
jiā sù
  • accelerate;speed up;expedite;advance;hasten;quicken;pick up;precipitate;pick up speed;rev up;step on the gas
加速 [jiā sù]
  • (1) [accelerate]∶增加速度

  • 心跳加速,血压升高

  • (2) [advance]∶加快进程

  • 加速水果的成熟

加速[jiā sù]
  1. 随着他的走近,她觉得自己的心跳加速了。

    She felt her heartbeat quicken as he approached .

  2. 为了加速训练学习过程,采用加动量项的自适应BP学习方法对网络进行循环迭代训练。

    An adaptive BP training algorithm with momentum term is used in order to quicken learning speed .

  3. 赛跑运动员在转弯处顺畅地加速。

    The runners accelerated smoothly around the bend .

  4. 火车开始加速。

    The train began to pick up speed .

  5. 政局混乱只加速了国家经济的衰退。

    The climate of political confusion has only reinforced the country 's economic decline .

  6. 那辆汽车加速超过了我。

    The car accelerated to overtake me .

  7. 通货膨胀不断加速。

    Inflation continues to accelerate .

  8. 赛跑者绕过最后一个弯道后开始加速,以图超越同组的其他选手。

    Coming out of the final bend , the runner stepped up a gear to overtake the rest of the pack .

  9. 如果你告诉一个人steponit(“加速;加快”,字面意义“踩在上面”)或者throwonyourcoat(“赶快穿上外套”,字面意义“扔在你的外套上”),他们可能会按字面理解你的话,那就会引起灾难性的后果。

    If you tell a person to ' step on it ' or ' throw on your coat , ' they may take you literally , with disastrous consequences .

  10. 饮食中摄入过量蛋白质可能会加速衰老。

    Too much protein in the diet may advance the ageing process

  11. 随着复苏的加速,利率会降下来。

    Interest rates would come down as the recovery gathered pace .

  12. 彼得认为没有必要加速离婚进程。

    Petter saw no reason to hurry the divorce along .

  13. 布赖恩慢慢开动汽车,但很快就加速了。

    Brian pulled away slowly , but picked up speed .

  14. 他眼睛直视前方,加速超过了前面一辆慢吞吞行进的大卡车。

    He looked straight ahead and overtook a lumbering lorry .

  15. 或许是因为那辆汽车跟得太紧,他才加速的。

    Perhaps the fact that the car was tailgating him made him accelerate

  16. 我们知道不断增加的引力会加速细胞的分裂。

    Increasing gravity is known to speed up the multiplication of cells .

  17. 加速到时速60英里只需要5.7秒。

    Acceleration to 60 mph takes a mere 5.7 seconds .

  18. 然后他突然加速到最大马力。

    Then abruptly he revved the engine to full power .

  19. 当我们齐头并进时,他既没有慢下来也没有加速。

    When we drew level , he neither slowed down nor accelerated .

  20. 经济萧条只不过加速了原本就在改变行业状况的变化。

    Recession has simply accelerated changes that have been reshaping the industry anyway .

  21. 不论转速如何,发动机都可以立即加速。

    The engine delivers instant acceleration whatever the revs .

  22. 我们都知道太卖命了会导致心跳加速。

    We all know that when we exert ourselves our heart rate increases .

  23. 通过研发高科技武器加速军备竞赛的诱惑尤其危险。

    The temptation to rev up the arms race with high-tech weapons is especially dangerous

  24. 后轮突然转动起来,货车加速冲过了最后几英尺距离。

    The back wheels spun and the van spurted up the last few feet .

  25. 她加速驶离了马路牙子。

    She accelerated away from the kerb .

  26. 他突然加速了。

    He put on a burst of speed

  27. 有氧运动加速心脏跳动,有助于消耗更多脂肪。

    Aerobic exercise gets the heart pumping and helps you to burn up the fat .

  28. 海德加速驶离路边,突然向街道中央一个急转弯。

    Hyde accelerated away from the kerb , swerving out into the middle of the street

  29. 史蒂夫令人恼火地缓慢加速。

    Steve accelerated with infuriating slowness .

  30. 那辆宝马车开始赶上来,超过了其他车辆并且在逼近的时候开始加速。

    The BMW started coming forward , passing the other cars and gaining speed as it approached