
  • 网络Northern Mandarin
  1. 兴平方言属北方官话中原方言关中片的一个地点方言,具有浓郁的地方色彩。

    Belonging to Guanzhong dialect branch in Northern Mandarin family , Xingping dialect is rich in local color .

  2. 如果说有,是北方官话还是南方官话?量刑指南是指导法官裁量刑罚的准则。

    Was it northern Mandarin or southern Mandarin if there was ? Sentencing guidelines are specific guidance for judges on how to make decisions in sentencing .

  3. 蒲城方言属于北方官话下属中原官话区的陕西关中方言片。

    Pucheng dialect belongs to the Guanzhong sub-dialect of the Zhongyua .

  4. 渭南方言属于北方官话下属中原官话区。

    Weinan dialect belongs to the Zhongyuan dialect of northern mandarin Chinese .

  5. 微山方言属于山东方言西区的西鲁片,为北方官话的中原官话。

    Weishan dialect is subordinate to West Lu area of West region in Shandong dialect , belongs to Zhongyuan Guanhua in Northern Guanhua dialect .

  6. 渭南方言语法系统和北方官话基本一致,但在词法和句法方面仍有一些独特的地方。

    The grammatical system of Weinan dialect is basically same to mandarin Chinese , but it still has some special characters in morphology and syntax .

  7. 铜川方言的语法系统:铜川方言语法系统和北方官话基本一致,但仍有自己的特点。

    The grammatical system of Tongchuan dialect : the grammatical system of Tongchuan dialect is basically similar to Mandarin Chinese , but it still has some special characters .

  8. 元代是汉语北方官话形成的重要阶段,也是北方阿尔泰语同汉语发生大规模接触的鼎盛时期,不同类型语言之间的长期接触,必然会对汉语的面貌产生某些影响。

    Yuan dynasty is not only an important phase of the formation of northern Mandarin , but also the peak period in which Altaic languages contacted with Chinese extensively . The long time contact among languages of different types should have caused some changes of Chinese .

  9. 但在北方官话方言研究中,河南方言的研究一直比较薄弱,与周边山东、山西、江苏等省的方言研究相比,研究者寥寥无几,有影响的学术成果也屈指可数。

    But in the northern Mandarin dialect study , Henan dialect research has been relatively weak , compared with the dialect study in the surrounding provinces such as Shandong , Shanxi , Jiangsu , etc. There are also very little famous researchers and influential academic achievements .

  10. 社会语言学研究的核心之一是语言变异的研究,它反映了语言不断变化的特性。西安方言,属于北方官话,是汉语的一个语言变体,在过去的几十年内发生了很大的变化。

    Variation of language which shows the changes of language in dynamic perspective is viewed as the focus of sociolinguistics . Xi ' an dialect , one of the variants of Chinese , belongs to the mandarin of northern China and has changed a lot in the last decades .

  11. 该方言区存在大量与现代汉语普通话不同的语法现象,这些语法现象的产生不是该方言独立发展而形成的,它们应该是近代汉语北方官话在方言里保留、演变的产物。

    In such a dialect , there remain a lot of grammatical phenomena different from the modern Chinese mandarin , all of which are not produced by its own independent development , but produced by the variations , which the northen official language of modern Chinese remain in the dialect .

  12. 根据《中国语言地图集》的分区,四川话属北方方言西南官话区。

    According to China 's Linguistics Atlas , the Sichuan dialect belongs to the southwest mandarin of the northern dialects .

  13. 辽宁方言属于北方方言的东北官话区。

    Liaoning , Northeast China dialect is Mandarin dialect in northern areas .

  14. 成都话属于北方方言区西南官话,在西南地区有很大影响。

    Chengdu dialect belongs to the official language of south-west in north dialect area . It has tremendous influence in southwest area .

  15. 枣庄方言隶属于北方方言之中原官话、山东方言之西鲁片。

    Zaozhuang dialect belongs to the Zhongyuan dialect of northern mandarin chinese as well as to the west part of Shandong dialect .

  16. 凤庆县位于云南省的西南部,凤庆汉语方言属于北方方言区西南官话中的云南方言。

    Fengqing County locates in the southwest of Yunnan province , its Chinese dialect belongs to Yunnan dialects , a part of the Southwest Mandarin , within the North Dialects .