- 名Decision-making of Location

With MNC 's strategic adjustment , factor of industry agglomeration has become very important in FDI 's location decision-making .
Recently , many researchers have proved , theoretically or practically , that congregation effect plays a decisive role in the regional choice of FDI ( foreign direct investment ) .
The study compares cost portfolios of enterprises internationalization patterns in different location decision-making and control decision-making , and finds out Chinese enterprises internationalization patterns selection model is an OFDI decision-making model in essential .
The Regional Decision-making of the Foreigners Direct Investment in Yanbian Area
Location Decision-Making under Competition : Research Based on Option Games
In some sense , the position in power network means the ability of influencing network locations .
The abundance or scarcity of education resources is a very important factors to households which have children ;
The modern regional economics and spatial economics lack micro-economic foundation , and can not deduce location choice to agglomeration .
The Influential Factors of the Determination of the Location of the FDI 's in China & Based on Dynamic Panel Model
Evaluation of Commercial Environment and Location Decision of Retail Business in Inner Cities : Evidence from Xicheng and Haidian District of Beijing
Along with the variety of the regional decision factors of multinational corporation , the development of our economic developing area presents the different development track .
By use of the new economic geography , we have in this article reexamined foreign direct investors ' decision - making in terms of region .
Because the irreversibility and the uncertainty of investment , as well as gradually attainable of the information , the location decision-making is a choice behavior under the indefinite condition .
Location choice is a primary decision-making problem for enterprises to make foreign direct investment and it is also a key issue facing Chinese telecom operators at their initial stage of implementing the " Going Global " strategy .
The study divides decision-makings on enterprises internationalization pattern selection into two categories : international location decision-making , which is the configuration of various value-adding activities ; international control decision-making , which is the choice of internalization and externalization in various value-adding activities .
Considering the origin of technology innovation advantage of industry clusters , they are the good reference for corporate to get innovation resource to make regional decision and important strategy factors for government to make industry policy and regional economy regulation to cultivate regional incubator center .
The author analyzes the FDI location decision with the method of AHP and the objection and timing decision with the real options method .
Labor market analysis focuses on the local attractiveness , and the main consideration of decision-making for the labor who will obtain employment are the wage levels and information .
Otherwise , by the theoretical research and empirical research , we set up the index system for silk business location selection decisions . At last , we validate the applicability of the initial set of indicators through the case study .
One is the location choice decision , two is the choice of entry mode decision .
The intention of this article is fist to reconstruct the residential location theory from the angle of housing development investment , and second to provide some suggestions to location choice on the base of theory analysis .