
  1. 试论《古诗十九首》的抒情方式及其美学风格&兼与刘跃进先生商榷

    Discussion on the Lyric Patterns and Aesthetic Styles in The 19 Ancient Poetries & And to Be Discussed Further with Mr. Liu Yuejin

  2. 刘跃进先生主编的《国家安全学》,是我国这方面研究的第一本填补空白的教材性专著。

    State Security edited by Liu Yue-jin is the first teaching material monograph , which fills in gaps in the research of this field in China .

  3. 新世纪以来,他从《手机》、《我叫刘跃进》到《一句顶一万句》的创作,从城市又回到了热恋的乡土世界,并取得了巨大的成功。

    The new century from the " mobile phone ", he the complex but reasonable story makes me admire to " a top ten thousand words of " creation , from the city and returned to the local world madly in love , and has been a huge success .