- price scissors;scissors difference;scissors differential;scissors movement of prices;scissors difference in prices between industrial goods and agricultural products

[scissors movement of prices;price scissors;scissors difference in prices between industrial goods and agricultural products] 指工业产品与农业产品价格之间的差额,一般工业产品价格比农业产品价格高
The Impact of Scissors Difference on Rural Land Value
There is an apparent phenomenon of scissors difference between citizens ' attention on public policies and their participation .
The Political Economy of Price Scissors in China : Theoretical Model and Empirical Evidence
Hydraulic pressure driving there will be more extra , making the system complicated .
A new explanation is offered for this diverging scissors gap in this article .
Land Price Distortion and its Corrections & Land Supply and Its Function of the Macroeconomic-control
The original industrial capital came from the scissors unfair price obtained from the agricultural sector .
The conversion of agricultural land is currently focused on the contradiction of the distribution of land value-added benefits .
In addition , in the aspects of income assigning , the income margin of the city country resident extends increasingly .
For some specific complex geometry parts , such as scissor locations and wingtip faces etc. , point-to-point overset grid method is adopted .
The old industrialized strategy and different policy of rural and urban area have a very strong influence to form the scissors difference .
After the foundation of the people 's Republic of china , the recessive burden caused by the price scissors has been very heavy .
The disparity of education development , i.e. education inequality , affects negatively men 's overall development and the building of a harmonious society .
There is a scissors difference phenomenon of the price of land infringed upon the basic rights and interests of peasants whose land is expropriated .
The gross burden of Chinese farmers is made up of five parts : agricultural duty , charge except tax , product price scissors , etc.
With the industrial and agricultural product price scissors policy implementing for a long time , the expansion of urban-rural income disparity has become inevitable .
Peasantry burden falls into two categories : the explicit burden and the implicit burden , and the later includes the scissors cross and indirect tax .
Through the policy of the price scissors , industry has drawn the agriculture surplus too much only to accelerate the industrialization during a specific period .
Should pass the industrialized strategy with old reform and malapropos experience farming system and system , restrain and eliminate price scissors , reduce farmer burden thereby .
In the exchange of industrial products for agricultural products , we try to narrow the price scissors instead of widening them as in the Soviet Union .
In the exchange of industrial and agricultural products we follow a policy of narrowing the price scissors , a policy of exchanging equal or roughly equal values .
In the context of a well-developed market , asset price changes in the capital market show a diverging scissors gap that is not constrained by the real economy .
The existence of industrial and agricultural price scissors is a historic problem , caused by the imbalanced strategy of industrial development priority , under the planned economic system .
Our attention is paid to the implicit burden , and the comparable labor force method and input-output table are employed to measure scissors cross and indirect tax burden respectively .
The disfigurement of market mechanism and the windage of fiscal and tax policy cause huge converse of value and tax burden between middle and west China and east China .
This thesis , from the angle of rent-seeking economics , analyses the illegal and irrational , legal but irrational phenomena in peasants ' burden , and the price gap between industry and agriculture .
However , in order to strengthen the theoretical research of the new socialist countryside , some basic questions should be studied , such as " dual structure "," scissors gap ", and " tax-for-fees reform " etc.
The essence of new enclosure movement is land capitalization . It is the use right of state-owned land that is capitalized . By using land price scissors , governments have achieved deprivation of farmers once again .
The speed difference between processor and memory is not reduced by the development of modern semiconductor technology . Actually , it deteriorates due to the wide employment of instruction parallelism technology in modern high performance processors .
Otherwise , as far as discussing about the covert-burden of the Jiangsu province 's peasants , i.e. " scissors-difference " of industrial-and-agricultural product exchanging , was concerned , the cautions and safe one was adopted by this paper .