
  1. 世界自然基金会(WWF)警告称,如果不能制定更严厉的规则,规范各国对北极资源的争夺,北极地区可能受到无可挽回的损坏。

    The Arctic could face irreparable damage unless tougher rules are made to curb the scramble by world powers for the region 's resources , a leading international environmental group has warned .

  2. 随着气候变暖和新的技术使得以前无法企及的勘探成为可能,对北极资源的竞争正在升温。

    Competition for Arctic resources is heating up as climate change and new technologies make previously unfathomable exploration now possible .

  3. 随着资源开发的不断深入,北极资源开发的负面效果日益显现。

    Along with the constant resource development , the side effects of resource exploitation in Arctic regions are being shown up day by day .

  4. 因此,北极资源开发中,建立多边共同开发法律制度十分必要,同时,双边共同开发的制度需要加以完善。

    So it is necessary to establish a legal system of multilateral joint development . And the legal system of bilateral joint development needs to be repaired .

  5. 一家中国矿业公司将要接管格陵兰一个计划中的20亿美元铁矿石项目,使之成为这个亚洲大国全资拥有的首个北极资源项目。

    A Chinese mining company is taking over a planned $ 2bn iron ore project in Greenland , making it the first Arctic resources project to come under the full ownership of the Asian power .

  6. 北极的资源、航道以及军事地位都成了各国注目的焦点,环北极各国纷纷依据《联合国海洋法公约》中对海洋权利的概括性规定开始了北极海域的圈地运动。

    Arctic resources , routes , and military status have become the focus of world attention , based on United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea , circumpolar countries began the " enclosure movement " in Arctic region .

  7. 但唐熙华表示,俄罗斯在北极未开发资源和西伯利亚页岩油气储量的开采受到制裁的威胁,由于金融上的制裁,这些大型集团将开始削减它们的活动。

    But Russian production from untapped resources in the Arctic and shale reserves in Siberia are threatened by sanctions , he said . Because of financial sanctions , the big gorillas are going to start cutting their activities .

  8. 但唐熙华表示,俄罗斯在北极未开发资源和西伯利亚页岩油气储量的开采受到制裁的威胁,“由于金融上的制裁,这些大型集团将开始削减它们的活动”。

    But Russian production from untapped resources in the Arctic and shale reserves in Siberia are threatened by sanctions , he said . " Because of financial sanctions , the big gorillas are going to start cutting their activities . "

  9. 北极地区丰富的资源有着巨大的吸引力,其中除了石油、天然气和煤炭等能源资源,还有丰富的矿藏和渔业资源。

    The Arctic region has rich resources , such as oil , gas , coal and other mineral and fishery resources .

  10. 报告表示,中国的潜在战略利益之一,可能在于开采北极地区的自然资源。

    A potential strategic interest of China could be in the extraction of natural resources of the Arctic , the report said .

  11. 伴随全球的气候变暖,北极丰富的海洋资源及商业化通航的航道成为各国觊觎的目标。

    With global warming , the abundant marine resources and commercialized navigable routes in Arctic have been the target coveted by countries all over the world .

  12. 在海洋中,随着全球气温上升,极地冰盖融化的速度如此之快,曾经无法开展的商业活动正在迅速变成现实,比如在北极附近捕捞渔业资源。

    Out on the sea , the polar ice cap has been melting so quickly as global temperatures rise that once improbable ideas for commercial activities , including fishing near the North Pole , are quickly becoming realistic .