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qián zhī
  • fore limb;foreleg;anterior limb;hand;forelimb
前肢 [qián zhī]
  • [forelimb] 脊椎动物的一个附肢(如翅膀、鳍、胳膊),是四足动物的前腿或其同源物

前肢[qián zhī]
  1. 右前肢为实验肢体,缺损长度约15mm。

    A defect of about 15 mm was made at each right fore limb .

  2. 每条后肢在行进中都与前肢在同一侧。

    Each hind leg moves in the path of the foreleg on the same side .

  3. 将每只动物双侧前肢随机分入开放植骨术组(A组)和微创植骨术组(B组)。

    All cases were randomized into open grafting group ( Group A ) and minimally invasive grafting group ( Group B ) .

  4. 同时发现AIM评分方法及动物前肢功能实验是评估PD大鼠异动症及运动功能减退的有效方法。

    AIM rating and forelimb stepping test are useful for evaluating the dyskinesia and akinesia of PD rats .

  5. 膝部位于前肢和后肢之间,即V字形的交角处。

    Knee is between the front and the hind limbs , the " V " shaped corner .

  6. 在横断面上,似向外开放的V字形,分三部即前肢、后肢和膝部。

    In the horizontal section likes " V " - shaped open outwards consist of forelimb , hindlimb and knee .

  7. ~(18)F-FDGPET显像观察强迫症患者内囊前肢毁损术后脑内环路的改变

    ~ ( 18 ) F-FDG PET study after bilateral capsulotomy in obsessive-compulsive disorder

  8. 治疗前男性精神分裂症内囊前肢的DTI研究

    Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Anterior Limb of Internal Capsule in Male Schizophrenic Patients before Neuroleptic Therapy

  9. 中国牦牛(Bosgrunniens)前肢脚部动脉的构筑研究

    Research on the artery of cranial feet of the Chinese Yak

  10. 树鼩脊髓中支配前肢肌运动神经元的定位和形态&CB-HRP逆行标记研究

    Localization and shape of the motoneurons innervating forelimb muscles in the spinal cord of tree shrew ── a study with CB-HRP retrograde transportation

  11. 目的:通过观察大鼠离断前肢损伤后C-fos、NOS在中枢神经系统内的表达来研究断肢后大鼠神经重布线现象发生的形态学基础。

    Objective : To observe C-fos and NOS express in brain after rat mutilation forward limb and morphology foundation of " nerve rerouting " phenomenon .

  12. 成年昆明种小鼠,于前肢根部皮下接种H22肝癌瘤细胞使其荷瘤,随机分组。

    The hepatocellular carcinoma ( H 22 ) bearing Kunming mice were divided into groups .

  13. 结果红核神经元未被FB标记,伤侧前肢在探究活动中不使用。

    Result There was no mark with FB on the rubrospinal neuron , the injured forelimb was not used during the experiment .

  14. 用Golgi-Cox染色方法,观察损伤对侧大脑皮层前肢运动代表区第V层锥体神经元树突的变化。

    Dentritic growth of layer V pyramidal cells of the undamaged forelimb motor cortex was examined using Golgi-Cox procedure .

  15. 方法利用阿朴吗啡诱发旋转试验和前肢功能试验,检测PD大鼠的神经行为学特点,一管法逆转录聚合酶链反应(RTPCR)半定量检测其中脑THmRNA的表达。

    Methods Turning tests induced by apomorphine and forelimb functional tests were performed . Also , the expression of TH mRNA in mesencephalon of the rats was detected by semi quantitative analysis of one step RT PCR .

  16. A组在一侧前肢趾部皮下注射3%福尔马林溶液0.2ml,B组用等量生理盐水,观察并记录动物的行为反应。

    0.2 ml of 3 % formalin was injected subcutaneously into one front paw in group A with equal normal solution in group B.The behavior changes of the rabbits were observed and recorded .

  17. DK只投向感觉运动皮质的前肢区,而不投向后肢区和面区。

    However , DK projects fibres only to the forelimb area of the sensory and motor areas , and not to the hindlimb and facial areas .

  18. 脑室注射bFGF各时间点行为功能恢复水平高于自然恢复组。前肢试验的恢复高峰在术后第9d,前、后肢放置试验到27d与对照组比较差异无统计学意义。

    At various time points of BFGF intraventricular injection , the behavioral functional recovery was better than in the spontaneous recovery group .

