
dān zhènɡ yī zhì
  • compliance between documents and terms of a credit;conformity between documents and terms of a credit;documents conforming to the terms of a credit
  1. 同时,通过对比各种审单原则,研究了审单领域的难点&单单一致、单证一致问题。

    Meanwhile , examining standards and principles , the difficulties of examining field , are also studied via the contrast of all kinds of different examining principles .

  2. 银行在信用证支付结算中处理的是单据而不是货物,因此在单证表面完全一致的情况下,银行承担了第一性的付款责任。

    Besides , what bank deal with in the process is not goods , but receipts , and therefore , given that credits and receipts are identical in nature , bank assumes the first class responsibility of payment .

  3. 保险人分别签发的保险单证的内容与预约保险单证的内容不一致的,以分别签发的保险单证为准。

    Where the contents of the insurance certificates issued by the insurer separately differ from those of the open policy , the insurance certificates issued separately shall prevail .