
bàn jià
  • half price;fifty per cent discount;semi-valence
半价 [bàn jià]
  • (1) [half price]∶以一半价钱

  • 半价甩卖

  • (2) [semivalence]∶单电子键

半价[bàn jià]
  1. 许多商品都以半价出售。

    Many items are at half price .

  2. 到昨天为止她一直在以半价抛售股票。

    By yesterday she was selling off stock at half price

  3. 该公司正将产品半价出售。

    The company is halving its prices .

  4. 主菜在中午12点30分到下午两点之间是半价。

    Main courses are half price from 12.30pm to 2pm

  5. 他们通常要价300英镑,但我们按半价买到了。

    They normally charge three hundred pounds but we got it for half price .

  6. 我们可以半价入场。

    We can get in half-price .

  7. 这东西即使是半价还是太贵。

    It would have been dear at half the price .

  8. 那家商店星期六要永久地关闭,所以什么东西都是半价。

    The shop will be closing down for good on saturday , so everything is half price .

  9. A:我知道,但它真的物有所值——只要30美元。这可是半价。我可以把它送给喜欢HelloDoggy品牌产品的人。

    A : I know , but it was really good value - only 30 dollars . That 's half price . I can give it to somebody who likes Hello Doggy .

  10. 费用:半小时课每人30美元。第一课半价。

    Cost : $ 30 per person for a half-hour lesson . First lesson half price .

  11. 杰克:这让我用半价买下了邻居的房子。

    Jack : They enabled me to buy the neighbor 's houses at half price .

  12. 他们的货品是半价出售的。

    They sold their wares at half-price .

  13. 生活很艰难的时候,一个农场主对理发师说:“现在粮食跌价了,你给人刮脸也应该只收半价。”

    When life was very hard , a farmer said to a barber in price . I think you should shave for half price . "

  14. 窄束X射线半价层测量法标定电子直线加速器的能量

    Calibration of the Energy of an Electron Linac by Measuring the Narrow-beam X-ray Half-value Layer

  15. 在一个月内累计账单超过HK$1000的客人可以半价报读本公司的一项DIY兴趣班。

    For cumulative purchase of HK $ 1,000 within a month , you may join one of our DIY classes at half price .

  16. 网站Groupon折扣出售大量的门票几乎半价,在一些地区的国家,Groupon甚至没有卖掉他们为期一天的“小甜甜”布兰妮的节目提供。

    Discount website Groupon sold a large number of tickets at nearly half-price , and in some areas of the country , Groupon didn 't even sell out their one-day offers to Britney 's show .

  17. 有一次,我在Frontgate上看重一对躺椅,每周我都上他们的网站去看看,然后在夏末的时候以半价买了回来。

    At one point , I had my eye on a pair of chaise lounges from Frontgate ; each week I checked their website , and by the end of the summer the chairs were half price .

  18. 他的半价车票插在他的帽箍上。

    In the band of his hat his half-ticket was stuck .

  19. 买一件,第二件半价。

    It 's buy one and get the second half price .

  20. 绿洲香港航空公司票价半价发射到伦敦。

    Oasis Hong Kong Airlines Launches half price fares to london .

  21. 他们被迫半价卖掉大部分的存货。

    They were forced to sell most of the stock half-price .

  22. 可以半价买您的汽车吗?

    Be it possible to buy your car at half price ?

  23. 买了一件,买第二件半价。

    Buy one , get the second one , half off .

  24. 聪明的吉利提出的报价可能还会再打个半价。

    A hard-nosed Geely could offer half as much again .

  25. 半价票“电影票多少钱一张?”

    A Half-price Ticket " How much is the movie ticket ? "

  26. 我的学生证使我能够以半价乘火车旅行。

    My student identity card enables me to travel half-price on trains .

  27. 那些摊贩开始以半价出售他们的货物。

    The stallholders began to sell their wares at half-price .

  28. 这张通行证能够让我半价乘火车旅行。

    This pass enables me to travel half-price on trains .

  29. 我用半价(5折)买的这件外衣。

    I bought this coat at half-price at50 % discount .

  30. 65岁及65岁以上的人可买半价票。

    People who are65 years old and over can get half-price tickets .