  19. 在水平方向上内囊前肢前2/3的最狭窄处位于距离连合间径上方4mm处,其宽度平均为2.6mm。

    On the horizontal direction the narrowest point in the area of the anterior 2 / 3 of the anterior limb localized 4mm superior to the AC-PC line .

  20. 虽然只有两条前肢,Duncan不仅能让自己保持平衡,还能快速奔跑,和其余同他一起远足的狗狗玩耍。

    Despite only having front limbs , the boxer is able to not only balance , but also run really fast and play with the other dogs that joined him for the outing .

  21. 荷瘤小鼠模型的建立:将LLC细胞株扩增后对小鼠进行肿瘤造模:以细胞密度为1×107/ml,0.1ml/只,接种于小鼠右前肢腋下皮下。

    Established tumor-bearing mice model : Mice were inoculated in subcutaneous right forelimb armpit with a LLC cell at the density of 1 × 107 / ml , 0.1 ml each mice . 6 .

  22. 平面翻正、空中翻正、听觉惊愕、前肢悬挂以及Morris水迷宫实验的隐蔽平台实验、可视平台实验和空间探索实验,各剂量组统计学均无显著性差别(P>0.05)。

    No statistically significant difference the test of surface righting reflex , air righting reflex , auditory startle reflex and forelimb hanging as well as performance of Morris water maze was observed between treatment groups and control group .

  23. 把S180瘤细胞接种于小鼠左前肢腋窝皮下,3天后,灌胃复方芦荟液,观察荷瘤小鼠的抑瘤率及免疫功能的改变。

    Inoculate S 180 tumor cell subcutaneously at the left forelimb pit . 3 days later , pour aloe compound fluid into the stomachs and observe the tumor inhibiting rate and change of immunological function of mice carring tumor .

  24. 目的研究小分子热休克蛋白基因(sHsps)在小鼠胚胎前肢正常和异常发育过程中的表达情况。

    Objective : To study the expression of small heat shock proteins genes ( sHsps ) in normal forelimbs and forelimb malformations during mouse embryogenesis .

  25. 方法:建立犬的骨移植动物模型,15只犬左右前肢随机分成辐照组和无辐照组,加有骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)组和无BMP组,冷冻干燥骨组和低温冷冻骨组。

    Methods The animal model of the dogs bone transplantation were establish , 15 dogs were randomly divided into three groups : irradiation or non - irradiation group , BMP - adding group or non - BMP-adding group and cryopreservation or lyophilization group .

  26. 20d、18h山羊胎儿仍属鳃弓期,呈典型C字形,4对鳃弓发生,心胸突大于肝腹突,前肢芽、后肢芽均为丘状。

    About 20 days and 18 hours after coitus , the goat embryo had 4 pairs of branchial arch and became into C-shaped body . The projecting of the hart and chest was big than the belly and the liver 's. The limb bud became into mound-shaped .

  27. 目的运用DTI技术比较7例难治性强迫症患者术前和术后脑白质的改变来探讨内囊前肢脑深部电极刺激的治疗机理。

    Objective To investigate the white matter abnormalities in patients with treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder ( OCD ) by comparing the diffusion tensor images before and after operation , and try to make further understanding of the mechanism of deep brain stimulation of the anterior limb of internal capsule .

  28. 体重、心脏重、肝脏重、前肢重、后肢重、胫长、喙长等性状在孵化10~11d,绝对生长速度开始加快,16d时达到生长高峰期。

    In the 10 ~ 11th hatching day , the weights of body , heart , liver , forelegs and hindlegs and the legths of shin and beak , the absolute growth rate begins speed .

  29. 对9.5d和10.5d的鼠胚进行全胚原位杂交,结果表明,此基因在前肢芽和后肢芽表达较高。

    Whole mount in situ hybridization ( WISH ) showed it was strongly expressed in the forelimb buds and hindlimb buds of 9.5 d and 10.5 d embryos of mice .

  30. 前肢较短的蜥臀目食肉恐龙;生活于侏罗纪和白垩纪之间。

    Carnivorous saurischian dinosaurs with short forelimbs ; Jurassic and Cretaceous .