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jiàng xīn
  • ingenuity;originality;inventiveness
匠心 [jiàng xīn]
  • [inginuity] 精巧的心思,多指文艺上创造性的构思

  • 独具匠心

匠心[jiàng xīn]
  1. 墨色的变化、韵律,线条的穿插组合,都显得极具匠心。

    We can find the ingenuity with an inventive mind alone from the variety , rhythm of color , interlude and combination of lines of his works .

  2. 试图对五言诗中的单字动词的位置及该动词位置下诗句的句式结构特点作一解剖,以了解五言诗在动词位置安排上体现形式的匠心与美。

    The location of single-verb and the sentence features of corresponding syntax of Wuyan poem are analyzed , to understand the ingenuity of Wuyan poem , which manifests in the verb position arrangement .

  3. 本厂遵循:“精心制造、匠心经营、放心使用、称心满意!”的宗旨,竭诚为客户提供优质廉价的产品。

    Based on the principle of " elaborate manufacturing , attentive service , reliable use to make customers satisfied " we heartily provide customers the best products in the cheapest price .

  4. 现在,你能欣赏他们的匠心功力了。

    Now you will be better able to appreciate their mastery .

  5. 这房间的音响效果设计得颇具匠心。

    The acoustics of the room have been expertly planned .

  6. 各个公园景观特色鲜明,且造景手法各具匠心。

    Every park has distinctive features , and landscape techniques are ingenious .

  7. 司马迁写王朔燕语的真意与匠心

    Truth and Originality of Si Ma Qian Writing " Wang Shuo "

  8. 在蓝鸟的双翅里,我看见神的匠心;

    I see God in the bluebird 's wing ;

  9. 其中4幕的“黛玉之死”颇具匠心。

    The fourth act " the death of Lin daiyu " shows great originality .

  10. 精雕细凿,在每一个精微之处,都可见证其非凡匠心。

    Vulture thin chisel , in each place , its special originality can witness .

  11. 匠心与诗性&江黎的设计观念与艺术精神评析

    Originality and Poetry & Comment on the Design Conceptions and the Artistic Spirit of Jiang Li

  12. 从设计到选材,无不匠心独到,尽显华丽。

    From product design to choice of raw material , each product shows originality and prosperity ;

  13. 从敦煌壁画的传神写照中看匠心

    Craftsmanship of Dunhuang frescoes

  14. 加西亚·马尔克斯的《百年孤独》以匠心的历史意识和叙事方式打开了中国作家书写历史题材的新思路。

    Solitude for One Century by Jacia Marlx opened a new route for the Chinese writers in the history novels .

  15. 其中,乒乓球室和英式桌球室,使用传统的英式风格,以颇具匠心的壁炉、古典灯饰和工艺品等,突出设计主题。

    Ping Pong and billiards rooms are designed in a traditional British style with fireplaces , classical lighting and artwork .

  16. 我们国家的缔造者们认为这些真理是不言而喻的,或许这正是他们的匠心所在。

    Perhaps this is the very mechanism of the creators of our nation who hold these truths to be self-evident .

  17. 本次年会,我们将带您重温健儿的英姿飒爽,感受鸟巢的独特匠心!

    Please do not regret , we will guide you to review the Olympic lettermen'show and experience the unique olympic nest bird .

  18. 尽管每组中人物众多,但由于经过匠心的安排设计,人物相互呼应顾盼,既有细节的交代,又保持了总体的统一和谐。

    Though there are numerous figures in the relief , they interact well because of careful design and arrangements by the artists and they appear in good harmony .

  19. 指出由于融化了中国传统诗学、西方现代诗学和诗人自己的创作经验,其诗论颇具匠心独得的理论意义;

    It points out that his poetics has an original theoretical sense for he blends Chinese traditional poetics and western modern poetics with his own experience of creation .

  20. 狄更斯个人则认为,《双城记》是他的一部实验性小说,对结构的重视正体现了他的匠心之处。

    According to Dickens himself , however , the novel is his experiment and the emphasis on structure has produced something that can best represent his new effort .

  21. 小说文本深刻的内涵主要来自于作者对生活的深入发掘,精选品位高、审美信息量大的题材及对题材进行匠心的艺术处理。

    Deep connotations in the composition of novels come from writer 's deep digging in life , careful choice of high grade materials with aesthetic information , and artful treatment of the materials .

  22. 在我经年累岁的科学研究工作中,我到头来越来越强烈地相信,物理的宇宙是与某种匠心同在的,此事如此令人惊讶,我就不可能承认宇宙仅仅是一桩毛糙的事实。

    Through my scientific work I have come to believe more and more strongly that the physical universe is put together with an ingenuity so astonishing that I cannot accept it merely as a brute fact .

  23. 美术史上再现性造型艺术发展的几个高峰期里,对造型和画面结构的情节性匠心经营成为伟大艺术家们共有的成就。

    Reproducibility of the plastic arts in the history of the development of art a few peak periods , the right shape and frame structure of the plot of ingenuity to become great artists operate a total success .

  24. 三是研究哈代如何大量地运用色彩象征来暗示人物性格,将正反人物的塑造和白黑等颜色的象征义结合起来,体现出哈代对色彩的理解和对小说人物构造的匠心。

    The last one studies Hardy how to use color symbol to hint people 's character , and combine positive and negative characters with the color 's symbolic meaning of white-black , which embodies the Hardy 's understanding of color and ingenuity in character 's constitution .

  25. 而在文学艺术中,人名往往承载了更多的审美价值和艺术功用,是暗示人物性格命运,反映作家艺术匠心,推进文本创作的重要叙事策略。

    However , in literature and art , names often present more aesthetic value and artistic function . And they can perform as a significant kind of narrative strategy that can suggest the destiny of a character , reflect the art originality of a writer and promote the literature writing .
