
  1. 联想集团副总裁刘杰对学生们的工作给予了高度评价,称(这些创意)实用性和原创性都令人惊叹不已。

    Liu Jie , vice-president of Lenovo , described the students ` work as " shockingly practical and original " .

  2. 此外,刘杰还认为,与单纯的促销相比,在这种实际产品推广竞赛中,学生们能学到更多东西。

    Liu thinks that this kind of real-product-based competition lets students learn more than just promoting a product by themselves .

  3. 昨天,顺利通过笔试的刘杰参加了面试。他将与其他46人一起竞争该职位。

    Liu was interviewed yesterday after he passed the written exam , with the chances for being selected at 46 to 1 .

  4. 对此,刘杰表示,做评委的意义重大,而威尼斯给了他荣誉他应该为威尼斯工作。

    Regarding this , Liu Jieindicated that , makes the appraisal committee watershed , but Venicegave him the honor he to be supposed to work for Venice .

  5. “那时并没有大学上”他的爸爸刘杰(音译)说,1980年从高中的刘杰(音译),是一个纺织呆板的员。他的儿子了整个家庭能进入中国顶尖年夜学的平息。

    " There just were not a lot of universities then ," said his father , Liu Jie , who graduated from high school in1980 and sells textile machinery .

  6. 即便如此,在拍而优则导的刘杰手中,片中人物以及老套的剧情竟呈现出令人耳目一新之感。在一个半小时的电影中,故事情节相当紧凑,充满欢笑和泪水。

    Even so , cinematographer-turned-director Liu Jie gives the characters and the cliched story a fresh feel on the screen , packing a tight hour-and-a-half full of laughter and tears .

  7. 刘杰是加拿大某大学环境保护专业的硕士毕业生。回国后,他报名参加了广东省中山市的村官招聘考试。除了他,还有两名海归也率先参加了此次考试。

    Liu Jie , who holds a master ` s degree in environmental protection from a Canadian university , is one of the first three overseas Chinese returnees to sign up for the latest recruitment exam of village officials in Zhongshan city , Guangdong province .