- Knife back;the back of a knife blade

[the back of a knife blade] 刀上没有刃的一边
You can 't cut with the back of the knife . right-angle traverse shaving
On the back of many survival knives are a saw meant for sawing through metal or wood .
They tore him from his hiding-place , and the combatants forced this frightened man to serve them , by administering blows with the flats of their swords .
Using the tip as a pivot , raise and lower the blade in a chopping motion , moving it from side to side to mince everything evenly .
While you 're waiting for it to warm up use a blunt knife , just the back of your average cutlery one will do , to scrap off as much excess wax as possible .
Therefore hold the upper edge of the scabbard firmly with your palm and fingers but making no finger is placed on the front edge ; thumb stretch out over the back edge then draw the weapon out slowly .
Random had forced the back off it with the back edge of the butter spreading knife , and all of the minute cogs and springs and levers were lying in a tiny cock-eyed mess where she 'd been fiddling with them .