
jiàn xiá
  • swordsman;knight-errant;swordsman who champions the cause of the downtrodden;swordsman who champions the cause of the down-trodden
剑侠 [jiàn xiá]
  • [knight-errant;swordsman who champions the cause of the down-trodden] 精通剑术的侠客

剑侠[jiàn xiá]
  1. 《剑侠世界》是西山居“剑侠情缘系列”的第六款作品。

    JX online world is the6th product in JX series .

  2. 剑侠阿竹一路护送下山。

    O combined way down the escort bamboo .

  3. 我开始会画,大慨是在小学三年级,是用铅笔在周记本上画剑侠。

    I started to draw when I was a3rd grader , and pencil was the media for me .

  4. 但为何在争吵时,剑侠世界私服却要用接吻的嘴互相伤害呢?

    Butwhy they are in quarrel , they are hurting each other by the mouths that onceused for kissing ?

  5. 李白一生与剑形影相随,诗中多次歌咏剑侠精神,反复抒发自己的侠义豪情。

    Libai s life is inseparable from sword and the spirit of swordsman is often chanted in his poem to reflect his justice and lofty sentiments .

  6. 对马云来说,这不只是一种噱头。马云自己的绰号是“风清扬”,它来自一个隐居山中的剑侠角色,行事不可预测而且非常好斗。

    This is more than a gimmick for Mr Ma , whose own nickname - " Feng Qingyang " - comes from a reclusive swordsman character who was unpredictable and aggressive .

  7. 在这部1998年的古装剑侠动作电影中,安东尼奥·班德拉斯扮演了一个无聊的贵族,他有时会扮成蒙面歹徒,从腐败领导人手中拯救加州的墨西哥平民。

    In this 1998 swashbuckler classic , Antonio Banderas plays the protege of a boring nobleman who moonlights as a masked outlaw , saving the Mexican commoners of California from corrupt leaders .

  8. 《剑侠世界》首开道具打折先河,让您花最少的钱玩最爽的游戏,让您国庆出游不至囊中羞涩!

    " Knight-errant swordsman World " the opening remarks stage prop discounts the beginning , lets you spend least Qian Wan the crispest game , lets you National Day not go to travel to the pouch in shy !

  9. 凌氵蒙初在创作或改编戏曲小说中侠义题材的作品时,十分重视吸取宋明笔记小说乃至民间传说中的素材,尤其重视《剑侠传》、《亘史》这两部著作。

    In creating or adapting opera novels bearing chivalric types of literature , he paid much attention to absorbing materials from literary sketches and folk legends in the Song and Ming Dynasties , especially from the two works of Legends of Swordsman and History of Eternity .