场采访的记者遭到枪击。

    Observers from the Southern African Development Community SADC remained in their hotel and journalists who tried to go to the rally site were shot at .

  17. 南部非洲发展共同体说,他们也派人前往一些投票站,查看是否有问题。

    The Southern Africa Development Community said they had been going around to some of the polling stations checking to see if there was any trouble .

  18. 南部非洲发展共同体决定提出传统药物的安全标准,并对传统药物和药用植物治疗传染病进行研究。

    The Southern African Development Community has resolved to develop regional safety standards and carry out research into traditional medicines and medicinal plants to cure communicable diseases .

  19. 去年3月,茨万吉拉伊和他的几十名官员被警察拘禁期间受到殴打,随后“南部非洲发展共同体”任命南非总统姆贝基从中斡旋,以解决津巴布韦的危机。

    Mr. Mbeki was appointed by SADC to mediate the Zimbabwe crisis after Tsvangirai and scores of his officials were assaulted in police custody in March last year .

  20. 他要求停止一切暴力,以及允许南部非洲发展共同体的维和人员、国际观察员和媒体进入津巴布韦。

    He called for the cessation of all violence , the presence of South African Development Community ( SADC ) peacekeepers and access for international observers and media .

  21. 赞比亚表示不接受这次不符合宪法的政府更迭,并呼吁非洲联盟和南部非洲发展共同体暂停马达加斯加的成员国资格。

    Zambia says it is rejecting what it called the unconstitutional change of government and called for Madagascar 's suspension in the African Union and Southern African Development Community , SADC .

  22. 他呼吁南部非洲发展共同体及非洲联盟确保尽快达到缓解津巴布韦人民苦难所必需的条件。

    He called upon the Southern African development Community and the African Union to ensure conditions are met to alleviate the suffering of Zimbabwe 's people in the shortest possible time .

  23. 他说,南部非洲发展共同体决不会接受通过违宪手段让一个民选政府交出权力。

    He said SADC would never accept the unconstitutional transfer of power from a democratically elected government . The European Union and United States have said that an unconstitutional transfer of power could bring sanctions .

  24. 由15国组成的南部非洲地区发展共同体早些时候表示不会承认拉乔利纳为总统。

    The 15-nation Southern African Regional Development Community SADC earlier said it would not recognize Mr. Rajoelina as president .

  25. 不过他又表示,由于津巴布韦这个内陆国家无论从经济上还是政治上都严重依赖其邻国,南部非洲地区性组织“南部非洲发展共同体”如果发表一份语气同样强硬的声明可能会在迫使哈拉雷政府作出改变方面更加有效。

    But he said that given the fact that landlocked Zimbabwe is so economically and politically dependent on its neighbors , a similarly firm statement from the Southern African regional grouping SADC might be more effective in getting the Harare government to change course .

  26. 南部非洲电力联盟(SAPP)是南部非洲发展共同体(SADC)电力机构。

    The Southern African Power Pool ( SAPP ) is the electricity arm of SADC .