
  • 网络shear angle;Shearing angle;cutting angle
  1. 剪切角的研究是金属切削理论中的一个基本问题。

    Shear Angle research is one of the basic problems in metal cutting theory .

  2. 根据此模型,导出了二元切削时求解剪切角φ的简化公式。

    According to the model , a simple formula is developed , with that the two dimensional shear angle can be calculated .

  3. 通过标准温湿度下的对比实验,讨论了定负荷下测得的剪切角γ与KES测得的剪切刚度G的相关性,并作评价(4)低温下织物的弯曲和剪切性能测试研究。

    The relevance of the Shear angle y and shearing stiffness measured by KES was discussed by comparative experiments in standard temperature and humidity . ( 4 ) Bending and shearing properties of fabrics were studied in the extremely cold environment .

  4. 剪切角是金属切削中一个重要的物理量。

    Shearing angle is an important physical quantity in metal machining .

  5. 切削过程中,剪切角随切削速度的增加而增大。

    Shear angle increases with the increase in cutting speed .

  6. 剪切角新模型的研究

    A study on a new model of shear angle

  7. 一种新的剪切角预报方法的研究

    Study of a New Prediction Method of Shear Angle

  8. 马氏体相变切变角和点阵常数测定的新方法◆剪切角可调,减少板料扭曲变形。

    New Methods on the Determination of Martensitic Transformation Shear Angle and Lattice Parameters ;

  9. 关于共轭断裂剪切角的讨论

    Discussion on the shear angle of conjugate fractures

  10. 并通过切屑变形系数来修正模型中的剪切角计算公式。

    And the formula for angle of shear plane is modified by chip shortening coefficient .

  11. 共轭剪切角的实验研究

    An experimental research on conjugate shear angles

  12. 研究了高速铣削7050-T7451时的切削变形程度、切屑形成和剪切角。

    The degree of deformation , chip formation and shear angle theory have been studied .

  13. 矢量磁场的剪切角

    Shear Angle of Vector Magnetic Field

  14. 切削刀具刃口带有负倒棱时剪切角的理论计算

    The theoretical calculation of shear angle in the case of cutting tool having negative primary land

  15. 对切削过程中刀具刃口处消耗的能量进行了理论分析与公式推导,并根据最小能量原理对重要参数&剪切角进行了理论计算。

    According to the minimum energy principle , the important parametr & shear angle in cutting process is calculated theoretically .

  16. 磁场剪切角具有南北半球符号的反对称手征性,在南半球有53%的活动区的磁场剪切角是正的,而在北半球有62%是负的。

    In our dataset , 53 % of the active regions in the south hemisphere have positive shear angle and 62 %

  17. 研究表明:核心区水平剪力-剪切角滞回曲线呈反S形,有一定的捏拢效应;

    Studies show that pinching could obviously be observed in the horizontal shear versus shear angle hysteresis loops , which exhibited reverse-S shape .

  18. 基于剪切角的最小能量解,对正交切削时的切削力进行了理论预报。

    Based on the minimum energy solution of shear angle , the cutting forces in orthogonal machining are predicted theoretically in this paper .

  19. 此外,文中还对以往得到的剪切角模型进行了梳理,便于今后对剪切角模型进行研究。

    In addition , the shear angle models which previously received have been arranged , facilitate the future study of the shear angle model .

  20. 本文阐述了该机力能参数的计算方法,并推导了剪切角α的计算公式。

    This paper discusses the calculating method about force and energy parameters of the shear , and derives the formula of the cutting angle a.

  21. 本文以滑移线场理论分析剪切角,提出了热锯片锯切过程剪切角的计算公式。

    By means of analyzing the shearing angle with slip-line field theory , this paper sives calculating formula to evaluate shearing angle of a circular hot saw blade .

  22. 得出了在不同拉伸速度和边框长度条件下装置处于准静态时的临界剪切角,并且分析了织物试样尺寸大小对准静态范围的影响。

    The critical shear angle of quasi-static state was given under different loading speeds and frame lengths condition , and the influence of specimen size on this shear angle range is also discussed .

  23. 首先根据高速切削的特点,建立正交切削模型,分析金属切削层变形机理、切屑受力情况、刀具/工件切削区的摩擦特点以及有关剪切角的计算方法。

    At first , according to the characteristic of HSM , orthogonal cutting model is established , and formation mechanism of cutting zone , forces that chip suffered , friction characteristic of cutter / workpiece area , and shear angle are analyzed .

  24. 本文提出了描述太阳活动区磁场非势特征的一个新的参数&矢量磁场的剪切角ΔΨ。我们定义ΔΨ是观测的矢量磁场与其相应的无电流磁场的夹角。

    In this paper , we introduce a new parameter , the shear angle of vector magnetic fields , △ψ, which is denned as the angle between the observed and potential vector magnetic field , to describe the non-potentiality of active regions .

  25. 探讨了切屑厚度准周期变化的内在机制,将剪切角周期变化和微裂纹的动态影响相结合,建立了适应含不同颗粒体分比的该材料的切屑形成过程模型。

    The mechanisms of semi-periodic variation of chip thickness were discussed , and combining with shear angle changing and dynamic behaviour of microcracks , models of chip forming process were established for SiC_p / Al composites with different reinforcement volume fraction . 2 .

  26. 笔者采用粘土材料,对共轭剪切角进行了系统的实验分析,得到了一系列实验数据与实验曲线,以反映物性、极限应力及时间对共轭剪切角的影响。

    A series of experiments on conjugate shear angles have been systematically carried out with clay models . The data and curves obtained are given in the paper to show the effects of material property . limit stress and time on conjugate shear angle .

  27. 本文系统研究了材料的弹性各向异性对剪切角的影响,并在理论上计算出了剪切角随加工晶面、加工方位的波动规律。

    The influence of elastic anisotropy of material on the shear angle is studyed systematically in this paper . The fluctuation law of the cutting force and the shear angle with the changes of cutting crystal plane and cutting orientation is given by calculating theoretically .

  28. 本文在流屑角预报理论和测量技术的基础上,假定流屑角已知,直接推导出斜角切削剪切角方程,并对该方程的理论解进行了研究。

    Based on new prediction theory and measurement technology of chip flow angle , this paper supposes the chip flow angle is known and proposes a shear angle equation about oblique cutting directly . Moreover , theoretic solution about the equation is researched in this paper .

  29. 工件在超声波激励作用下高频振动,切屑容易断裂,切削剪切角的增大降低了切削力,工件与刀具的周期性分离降低了切削温度。

    As a result of high frequency vibration , the chips are easier to break up , and the cutting shear angle increases , which lead to cutting force decrease . The cutting tool surface contacts periodically with chip , which lead cutting temperature to decrease .

  30. 对织物的剪切变形角γ与剪切刚度G的关系等进行讨论。

    The relevance of shear deformation angle y and shearing stiffness G was discussed in this paper .