
  • 网络retention;retention system
  1. 助留体系对PCC悬浮液形成絮体分形特征的影响

    Effect of Retention Systems on Fractal Properties of Flocs of PCC Suspension

  2. PEO/凹凸棒粘土微粒助留体系的影响因素;

    Influencing factors of PEO / attapulgite microparticle retention system ;

  3. 基于PID控制和解耦控制的纸机湿部助留控制系统

    The Wet Part of Paper Machine 's Flow-Supporting Control System Based on PID and Decoupling Control

  4. 高分子阴离子型PAM型助留剂的特性和应用

    High-mol. Anionic PAM as a Retention Aid & its Performance and Application

  5. 纳米TiO2微粒助留系统在新闻纸中应用初探

    Application of Nano-TiO_2 Microparticle in the Retention of System Newsprint

  6. TMP新闻纸生产中系统封闭对助留助滤剂作用效果的影响

    Effects of System Closure on Retention-and Drainage-aid Performance in TMP Newsprint Manufacture

  7. 高电荷密度的聚乙烯亚胺的加入能够中和DCS中的阴离子垃圾,提高阳离子聚丙烯酰胺的助留效果。

    PEI with high cationic charge density could neutralize the anionic trash in DCS and improve the efficiency of CPAM .

  8. TiO2-沸石复合纸板制备中助留剂的作用

    Function of Retention Aid in Preparation of Composite TiO_ ( 2 ) - Zeolite Sheets

  9. 季铵型两性PAM对麦草浆的助留助滤作用

    Preparation of Quaternary Ammonium Amphoteric PAM and Its Effect on Retention and Drainability of Wheat Straw Pulp

  10. PEO/硅酸盐矿物微粒助留体系的机理研究。

    Research of flocculation mechanism of PEO / silicate microparticle retention system .

  11. 结果表明,助留剂N具有较好的提高浆料滤水性能和细小组分留着率的能力,对改善湿部环境、保持纸张强度、降低生产成本有较明显的效果。

    The results show that the retention aid N significantly enhance fines retention and stock drainage ability , ameliorate wet-end environment , reduce production cost while do not lower paper strength .

  12. 结果表明,不同浆种对CPA的纸力增强和助留效果有较大的影响。

    The results showed that different pulps had significant effects on improvement of paper strength and retention of the pulps by CPA .

  13. PEO助留系统在广纸7纸机的生产试验

    Production Test of PEO Retention Aid System Used in # 7 Paper Machine of Guangzhou Paper Mill

  14. CPAM的分散聚合法制备及其助留助滤性能

    Preparation and Application of CPAM as Retention and Drainage Aids in Bleached Reed Pulp

  15. 季铵型CPAM的合成及其助留助滤作用

    The synthesis of quaternary ammonium CPAM and its role for retention and filtration aid

  16. 将其与常用的各种增强剂作对比,结果发现,与商品两性PAM具有相同的助留效果,但增强效果有良好的优势。

    Modified PAM is the same as the other aids in retention , but better in strength improvement compared with commercial amphoteric PAM .

  17. 装饰原纸生产过程中PAE多元聚合物助留体系研究

    On the multiple polymeric retention system of PAE in the production of decorative base paper

  18. 本文采用正交实验方法研究了不同工艺条件下壳聚糖-丙烯酰胺接枝共聚物(CAM)用在麦草、针叶木混合浆料中时所起到的增强、助留效果,获得了最佳使用工艺条件;

    Using cross experimental design method , the improvement effect of the paper strength and filler retention was researched by using the graft copolymer of chitosan and acrylamide under different technological parameter .

  19. 聚乙烯胺在加填CaCO3造纸中助留助滤性能的研究

    Study on the Properties of Polyvinylamine ( PVAm ) on Retention and Drainage of the Pulps Added with CaCO_3

  20. PEO/凹凸棒粘土助留体系对纸张物理性能的影响表现为:抗张强度下降;

    The effects of PEO / attapulgite retention system on physical performances are : tensile strength of paper sheets declined ;

  21. 研究了实验室自制硅铝微粒在造纸湿部与阳离子淀粉(CS)、CPAM组成的微粒系统各组分用量及剪切力对纸料助留助滤性能的影响。

    In this paper a new retention and drainage aid system composed of silica / aluminum microparticle , CS and CPAM was investigated .

  22. 结果表明:改性壳聚糖对OCC浆成纸有很好的增强、助留以及辅助施胶效果。

    The results showed that the modified chitosan improved the physical properties of the OCC pulp obviously .

  23. 并采用阴离子聚丙烯酰胺(APAM)作助留剂和阳离子改性PAE同时应用于棉浆抄纸。

    Retention aid APAM and cationic PAE were simultaneously applied to the cotton pulp .

  24. 在实验室中模拟纸机生产工艺着重研究了助留体系、浆料pH、填料种类、压榨部压力、干燥部的干燥温度和干燥时间等因素对阳离子树脂型AKD施胶效果的影响。

    The factors such as retention system , sizing pH , the kind of fillers , the press pressure , the drying temperature and drying time were studied .

  25. 结果表明,机械浆中DCS特别是溶解物质DS能够明显降低阳离子聚丙烯酰胺的助留效果,随着DCS浓度的增加,细小纤维的留着率降低。

    The results showed that DCS especially dissolved substances ( DS ) was deleterious to the efficiency of CPAM , and the retention of fine decreased with the increase of concentration of DCS .

  26. 实验也对中性造纸系统中的阳离子淀粉、AKD施胶剂、C-PAM助留剂和GCC填料的电荷特性进行了调查。

    Also investigated the charge characteristics of CS , AKD size , C-PAM retention aid and GCC filler .

  27. 此种填料粒子的颗粒大小可以调节控制,并分析了新型填料对湿部助留助滤性能、Zeta电位,以及用于手抄片后对纸张性能的影响。

    The particle of this novel filler can be controlled . We also analysised the retention and drainage property , Zeta potential , and the properties of papers .

  28. 凹凸棒粘土和锂基膨润土比其他无机粘土更适合与PEO构成助留助滤体系。

    The main results are as follows : 1 . Attapulgite and Li-bentonite are more suitable for building retention system with PEO than other inorganic clays .

  29. 聚氧化乙烯(PEO),是一种常用的造纸工业用分散剂和助留助滤剂,对植物纤维和化学纤维都有很好的作用效果。

    Polyethylene oxide ( PEO ), usually used as dispersant , retention and drainage agent in papermaking industry , good for plant fiber and synthetic fiber .

  30. 将其与聚氧化乙烯(PEO)组成双元助留体系,应用于脱墨废纸浆抄纸工艺。

    Cationic phenol-formaldehyde resins ( CPFR ) and polyethylene oxide ( PEO ) comprised a binary retention system which was used for deinked pulp of waste paper .