
  • 网络Half Squat;DEMI-PLIE
  1. 采用自制振动台,对运动员进行半蹲起力量训练,膝关节角度控制在110°~120°。

    By using the homemade vibration platform , the athletes go on half squat strength training with the angle of knee between 110 °~ 120 ° .

  2. 首次采用自制振动台在膝关节110°-120°半蹲起力量训练中,对运动员进行垂直方向的振动刺激。

    In the present study , the home made Vibration Platform is used in the strength training of squat with knees bending to 110 °~ 120 ° for the first time , in order to make athletes receive vibration stimulus in a vertical direction .

  3. 经独立样本T检验,立定三级跳远和半蹲这两项指标P0.05,具有显著性差异。而立定跳远和全蹲两项指标P0.05,不具有显著性差异。

    The independent sample t-test , halt triple jump and crouch partly the two indexes P 0.05 , have significant differences .

  4. 他站起身,屈膝半蹲,向前伸出双手护卫。

    He stood up and crouched , and fenced with his hands .

  5. 接下来的动作叫做半蹲。

    This is what I called the Halve Squat .

  6. 负重半蹲力量素质与弹跳高度相互关系的定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis of Relationships between Strength in Half Squatting with Weight and Height of Spring

  7. 两种方式负重半蹲起训练作用差异的研究

    The Study of the Differences Between the Roles of the Two Half Squat with Load

  8. 对负重半蹲快速起练习中下肢肌肉的表面肌电特点研究

    Study on the SEMG Characteristic of Lower Limbs Muscle in Quickly Uprise while Load and Half-squat Exercise

  9. 好转为上下楼梯及半蹲时轻度疼痛,髌骨研磨试验(±);

    Improved : Light pain while stair activity and bend standing , patella grinding test was probably positive .

  10. 为了避开鸡蛇可以杀人的目光,格林半蹲着走进地牢并用自己的长矛杀死了鸡蛇。

    Avoiding the beast 's gaze , Green then descended to the dungeon and killed the cockatrice with his spear .

  11. 定量分析运动员半蹲力量素质各参数指标最大值与其弹跳高度的相互关系。

    The relationships between the strength parameters of thevolleyballers in half squatting with a barbe1l and the weights of loading were quantitatively analyzed .

  12. 推荐一种前列腺按摩新方法&侧俯站位平行半蹲式经直肠前列腺按摩法

    Recommendation of a New Prostatic Massage & an Aside-bending and Up-standing vs Parallel and Semi-squatting Method to Massage the Prostate via the Rectum

  13. 站在彩田间的行桥上,一个半蹲式的身影,手拖镜头,摄下这夕阳下的画屏。

    Color field line standing on the bridge , a squat-style figure , Trolley lens , this camera under the setting sun painted screen under .

  14. 杠铃蹲起负荷前、后脑电功率值的变化他站起身,屈膝半蹲,向前伸出双手护卫。

    Changes of EEG Power Before and After Barbell Squatting Rising with Load ; He stood up and crouched , and fenced with his hands .

  15. 首次采用自制的振动台力量训练器,对10名体育系学生进行8周下肢抗负荷半蹲起全身振动刺激力量训练,膝关节角度控制在110~120°。

    Students from the Department of Physical Education are selected to receive an 8-week and whole-body vibration stimulation on a self-made strength training instrument to increase the ability of their legs ' anti-load .

  16. 也是半蹲式大于侧滚式;<3>当平台高度为1.5米时,半蹲式着陆使人体质心承受的水平冲击分力大于侧滚式;

    When the subjects jumped from the platform of 1.5 m high , the total body 's mass center gained a horizontal impact force risen by the half-squat posture larger than that risen by the side spin posture .

  17. 顺便说一下,我和那姑娘结婚了,要说婚礼也进行得很好,除了我父亲,因为他半蹲下身子,想来上一段俄罗斯民间舞。你瞧,拉伤了腿部肌肉而僵在那个姿势上了。

    And I married the girl , incidently , and had a very good wedding , except for my father , who squatted down and did one of those Russian dances , see , and tore a leg muscle and froze in that position .

  18. 实验结果表明:<1>当平台高度为1.0和1.5米,用半蹲式着陆人体质心承受的冲击力大于用侧滚式姿势着陆;<2>人体质心承受的垂直冲击分力。

    The experimental results showed that : ( 1 ) when the subjects jumped from the platform 1.0 or 1.5m high , the vertical impact force sustained by the total body 's mass center with the half-squat posture was larger than that with the side spin posture .

  19. 力量素质的增长呈现出两头慢、中间快的发展特征,其训练手段主要是由单腿或双腿的连续跳跃、跨步跑(跳)、高抬腿跑和多次数的深蹲或半蹲练习构成;

    The increasing of power fitness tends to character of slow at both ends and fast in the middle . The training method mainly focus on continuous jump with single leg or both legs , stride jumping skip , running with high leg , multi-time squat and half squat exercise .