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  • 网络resolve retained fluid
  1. 为研究肺阳化饮改善肺通气的机制,将家兔随机分为对照(A)组、造模(B)组、治疗(C)组。

    In order to study the mechanism of the pulmonary ventilatory function improved by Yang-Warming and Fluid-Dispersing Formula , rabbits were randomly divided into the control group ( A ), model group ( B ) and treatment group ( C ) .

  2. 痰饮伏肺兼肺肾气虚证,治以温肺化饮、平喘止咳;

    The second syndrome was the retention of phlegm in the lung and Qi deficiency of the lung and kidney .

  3. 目的观察益心化饮汤治疗难治性慢性充血性心力衰竭的临床疗效。

    Objective To observe the clinical effect of Yixin Huayin decoction in the treatment of refractory chronic congestive heart failure .

  4. 温肺化饮法治疗夏季小儿寒性哮喘40例疗效观察

    The way of warming the lung to reduce watery phlegm for children cold-type asthma during summer : an observation of 40 cases

  5. 临床验证表明益气祛风、宣痹化饮法是治疗过敏性鼻炎一哮喘综合征的有效方法,临床疗效确凿,值得进一步研究探索。

    Clinical validation showed that wind yiqi , proclaims the drink method is more effective method of CARAS treatment , clinical curative effect hard and deserves further study .

  6. 温化痰饮法治疗老年咳嗽的文献及临床研究

    Study the Document and Clinic in Treatment Aged Cough by the Method of " Warming and Eliminating the Phlegmatic and Fluid Retention "

  7. 小动脉血管内皮细胞增生呈高柱状,细胞线粒体肿胀、空泡化,吞饮小泡多见;

    Endothelial cells of the arterioles proliferated as tall column , swelling , vacuolization and pinocytosis vesicles in the cellular mitochondria were found ;

  8. 这种泡囊化现象即胞饮作用确实发生于某些动物和高等绿色植物细胞。

    This vesiculation phenomenon , pinocytosis , certainly occurs in some animal and higher green plants .