
  • 网络The Single Mother;Single Mom
  1. 做一个单亲妈妈是一件不可思议的事情。

    Being a single mom is an incredible thing .

  2. 我们的小女孩马上要变成单亲妈妈了。

    O-our little girl 's going to be A-A single mom .

  3. 以县为单位,像洛杉矶县和Cook县这种城市化的县,单亲妈妈家庭的数量最多。

    By county , urban counties like Los Angeles County and Cook County , had the greatest number of single mother-led homes .

  4. 可能是这种经历让莎拉十分热衷于与慈善团体合作帮助单亲妈妈,她的朋友、《哈利·波特》的作者JK·罗琳也是这方面的热衷者。

    It may have been this experience which fuelled her interest in working with charities helping single mothers , an interest shared with Harry Potter author JK Rowling , who is a friend .

  5. 44岁的JuliaChapeyama是一个单亲妈妈,她并没有告诉家里人她生病了,因为她担心由于霍乱进医院的13岁的女儿Cynthia。

    Cholera patients wait for treatment at Budiriro Polyclinic in Harare , 26 Nov 2008 Julia Chapeyama , 44 , a single mother , did not tell her family she was ill , because she was so worried about her 13-year-old daughter , Cynthia , who was in the hospital with cholera .

  6. 拜托我是个儿子30岁的单亲妈妈

    Please ! I 'm a single mom with a 30-year-old son .

  7. “单亲妈妈”真心不容易。

    It must be so hard being a single mom .

  8. 即将和一位单亲妈妈美香结婚,但是平井却非常烦恼。

    Hirai is about to get married to Mika , a single mother .

  9. 先前的调查数据显示,这些孩子多数是单亲妈妈们的后代。

    Previous surveys show most of these children are the women 's offspring .

  10. 有两个十几岁孩子的单亲妈妈而且满手是泥

    Single mom with two teenage kids and manure caked under my fingernails .

  11. 我由单亲妈妈带大她是一位英雄.

    I was raised by a heroic single mom .

  12. 我在纽约黑人区由单亲妈妈拉扯大

    I was raised by a single mother in Harlem

  13. 像是一个单亲妈妈。

    Sounds like I 'm a single mom .

  14. 玛努埃拉是一个单亲妈妈,含辛茹苦把儿子埃斯特班养大。

    Manuela is a hard-working single mom who has raised her son Esteban by herself .

  15. 单亲妈妈只是一个暂时的过程

    Single motherhood is a transitory state .

  16. 你羡慕一个单亲妈妈?

    You envy a single mom ?

  17. 我是一个单亲妈妈,我不知道如何教养我的孩子。

    I am a single mother ; I don 't know how to educate my kids .

  18. 蒂芬尼·希克斯是位29岁的单亲妈妈。

    Tiffani Hicks , a29-year-old single mother , helped out for the first time this year .

  19. 我母亲是一个单亲妈妈

    My mom was a single mother

  20. 玛丽,一个74岁,有4个孩子的单亲妈妈,3条她和她老伴共同的的规定

    Mary , a74 year-old mother of four and widow of two shared three of her rules

  21. 第7单元帮助单亲妈妈

    Unit 7 Help for Single Moms

  22. 一位有19个孩子的单亲妈妈为普京带来了“光明的未来”而感谢他。

    A single mother with 19 children thanked Mr Putin for a " bright future " .

  23. 跟一个单亲妈妈聊了会她人很好

    One of the mums came and spoke to me afterwards , she was really nice .

  24. 如果她是一个努力干活的单亲妈妈的话,她可能刚刚离婚。

    If she 's a single mom doing it hard , she might have just split .

  25. 在所有的组中,有工作的女性肥胖指数都比较低,包括单亲妈妈和没有孩子的女性。

    Working correlated with low body mass in all groups , including single moms and childless women .

  26. 我要照顾我的两个孩子而且这是我第一次面对单亲妈妈这个角色

    And I have the two kids . I was the single mom for the first time .

  27. 无论是生母、养母、奶妈、单亲妈妈、祖母还是教母;

    Biological moms , adoptive moms , and foster moms ; single moms , grandmoms and godmothers ;

  28. 甚至在她离婚成为单亲妈妈之后,她仍在继续着她的医学工作。

    and even after she got divorced and was a single rent , she continued her medical work .

  29. 就像其他的单亲妈妈一样,她努力的支付着房租,饭钱和其他帐单。

    Like many other single moms , she struggles to pay for the rent , groceries and utility bills .

  30. 随着她的积蓄逐渐减少,这位单亲妈妈不得不和她的三个女儿搬进了汽车旅馆。

    As her savings dwindled , the single mother had to move into a motel with her three daughters .