
  • 网络monatomic molecule;monoatomic molecule;monatomic molecular;He Ne Ar
  1. 用三种经典分布的统计规律,计算了统计物理学中α因子与热力学量之间的关联,结果表明对单原子分子理想气体而言,其结论是一致的。

    In this article , the correlation between α factor and the thermodynamics in statistical mechanics is calculated by statistical law of three classic distributions . The result indicates that , when used upon a monatomic molecule ideal gas , the results of the three distributions are coincident .

  2. 氢、氦分别是结构最简单的双原子和单原子分子,在冲击加载条件下,氢,氦材料的热力学特性一直是从事凝聚态物理研究的理论和实验工作者非常关注的前沿研究课题之一。

    H_2 and He , which are the simplest diatomic and monatomic molecules respectively , are always one of advancing areas for those scientists working at theoretical and experimental study on condensed state physics .

  3. 单原子分子测控的进展

    Progress in detecting and controlling single atom and molecule

  4. 以近独立单原子分子理想气体系统为研究对象,对热力学第一定律进行了微观阐释。

    We had explained a micro mean of the first law of thermodynamics in a nearly independent ideal gas system .

  5. 单原子分子测控是近年来发展起来的实验技术,其操作对象是单个的原子或分子。

    The detection and control of single atom and molecule is a recently developed experimental technology , which includes the imaging ?

  6. 氩分子为简单的单原子分子,由于其外层电子具有满壳层结构,所以在理论计算研究和实验对比中已成为一个非常理想的研究体系。

    Because of the closed-shell electronic configuration , the single-atom argon molecular is an ideal system allowing fruitful comparisons between experiments and theoretical calculations .

  7. 然而,这种实验观测很难在单原子分子水平上提供表面生长的动力学信息。因此,在原子分子水平上的理论研究是理解相关动力学过程的关键。

    However , even the most advanced instruments can hardly provide direct information about the dynamics of surface growth on single-atomic levels , and therefore , relevant theoretical studies are highly desirable for thorough understanding the dynamical processes .

  8. 单原子或者分子,由很多很小的原子组成。

    We have either single atoms or molecules consisting of small numbers of atoms .

  9. 有机分析研究进展&单原子、单分子、单细胞的分析进展

    Recent research progress on organic analysis & recent progress on the analysis of single atom , single molecule and single cell

  10. 通过原子、分子操纵,实现在纳米尺度上对材料进行加工,完成单原子、单分子电子器件的制作,一直是人们追求的目标。

    Realizing the processes of making material on nanometer yardstick , and the monoatomic , single molecule electronic device through the atom , molecule manipulation is the goal that people have pursued all the time .

  11. 这种单原子氧是氧分子在叠位发生解离吸附所形成。

    Such a monoatomic oxygen is formed when the dissociative adsorption of the oxygen molecule at the eclipsed site takes place .