
  • 网络mitotic figures
  1. 结果:50个分裂象中有6个是四倍体核型:92,XXYY;余44个是正常核型:46,XY。

    Results : Among the 50 mitotic figures that were examined , 6 were tetraploid ones : 92 , XXYY , and others were normal diploid ones .

  2. 在细胞密集区,可见核分裂象3个/10HPF。

    In more hypercellular regions , there were a few mitotic figures ( < 3 / 10HPF ) .

  3. 各型RS/H细胞的PCNA高表达而核分裂象不多可能是RS/H细胞发生巨细胞化的原因。

    Higher expression of PCNA in RS / H cells may be the reason of their giant cell formation .

  4. 30只大白鼠用NSE免疫染色,有15只发现部分免疫反应阳性细胞有分裂象。

    Of the 30 rats stained for NSE , 15 were found to have NSE-positive cells containing mitotic figures ;

  5. 瘤体病理切片镜下观察:D组及E组肿瘤细胞密集排列,片状坏死区面积较小,细胞大小不一,形态各异,核大深染,可见核分裂象,核固缩较少。

    Tumor biopsy were shows : Group D and Group E tumor cells are densely packed , has small necrosis area , cell shapes sizes , and a large deeply stained , visible mitotic activity , nuclear condensation is less .

  6. p53蛋白阳性表达率与肿瘤大小、NIH分级、肿瘤部位、坏死、细胞密集程度、核分裂象和转移复发有关。

    The positive expression of p53 was related to tumor size , NIH grading , primary location of tumor , necrosis , cellularity of tumor cells , mitoses accounts , recurrences and metastases of tumor .

  7. 有丝分裂象显示:HPN+NA+DMSO培养72h时肝细胞为正常二级分裂,168h后仍保持相当的有丝分裂活性。

    After cell culture in the presence of HPN , NA , and DMSO for 72 h , the hepatocytes presented sustained regular bipolar mitosis , with considerable mitotic activity at 168 h.

  8. 结果:细胞有双核和分裂象。

    The double nucleus and division of the cell were found .

  9. 分裂象在淋巴结反应性增生鉴别中的意义

    Significance of Mitotic Figures in Differential Diagnosis of Reactive Lymphoid Hyperplasia

  10. 平均核分裂象0~1个/10HPF。

    The average mitotic figures were 0 1 / 10HPF .

  11. 上皮细胞与间质细胞异型不明显,未见核分裂象。

    Atypical mitotic figures were present in the epithelial and stromal cells .

  12. 有很少的分裂象,无异型性及纤维组织增生。

    There is minimal mitotic activity , no atypia and no desmoplasia .

  13. 富于核分裂象的胎盘血管源性肿瘤3例临床病理分析

    Placental vascular tumors with high mitosis figures : a clinicopathological study of 3 cases

  14. 右边分化较差,并且可见几个深染的病理性核分裂象。

    At the right , the tumor is less differentiated and several dark mitotic figures are seen .

  15. 镜下以肿瘤细胞较小、轻度异型性、核分裂象易见、胞质透明、富于血窦状血管为特点;

    Microscopically the glomus tumor was composed of small cells with clear cytoplasm surrounded numerous , branching vessels .

  16. 病理组织学检查术后第2天可见细胞核有丝分裂象,第4天偶见细胞核有丝分裂象,第4、7天可见双核细胞。

    Nuclear mitoses were seen on the postoperative day 2 by microscopy , while on the day 4 they were found occasionally .

  17. 镜检示致密的大淋巴细胞与多量成熟的小淋巴细胞、浆细胞以及分叶核白细胞混合存在,核分裂象活跃。

    Microscopical examination showed dense infiltration of large lymphocyte with mitosis activity , mixed with mature small lymphocyte , plasmacyte and multilobe nucleared leucocyte .

  18. 正如肉瘤的一般特点,平滑肌肉瘤中可见梭形细胞,仅一个高倍视野中就可见多个病理性核分裂象。

    As with sarcomas in general , leiomyosarcomas have spindle cells . Several mitoses are seen here , just in this one high power field .

  19. 组织病理表现类似于基底细胞腺瘤,但有较多核分裂象和浸润性生长的特点。

    And rather poor prognosis The histopathologic appearances were similar to those of basal cell adenoma , but with more mitotic figures and infiltrating growth .

  20. 骨转移性癌则以无多形性大核细胞(100%)、核仁明显(75%)、有核分裂象为主要特征。

    Pleomorphic giant nucleus ( 100 % ), obvious nucleoli ( 75 % ) and karyokinesis were the main elements in the smear of bone metastatic carcinoma .

  21. 结果:恶性者瘤细胞有轻至中度异型性,且见到分裂象,单纯性和复合性小管减少,伴有梁状或弥漫性颗粒细胞瘤样成分。

    Results The malignant one had mild or moderate cellulas atypia and mitosis , simple and combined tubules decreased with trabecular and diffuse granular cell tumor like pattern .

  22. 结论诊断结节性筋膜炎应紧密结合其快速生长的临床特点,抓住4个主要的组织学特征及常见正常核分裂象的特点。

    Conclusions It is important for us to make a diagnosis in combination of the clinical feature of rapid growth with four main histological changes as well as normal mitotic figure .

  23. 高倍镜下,瘤细胞由形态基本一致、淡嗜伊红染的梭形细胞和星状细胞组成,瘤细胞无明显的异型性,核分裂象罕见(<2个/50HPF)。

    On high magnification , they were composed of uniform pale eosinophilic spindle and stellate-shaped cells , with no evident atypia and rare mitotic figures ( < 2 / 50 HPF ) .

  24. 肿瘤细胞呈多边形或梭形,胞质轻度嗜酸,核卵圆形,呈空泡状,有清楚的小核仁,核异型性较轻,核分裂象1~2/10HPF。

    The tumor cells were polygonal to spindle in shape and contained lightly eosinophilic cytoplasm , oval nuclei and small distinct nucleoli . The nuclear atypia was mild to moderate and the mitotic count measured 1 to 2 per 10 high-power fields .

  25. 光镜下观察,肿瘤细胞呈弥漫状分布或片状分布,瘤细胞为圆形、多角形,胞质少,细胞核呈圆形或卵圆形,细胞异型性明显,核分裂象易见,细胞间可见较多小血管。

    In the light microscope , the tumor cells showed diffuse distribution or sheet distribution , tumor cells rounded , polygonal , less cytoplasm , nucleus round or oval , cellular atypia obvious , mitotic figures visible , then more small vessels were between them .

  26. 慢性精神分裂症临床象与社会功能缺陷

    Clinical Features and Disabilities of Chronic Schizophrenia

  27. 丙酸睾酮对小鼠精母细胞减数分裂前期Ⅰ分裂象影响

    Effect of testosterone propionate on spermatocyte meiosis in mice

  28. 目的探讨小鼠肌肉注射丙酸睾酮对小鼠精母细胞减数分裂前期Ⅰ分裂象的影响。

    Objective To determine the effect of testosterone propionate on spermatocyte meiosis in mice .

  29. 方法采用哺乳动物生殖细胞减数分裂制片技术,观察小鼠精母细胞减数分裂象的变化。

    Methods ( The effect of testosterone ) propionate on spermatocyte meiosis phase ⅰ was observed by slicing of mammal germ cells .