
  • 网络Mount Washington;Mt. Washington
  1. 回顾1944年,在imf章程在新罕布什尔州布雷顿森林白木红顶的华盛顿山饭店(mountwashingtonhotel)签署前,具体策划就耗去了数月时间。

    Back in 1944 , it took many months of detailed planning before the articles of association of the IMF were signed in the white-wood , red-roofed Mount Washington Hotel at Bretton Woods in New Hampshire .

  2. 你确定没有把穆斯海德湖错当成华盛顿山?

    Do you not mistake about seeing Moosehead Lake from Mount Washington ?

  3. 华盛顿山以气温突变、温差悬殊著称。热网循环水泵变频运行的变温差控制

    Mount Washington is known for its sudden and extreme changes of temperature . Variable temperature difference control of variable frequency circulating pumps in heat supply network

  4. 美国华盛顿山的一块岩石上,立下了一个标牌,告诉后来的登山者,那里曾经是一个女登山者躺下死去的地方。

    Mount Washington on a rock , made a sign to tell the climbers later , there was a female climber who died in place to lie down .

  5. 对于喜欢滑雪的人来说,世界上降雪最多的地方要数加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的华盛顿山了。

    For those looking to head to the slopes and enjoy some skiing , the resort that received the most snow in the world was Mt Washington BC in Canada .

  6. 那些离开华盛顿国会山并自感解脱和庆幸的众议员应当抛却任何幻想。

    And congressmen who have left Washington in a glow of relief and self-congratulation should have no illusions .

  7. 同时,上千人聚集在美国华盛顿国会山,抗议美国国家安全局的监视项目。

    Meanwhile several thousand protesters marched to the US Capitol in Washington to protest against the NSA 's spying program .

  8. 辐射来自于华盛顿国会山和纽约中央车站的壁之中。

    It 's coming out of the walls of the U.S. Capitol in Washington and New York 's Grand Central Terminal .

  9. 大门已经加强了安保和警报措施,但是并没有像华盛顿国会山那样可以看到的安全标志。

    There is increased security and increased alertness at the door , but there aren 't signs of heavy , visible security like you could spot , say , at the Congress in Washington .

  10. 还有如果这座山是在海平面下14400英尺处上下颠倒,你现在已经登顶华盛顿州雷尼尔山的标志性山峰了。只有经历过这一切后,你方能到达搜寻小组认为来自飞行数据记录器发出信号的地方。

    And if it were turned upside down at 14400 feet is where you 'd hit the iconic pick of Washington State Mount Rainier.Only after all that , would you reach the spot where search teams believe the pings from the flight data recorder are coming from .

  11. 在华盛顿的国会山周边地区——许多来自不同的国家,SaporeOils和Vinegar迎合了消费者。

    Sapore Oils & Vinegar caters to consumers in Washington 's Capitol Hill neighborhood -- many from different countries .

  12. 乔治.华盛顿从佛能山挺身而出

    Start With George Washington Straight From Mount Vernon

  13. 但情节令人信服地从华盛顿跳到高加索山偏僻部分,构成爆发性的高潮。

    But the action jumps convincingly from Washington , DC , to a remote part of the Caucasus Mountains and builds to an explosive crescendo .