
nán fānɡ dū shì bào
  • Southern Metropolis Daily
  1. 客户目前的范围从对中国婴儿配方奶粉失去信心的婴儿父母到相信母乳会改善他们健康的成年人,《南方都市报》报道。

    Customers at present range from the parents of babies who have lost faith in Chinese baby formula to adults who believe breast milk would boost their health , the Southern Metropolis Daily reported .

  2. 《南方都市报》(SouthernMetropolisDaily)的一篇社论发问:如果吴英被判死刑,我们应该如何处置其他人?

    If Wu Ying is sentenced to death , how should we deal with all the others ? asked the Southern Metropolis Daily in an editorial .

  3. 据《南方都市报》报道,深圳计划推出地铁车厢分级制、设VIP头等车厢。

    Shenzhen plans to introduce a classification system to its metro railway system , in which the trains that runs beneath the city surface will have VIP compartments , Southern Metropolis Daily reported .

  4. 南方都市报定位发展探析

    A Research on the Dynamic Positioning of Southern Metropolis Daily

  5. 2010年,我也在南方都市报有过短期的实习经历。

    I also had a short internship in Southern Metropolis Daily in2010 .

  6. 总部位于广州的《南方都市报》近日发表了第一篇由机器人撰写的稿件。

    Guangzhou-based Southern Metropolis Daily published its first story written by a robot .

  7. 每日会议日程创新是报业发展之魂&《南方都市报》研究

    Innovation is the Spirit of the Newspaper Development & Research on Southern Metropolis Daily

  8. 《南方都市报》转型研究

    The Research on Transformation of Southern Metropolis Daily

  9. 本文研究出于对《南方都市报》经营方面的持续创新而起。

    This research is activated by continued innovation from " Southern Metropolis Daily " management .

  10. 据《南方都市报》报道,其中一位受害者丢失了1800件游戏道具,总价值达6万元。

    One victim lost 1,800 virtual items , worth 60,000 yuan , reported Southern Metropolis Daily .

  11. 但该剧发言人曹某却在《南方都市报》的一次采访中否认了抄袭之说。

    However , a spokesperson of the show surnamed Cao denied plagiarism in an interview with Southern Metropolis Daily .

  12. 《南方都市报》在广东区域的成长对中国都市报经营有着标本意义。

    The rise of " Southern Metropolis Daily " in Guangdong plays great significance to business with Chinese metropolis newspaper .

  13. 第二阶段从2002年3月到现在,《南方都市报》从一份强大的报纸向伟大报纸转型。

    Phase two , from March 2002 to the present , it is improved to a mainstream newspaper with significant power .

  14. 据《南方都市报》报道称,批发商们争先恐后地涌向当地工厂抢购这种手机外壳。

    Wholesalers are flocking to local factories to get their hands on these covers , according to the Southern Metropolis Daily .

  15. 本文以南方都市报的定位发展为线索来探讨其成功的原因。

    This paper will systematically make analysis of the reasons why it succeeded though reviewing the history of its development of positioning .

  16. 南方都市报还报道说,为了防止那些女子逃走,李浩每两天给她们送一次饭,让她们一直都很虚弱。

    To prevent his victims from escaping , Li fed the women only once every two days , keeping them physically weak .

  17. 据《南方都市报》报道,目前世界上最大的夜明珠在海南文昌市宝玉宫展出。

    Possibly the biggest pearl is on display at Baoyu Palace in Wenchang City , Hainan Province , the Southern Metropolis Daily reports .

  18. 据《南方都市报》统计,在南部沿海城市珠海,只有7%的人通过新考试。

    In the southern coastal city of Zhuhai , only 7 percent passed the new test , according to the Southern Metropolis Daily newspaper .

  19. 据《南方都市报》报道,武广高铁上新增了可折叠的“超员凳”,供购买无座票的乘客使用。

    Trains that run on the Wuhan-Guangzhou Highspeed Railway will offer folding seats for passengers with standing-room-only tickets , the Southern Metropolis Daily reported .

  20. 中国的南方都市报星期一报导,佛山利达玩具有限公司的张树鸿星期六在他在广东省的工厂被发现死亡。

    The Southern Metropolis Daily reports Monday that Zhang Shuhong of the Lee Der Industrial Company Limited was found dead in his Guangdong province factory Saturday .

  21. 官方媒体《南方都市报》周一刊登了那幅跪倒在地的市委书记的照片,引发了网上的激烈讨论。

    The photo of the kneeling party secretary was the subject of intense online discussion Monday after it was published by the state-run Southern Metropolis Daily .

  22. 陈水总的哥哥接受《南方都市报》的采访时表示,陈水总多次向当地政府申请修正其户口信息,但都徒劳无功。

    Chen 's brother told the newspaper , Southern Metropolis , Chen had petitioned local government many times to fix his paper work to no avail .

  23. 但这一次,《南方都市报》的广告就证明了传统印刷媒体仍然可以通过创新的内容来寻找合适的客户。

    But this time , the advertisement in Southern Metropolis Daily proved that traditional print media can still find the right clients by printing innovative ad content .

  24. 南方都市报报道,中国观众再也不能在网上同步观看海外电视剧了!

    Chinese audiences will no longer be able to watch online overseas TV series at the same time they come out abroad , the Southern Metropolis Daily reports .

  25. 该广告,以信件的模式,印在广东省会主报&《南方都市报》周二版上。

    The advertisement , which looks like a letter , was printed on Tuesday in Southern Metropolis Daily , a major newspaper in the capital of Guangdong province .

  26. 《南方都市报》的转型主要为两个阶段进行,第一阶段从1999年7月至2002年2月,《南方都市报》由小报转型为一份百万大报;

    There are two phases for its transformation . Phase one , from July 1999 to Feb 2002 , Southern Metropolis Daily successfully enlarged its circulation to million ;

  27. 上周《南方都市报》有评论指出:这些曾经一腔雄心壮志的大学毕业生们正在接受一个现实,那就是他们不再像几十年前的大学生那样稀缺了。

    The once high-flying college graduates are now accepting the fact that they are not as rare as their predecessors decades ago , commented South Metropolitan Daily last week .

  28. 据《南方都市报》报道,由常青藤联盟发布的一组数据显示,有四分之一在常春藤大学就读的中国留学生在毕业前辍学。

    According to Southern Metropolis Daily , a recent data from Ivy League universities shows that one in four Chinese students attending these universities drop out before they graduate .

  29. 《南方都市报》评论员吴楚吟(音译)表示,辞职的原因是由于毕业生对工作的期望值和现实工作情况之间存在着巨大的差距。

    What leads to resignations is the gap between grads ' expectations and the real work situation , according to Wu Chuyin , a commentator at Southern Metropolis Daily .

  30. 然而,《南方都市报》的市场副总经理李湖却表示该广告在发表前经过了详细的审核。

    However , Li Hu , deputy market managing director of Southern Metropolis Daily , said the content of the ad had been carefully examined prior to its publication .