
  • 网络this life;Past Life;Many Lives, Many Masters;All Men Are Mortal
  1. 对于一些批评的声音,夏恩在自己的Facebook主页上说:“不管你属于何种教派,无论你是否相信前世今生,你能拥有和把握的只有今生,所以你一定要做你想做的人。”

    Hitting out at criticism , Xiahn said on his Facebook account : ' Regardless of religion that the person is , whether or not you believe in past lives , you have only this life , you have to be who you want to be . '

  2. 前世今生的劫,不逃,不避,纵使经历九曲回廊,我也依然记得你的身影,我也依然记得来时的路。

    Past lives of the robbery , did not escape , not avoid , even if the experience of9 corridor , and I still remember your shadow , and I still remember the years when the road .

  3. 一个中国MART的再生&探寻上海世贸商城的前世今生

    Regeneration of a China mart

  4. 我们栏目组的工作人员深入Parchman监狱,为您探访Parchman监狱的前世今生。

    And someone on our staff is doing a deep dive into Parchman Prison , past and present .

  5. 《前世今生》(TheIncarnations),苏珊·贝克尔(SusanBarker)著(Touchstone出版社,26美元)。在贝克尔这本惊人的小说里,一个北京出租车司机意识到自己的前世是中国1500年历史上的一个小人物。

    THE INCARNATIONS . By Susan Barker . ( Touchstone , $ 26 . ) In Barker 's astonishing novel , a Beijing taxi driver learns of his previous lives as a bit player during 15 centuries of China 's past .

  6. 像天使一样飞翔热气球的前世今生

    Flying as the Angel & Preexistence and This Life of Fire Balloon

  7. 我国输血医学教育现状与实践绽放在低温中的奇葩&低温医学的前世今生

    Study of transfusion medicine education in China Cryogenic Medicine

  8. 孟婆汤又称忘情水,一喝便忘前世今生。

    Soup is also called over a drink , then leave this life .

  9. 政策性银行的前世今生

    The Past and Present of Policy - related Banks

  10. 看来书真的影响了这个街区的前世今生。

    Books really do affect the physical fabric of the city around here .

  11. 中国商业地产的前世今生&商业地产产业链演进比较分析

    The development of Commercial Real Estate in china

  12. 会唱歌的玩偶重返中国&八音盒的前世今生

    Singing doll comes back to China & Musical Box ' forms nowadays and in history

  13. 社区肺结核患者服药依从性的影响因素及对策绽放在低温中的奇葩&低温医学的前世今生

    The Influential Factors and the Countermeasures of Medicine-taking Compliance among Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Community

  14. 政策性银行的前世今生提出了应加强相关政策制度的建设;

    The Past and Present of Policy - related Banks It is crucial to establish the related policy system ;

  15. 有时侯,两个人被吸引到一起来共同面对那些关系前世今生的难题,或者一起解决感情和精神方面的问题。

    Sometimes two people are drawn together to work out very intense karma , or emotional and spiritual issues , together .

  16. 从文化保护的角度出发对于桑植民歌的前世今生做一个梳理,从而变得格外重要。

    From the perspective of cultural protection for SangZhi folk songs in the past , and make a comb became so important .

  17. 道德恐慌可能永远不会停止,但只要你阅读科恩的书,你至少可以了解每场恐慌的前世今生。

    Moral panics may never cease , but if you read Stan 's book , at least you will understand each time what is going on .

  18. 通过治疗这些记忆,你治疗着你的前世今生,也影响着未来的生活,因为你不再需要为了学习课程而去重复这些经历。

    In this healing of the memories you heal your past and present life , and affect your future lives , in that you do not need to repeat experiences any more to learn the lesson .

  19. 最近,我有机会试驾了最新款的2012年版甲壳虫,它让我回想了过去75年来,这款拥有汽车史诗地位的“汽车活化石”的前世今生。

    Recently , I got a chance to drive the latest edition of this automotive epic , the 2012 beetle , and it made me think about all its incarnations over the last three quarters of a century .

  20. 不少衍生剧如《梅林传奇之魔法秘境》(2009)和《梅林和亚瑟的前世今生》(2009)因为原剧的原因而在中国观众中也享有很高的人气。

    The derivative videos , such as Merlin : Secrets & Magic ( 2009 ) and The Real Merlin and Arthur ( 2009 ) also enjoy high popularity due to people 's love of the original TV episodes .

  21. 新图书馆运动的前世与今生

    The " Preexistence " and " This Life " of the New Library Movement

  22. 前世尘封今生情,今生情梦何时度?

    Past dusty love this life , this life when the degree of love dreams ?

  23. 轮回也是一种变化,如同你我的前世和今生。

    Actually rebirth is a sort of changing also just like the next life of you and me .

  24. 行运北交点经过本命海王星往往带来大量与前世活动及今生表现相关的心理或精神方面的经验。

    Transits of nodes over natal Neptune often bring about various psychic or spiritual experiences connected with the past-life activities and their manifestations in this life .