
  • 网络krill;Antarctic Krill;Euphausia superba
  1. 南极磷虾虾壳制备甲壳素/壳聚糖的工艺研究

    Preparation of Chitin and Chitosan from the Exoskeleton of Antarctic Krill

  2. 因此,针对南极磷虾的这些特点,对其蛋白质进行深加工研究,从而开发安全高值的产品具有重要的意义。

    Thus , based on these characters of Antarctic krill , the investigation of deep processing of Antarctic krill proteins is important to develop safty krill commodities wih high added value .

  3. 已从南极磷虾提取了8种蛋白酶:三种丝氨酸类胰蛋白酶,一种丝氨酸类胰凝乳蛋白酶,以及两种羧肽酶A,两种羧肽酶B。

    The extract contains eight proteolytic enzymes : three trypsin-like serine proteinases , one chymotrypsin-like serine proteinase , two carboxypeptidase A enzymes , and two carboxypeptidase B enzymes .

  4. 整个调查海区南极磷虾的平均数值密度和重量密度分别为16.17尾1000m3和12.02g1000m3。

    The mean numerical density and weight density integrated for the whole survey region were 16.17 ind. / 1000 m 3 and 12.02 g / 1000 m 3 , respectively .

  5. 样品的组成主要是幼体后期的南极磷虾。

    The main component of the krill population was post larval stages . For the later zoeae , Artemia becomes a good diet .

  6. 在南极磷虾体内具有非常高效的消化系统,这是一个由多种酶和抑制因子相结合的复合酶系统。

    The efficiency of these enzymes is clearly visualized when the krill postmortem is autolyzed , due to the disabling of the inhibitor system .

  7. 测量和分析的结果表明,陆坡区南极磷虾的生长状态好于深海区,但就整个调查海区来说,南极磷虾处于正常生长状态。

    The krill were growing better in the slope area than in the open sea area , but as for the whole study area , Antarctic krill were under normal growing state .

  8. 南极磷虾资源量巨大,含有的蛋白质丰富质优,但是,其氟含量异常高,且含有功能强大的内源酶。

    The biomass of Antarctic krill is huge , and Antarctic krill are rich in proteins with high quality . But , the fluoride content of Antarctic krill is extremely high and Antarctic krill contains very strong proteolytic enzymes .

  9. 本文研究了废液副产物的利用,即研究向废液副产物中添加南极磷虾,利用二段自溶技术制备高氨基酸态氮南极磷虾自溶液的效果。

    The utilization of the byproducts was investigated through the addition of Antarctic krill to the byproducts , followed by the preparation of hydrolysates with high amino acid nitrogen level using the technology of two-stage krill autolysis in this thesis .

  10. 南极大磷虾(EuphausiasuperbaDana)氨基酸组成分析

    The Amino Acid Composition of Antarctic Krill Euphausia superba Dana

  11. 南极大磷虾的生物活性物质及其用途研究进展

    Active substances in the Antarctic krill

  12. 组织切片观察发现,不同温度条件下,随着时间的延长,南极大磷虾肌肉束由开始的紧密排列逐渐出现空隙而稀疏,并最终断裂成小的片段。

    Through histologic slide observation , it is found that with time prolonged , the closely-arranged muscles of Euphausia superba gradually evolves some interspaces and eventually break into small fractures .

  13. 南极大磷虾隶属于节肢动物门甲壳纲,是南极生态系统的关键物种,资源丰富,具有巨大的开发和利用潜力。

    Euphausia superba which belongs to Arthropoda Crustacea , is the key species to the Antarctic ecological system . It is rich in resources and has great potential for the development and use .

  14. 国外研究表明,南极大磷虾体内含有多种蛋白酶,能清除机体坏死组织和细胞、治疗角膜碱烧伤和消除牙斑等,具有广泛的医学用途,而其体内蛋白酶活性40%来源于胰蛋白酶。

    Foreign studies show that the Antarctic krill proteinases is very effective in eliminating necrotic tissues and cells , treatment of corneal alkali burn and eliminating plaque etc. It has great medical purposes and 40 % of protease activity comes from trypsin .

  15. 作者应用扫描和透射电镜观察了南极趋型磷虾(EuphausiasuperbaDana)复眼的内外部组织结构。

    Internal and external organic structure of compound eyes of Antarctic Krill ( Euphausia superba Dana ) was studied with scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ) and transmission electron microscopy ( TEM ) .

  16. 1999/2000年夏季南极普里兹湾地区南极磷虾的分布、丰度和生长状态研究

    Distribution , abundance and growing condition of the Antarctic krill ( euphausia superba ) in 1999 / 2000 in the Prydz Bay region , antarctica