
  1. 国有企业反腐倡廉制度执行力的社会学研究

    A Sociological Study on the State-owned Enterprises ' Anti-corruption Execution Ability

  2. 浅谈企业制度执行力

    Executive Power of Enterprise System

  3. 这样,在前面分析和研究的基础上,笔者通过自己的思考,并结合探索,在论文最后部分,对如何提高安徽省公路系统制度执行力,提出一些对具体实践有指导意义的建议。

    Then in the last chapter , based on the theoretic study and realistic practice , the author provides detailed proposals on how to improve the execution efficiency in the highway system .

  4. 从政策学角度分析来看,政策本身内容不完善、政策资源投入不足、制度执行力不足等都是远程高等教育质量保障制度面临的主要问题。

    From the view of policy , the main problems faced by modern distance higher education are : parts of policy content is invalid , lack of policy resources investment , and lack of implement force of system .

  5. 因此,研究党的制度执行力,就必然涉及研究行为主体的行为动机和行为特征,就必然涉及研究如何使这一复杂系统有效地运行的问题。

    Therefore , it inevitably involves the motive and behavioral mode of subjects and involves research on how to make this complex system run effectively when it comes to the research on the executive power of the party system .

  6. 本文从我国财险公司偿付能力风险的内部管理视角出发,重点对其提高偿付能力监管制度执行力的课题进行研究,而不涉及偿付能力监管标准、机制等领域。

    From the perspective of internal risk management of P & C insurance companies in China , this paper focuses on the project of execution of the supervision system for enhancing their solvency instead of the supervision standard or mechanism for it .

  7. 即对我国财险公司偿付能力监管制度执行力的具体分析,这是本文的核心内容,包括三点:(一)我国财险公司偿付能力的优化负债管理分析。

    It makes a meticulous analysis about P C insurance companies ' Executive Ability of solvency supervision system , which is the key part of this paper . It consists of three sections : ( 1 ) optimizing debt control of P C insurance companies ' solvency in China .

  8. 因此,反腐倡廉制度执行力问题就成为了社会关注的热点,制度执行力是决定反腐倡廉制度效用的核心要素,要抓好反腐倡廉制度建设,就必须提高制度的执行力。

    Therefore , the execution of anti-corruption problem has become a hot social concern , the executive ability of the system is to determine the core elements of Anti-corruption System utility , to do a good job of anti-corruption institution building , we must improve the execution of the system .

  9. 第二部分,提出制度和执行力的概念。

    The second chapter leads to the concept of the system execution .

  10. 制度的执行力是实现制度目标的综合体现。

    The implementation of the system is the realization of the system target .

  11. 本文就如何提升企业制度的执行力做了以下分析,探讨!

    In this paper , how to enhance enterprise system , executive power to do the following analysis to explore !

  12. 企业必须重视决策成本,完善治理结构,强化内部制度的执行力等以确保资金安全。

    To ensure the safety of fund , a firm must emphasize on the cost of decision , improvement of control mechanism and the execution of internal institution .

  13. 最后,对全文的分析和研究结果进行总结性的陈述,并就如何提高我国的高校教育质量管理制度的执行力提出了本文的观点和提出了相应优化建议。

    Finally , the full text analysis and research results of presentations , and concludes that how to improve the quality of college education in China put forward the point of this article and policy Suggestions .

  14. 科学发展观的提出,为我们研究我国的高校教育质量管理制度创新与执行力提供了新的思路。

    Putting forward of scientific development concept for us to study the universities in China education quality management system innovation and execution provides new ideas .

  15. 第三部分,分析了企业的制度建设和执行力研究,在第四部分中,重点解剖了安徽省公路系统制度执行力存在问题,并分析问题产生的原因。

    The third chapter analyzes the construction and execution of the highway system . The fourth chapter highlights the problems in the execution and analyzes the deep reasons .

  16. 运营分析,进度跟进,成本监控,质量监控,人事配备,评定考核,制度健全和执行力,标准执行。

    Operations analysis , the progress of follow-up , cost control , quality control , personnel and equipment , evaluation of assessment and implementation of systems , and standards .

  17. 虽然有保护员工和环境的规章制度存在,但执行力太弱不足以约束中国人。

    Rules exist to protect employees and the environment , but institutions are too weak to enforce them .

  18. 同时,一个科学有效地薪酬体系的运行必须在一定的制度保障和良好执行力的护航之下,才能取得成功。

    At the same time , the operation of a scientific and effective reward system could succeed only under the escort of certain protection system and good execution .

  19. 文章在对我国职务犯罪的现状、危害进行分析的基础上,提出了全民性预防、系统性预防、重点预防、建立完善的预防制度、加强制度执行力等预防职务犯罪的措施。

    This essay proposes solutions to the prevention of the duty crime such as the whole people prevention , the system prevention , the key-point prevention , establishing the delicate prevention system , strengthening the implementation of the system and etc.

  20. 制度、机制和执行力是保险偿付能力监管的三个核心要素,其中执行力是关键。

    Also , this paper puts forward strategies , approaches and implementation methods for them to enhance their solvency . Institutions , mechanism and execution are the three key elements in supervising insurance solvency , and execution is the most important .

  21. 企业中存在的一些问题跟其它的跨国企业一样,存在文化差异的群体交流困难、决策冲突、组织结构复杂、企业规章制度多而没有执行力、员工行为不如期望。

    Enterprises in a number of problems with other multinational companies , as there are communication difficulties and cultural differences between groups , decision-making conflicts , complex organizational structure , policy and rules are many and there is no execution , employee behavior unexpected .

  22. 优化制度流程,抓好制度执行力,认真开展员工行为排查,加强员工动态管理。

    It should optimize the process of system , grasp the system execution , and carry out the employee behavior investigation to strengthen the dynamic management .

  23. 要加强反腐倡廉建设,健全制度很重要,提高制度执行力和约束力更为重要。

    We should strengthen the construction of combating corruption and building a clean government , perfect the system , and more important , promote executive power and restrictive power .

  24. 通过对企业在制度执行过程中存在的问题及现象进行分析,就如何提高企业制度执行力提出对策与建议。

    By the analysis of problem and behavior on processing enterprise executive power , recommend police and suggestion on how to promote the system executive power .

  25. 提出了加强制度管理,包括分析了健全制度的重要性和建立中小建筑企业制度核心内容,以及强调制度的执行力。

    Strengthening the system management is proposed including analyzing importance of the perfect system and the establishment the medium and small construction enterprise system , as well as the system is carried out .

  26. 加强银行内部防范,应当健全控制制度,提高电子化防范技术水平,完善与我国银行业状况相适应的风险预警制度,强化安保防范意识和措施、加强对防范制度的执行力。

    As to the internal prevention and control , we should sound the internal control system , promote the electronic control technology , perfect the risk early warning system , enhance the consciousness of safeguarding control and strengthen the execution force of the prevention and control system .